This task is deprecated. Have a look at laxar-dist-css instead.
The css_merger
task merges CSS files.
Run this task with the grunt css_merger
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Type: String
Default value: .
The path to your project.
Type: String
Default value: laxar-path-themes
A path that RequireJS can resolve that points to your themes.
Type: String
Default value: laxar-path-layouts
A path that RequireJS can resolve that points to your layouts.
Type: String
Default value: laxar-path-widgets
A path that RequireJS can resolve that points to your widgets.
Type: String
Default value: var/static/css
The directory to write CSS files to.
Type: String
Default value: default.theme
The name of the default theme.
Type: String
Default value: require_config.js
The path to your RequireJS configuration file.
grunt.initConfig( {
css_merger: {
default: {}
} );