Au niveau pratique, c’est l’alternance entre les modes création/modification et déplacement/zoom dans le simulateur qui est ennuyeuse, ainsi que l’ajout des points/broches intermédiaires qui se fait parfois à l’opposé de l’endroit souhaité. Il y a aussi le fait que les broches ne sont pas adaptées aux signaux d’horloge.
Dans les petits plus, mettre en couleur les composants pourrait être intéressant pour illustrer un groupe logique.
- New custom components should show up in library even with showonly
- Take undo snapshot after key events too
- Adder orientation
- More consistently set things dirty
- Fix alt-drag with several components, currently in updateSelfPositionIfNeeded, make UIManager handle duplication
- lorsque les pages s’affichent, il se peut que les icônes du haut soient affichées avec les textes, ce qui fait dépasser la fenêtre de Logic de la colonne. (
- Ce qui serait super, ce serait de pouvoir valider les résultats des élèves. Ce qui serait top top, ce serait d’avoir un bouton « valider », qui testerait toutes les combinaisons d’entrées et les comparerait avec les sorties attendues. Je pense que c’est quelque chose qui pourrait se faire surtout avec des options supplémentaires dans le JSON. Ce qui serait ultra top, ce serait que les tests se fassent « à l’écran », avec les entrées qui changent et les sorties qui sont en vert quand tout va bien et en rouge quand ça se passe mal. À la rigueur, ça peut s’arrêter à la première erreur ->
- High-Z bus logic
- Allow to swap RAM width/height (for Christophe Declercq)
- Add tootips to components, e.g., describe what happens on the next state transition, etc.
- Save/restore using browser's storage
- standalone
- no long term storage
- sessionstorage pour recharger la page et restaurer le contenu
- localstorage pour reproposer le contenu si rechargé plus tard, 1 seule entrée
- avec un bouton
- embedded
- with manually-defined id
- only with sessionstorage
- standalone
- Add rich HTML annotations
- Computation delay for components with inputs and outputs
- Disable/hide input of component (e.g., to make exercise to prevent alu from knowing how to do a subtraction)
- Implement Quine–McCluskey algorithm for function normalization
- X-ray mode
- Control bits for most "controlled" components can be put at the bottom
- Proper mouseover for bezier curves
- Fix drawing of gates with many inputs
- Waypoint positioning when embedded right-click
- Allow non-preset clock periods
- Allow editing custom component
- Copy-paste
- Add external component library by drag-and-drop from file
- Custom component creation
- Get key events also when multiple editors are on the same page
- Show keyboard shortcuts in context menus
- Hide tootips when mouse leaves web component boundaries
- Rework value propagation to make it instant if necessary and independent of drawing
- Finish implementation of SVG export
- Undo/redo as buttons
- Don't store Z in memory cells, but unknown instead
- Allow repeating deletions with Cmd+Y
- Highlight only nodes when dragging
- (Address) decoder: 2, 3, 4 bit versions
- Incrementable register
- Swap ROM for RAM and inversely
- Load/save RAM/ROM contents via file and editor
- Lock position
- Show selected RAM contents
- Draw n-x-1 mux/demux compactly
- Remove stale tooltips when deleting components
- Replace input with clock and conversely
- Make left buttons honor dark mode
- Generic shared drawing code
- Move width and height computation to component's def
- 8-bit counter
- Replace with component with different params (e.g. 4-bit to 8-bit)
- prevent clock "backlog" from running like crazy
- 8-bit adder, ALU, register, ROM, display
- 4-bit adder with carry in and out
- Add waypoint by dragging; add wire by alt-dragging from existing wire
- Correct register display when horizontal
- 8-bit register
- ShiftRegister
- Mux/Demux 16:8, 8:16
- Zoom
- Undo/redo
- 4-bit and 8-bit display without interpretation
- Separate V and Cout output for ALU
- 8-bit input, 8-bit RAM
- Add label, rectangle
- Demux
- Mux graphics
- Allow to force initial input to stabilize a circular circuit (e.g. SR latch)
- Allow dynamic component names
- Make input constant 0 or 1
- Allow wire coloring
- Handle rapid second click as a repeated click if doubleClick not handled
- Embed images with esbuild's dataurl/text loader; import CSS and HTML templates as well
- Switch to embeddable web components with single JS file
- Chainable 4-bit counter
- Option to have disconnected as high-Z
- 16 x 4 bit memory
- Editor-level options and UI to set options
- Can now color all wires and nodes as neutral
- Replace fillText with drawLabel
- Edge detector -- can now be done with XOR(A, NOT(NOT(A)))) with new propagation system
- Fix flipflop update issue, e.g. in shift register
- Multiplexers
- Use esbuild to create bundle
- Add 4-bit register
- Add 4-bit dip switch showing value
- Insert midpoints for wires to route them better
- Get rid of p5
- Add contextual menu to displays and adder
- Refactor component hierarachy, in-memory list and JSON repr
- Extract common stuff into Component superclass
- Align input and output nodes on grid
- Connect components with Shift key for overlapping nodes
- Make 'esc' cancel item placement (wire or component)
- Allow forcing output nodes to a predefined value
- Allow inputs to be undetermined ('?')
- Allow gates to be drawn in an undetermined shape
- Change cursor depending on possible interaction
- Validate JSON when loaded, define JSON types in a smart way
- Allow changing modes, add admin mode to force nodes in states
- Generate links or Markdown blocks with given diagram
- Optimize draw calls
- Support touch events
- Unify click-and-drag also from left buttons instead of click-and-move
- Name field for non-input components, done with component anchoring
- Lock component to some "parent" to move them more intuitively
- Draw wires from edge of component to the other edge when connected