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File metadata and controls

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Obojobo is a Learning Module Management System

Quick Start with Docker

For local development, testing, and as a reference for the architecture setup, we have a Docker environment to get you up and running quickly.

The docker-compose setup will automatically set up the server containers, seed the database, and get everything up and running.

  1. Install Docker for Mac/Windows/Linux
  2. Install PHP Composer via
  3. Run composer install - if you have git permission issues, configure your github ssh keys
  4. Run docker-compose up
  5. After up finishes, Run docker-compose run --rm phpfpm php internal/update_password.php obojobo_admin to generate the obojobo_admin user's password


  • Unique domain or sub domain (
  • libjpeg
  • libpng
  • Nginx & PHPFPM (or Apache & mod_php)
  • MySQL 5.5 or 5.6 database
  • Memcached
  • PHP 5.6 (with the following extensions)
  • gd
  • mbstring
  • mycrypt
  • mysql
  • mysqlnd
  • opcache
  • pecl-memcache
  • xml
  • Install PHP Composer via

Production Install

PHP Setup

  1. Configure your php.ini settings. (typically located in /etc/php5/php.ini or nearby)
  • set date.timezone to America/New_York or whatever's appropriate
  • set session.save_handler to 'memcache'
  • set session.save_path to localhost:11211 (should be whatever your memcache server is running)


  1. Set a few php-fpm options (typically located in /etc/php-fpm.conf or /etc/php-fpm.d/*.conf)
  • user = nginx
  • group = nginx
  • security.limit_extensions to .php


We have a handful of url routing settings unique to Obojobo that need to be configured into the webserver.

  1. Set up your Nginx config, typically located in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf
  2. Use the rules set in internal/docker/nginx.conf as a reference. Note the docker example is setup so that obojobo is the only site.


  1. Enable modrewrite sudo a2enmod rewrite
  2. Use internal/docker/apache-vhost.conf to update your apache virtual hosts. Ve sure to adjust the domain matching and directories if needed
  3. sudo service apache2 restart

Create Databases

Keeping separate users for wordpress and obojobo tables helps to somewhat isolate data and permissions.

  1. Create 2 mysql users
  • obojobo_user
  • obojobo_wp_user
  1. Create 2 mysql databases
  • obojobo
  • obojobo_wordpress
  1. Give each user access to each database
  • GRANT ALL ON obojobo.* TO 'obojobo_user'@'%';
  • GRANT ALL ON obojobo_wordpress.* TO 'obojobo_wp_user'@'%';
  1. Create tables and fill sample data
  • mysql -uroot -p < internal/docker/01_obojobo_tables.sql
  • mysql -uroot -p < internal/docker/02_obojobo_sampledata.sql
  • mysql -uroot -p < internal/docker/04_wordpress_tables.sql
  • mysql -uroot -p < internal/docker/05_wordpress_data.sql
  1. Update wordpress tables to match your domain. The sample data uses http://localhost, use a tool like to change that to your own domain.

Set up Obojobo

  1. Git clone Obojobo git clone [email protected]:ucfcdl/Obojobo.git /var/www/obojobo
  2. Install composer libraries: In the /var/www/obojobo and run composer install or php composer.phar install
  3. Make sure the following directories are writable by the webserver user (usually nginx or www-user).
  • internal/logs
  • internal/media
  • internal/templates/compiled
  1. Copy /internal/config/cfgLocal.default.php to /internal/config/cfgLocal.php and customize


  1. Run through the options in cfgLocal.php for database connection info, paths, and hosts.


Wordpress Themes

Login Modules
