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253 lines (159 loc) · 8.84 KB

File metadata and controls

253 lines (159 loc) · 8.84 KB


  1. Clone

    git clone [email protected]:ORCID/registry_vagrant.git
  2. Make sure you have Vagrant 1.7.2 or later.

     vagrant -v
  3. CD and install pluggin

     cd registry_vagrant
     vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  4. Make sure your hosts file has dns entries for subdomains in /etc/hosts       localhost       api.localhost       members.localhost       pub.localhost

Running orcid_base

  1. Run vagrant orcid_base

     vagrant up orcid_base

Running tomcat

  1. Run vagrant tomcat

     vagrant up tomcat
  2. Set up tunnels (remember other servers on 8080 shouldn't be running)

  3. Open new command line cd to project

     cd ~/git/registry_vagrant
     vagrant ssh tomcat
     sudo su - orcid_tomcat
     /home/orcid_tomcat/bin/scripts/deployment/ all

Running Nginx Shibboleth

  1. Run vagrant nginx_shibboleth

      vagrant up nginx_shibboleth
  2. Set host name:

     (Linux and OSX)
      export HOST_NAME="localhost"
     set HOST_NAME="localhost"
  3. Throw in nifty ssh hack to get around protected ports. Add 80 and 443 port forwards and 8080, 7777, 8888, 9999 reverse forward.

  4. Fire up any other services, tomcat or drupal. You don't have to have all of them running, just the ones you want to access through nginx.

domain proxies to port/path description
localhost 8080/orcid-web or 8888/ or shib about server and registry
api.localhost 8080/orcid-api-web Registery API
members.localhost 9999/ members
pub.localhost 8080/orcid-pub-web Registry Pub API

Hint: For tomcat you need to modify your VM arguments to support https and new domain:


Running txgh


  1. Create a Transifex account
  2. Create a new Transifex project[account-name]/add/
  3. Install the Transifex command line client

##(New Transifex projects only) Create the .tx/config file

Transifex requires a per project configuration file to store the project's details and the file-to-resource mappings. This file is stored in .tx/config of your project's root directory. This file can either be created manually, or automatically using the Transifex client. To create .tx/config for a new project using the Transifex client:

  1. Clone the repository that contains the source language properties files

     git clone [repo]
  2. Change directories into the repo that you just cloned

     cd ~/git/repo-name
  3. Initialize the repo as a TXGH project, per

     tx init
  4. When Transifex instance []: is displayed, press Enter This creates an empty .tx/config file.

  5. Add each resource type to the .tx/config file, per

     tx set --auto-local -r txgh-test.api 'i18n/api_<lang>.properties' --source-lang en --type UNICODEPROPERTIES --source-file i18n/ --execute
     tx set --auto-local -r 'i18n/email_<lang>.properties' --source-lang en --type UNICODEPROPERTIES --source-file i18n/ --execute
     tx set --auto-local -r txgh-test.javascript 'i18n/javascript_<lang>.properties' --source-lang en --type UNICODEPROPERTIES --source-file i18n/ --execute
     tx set --auto-local -r txgh-test.messages 'i18n/messages_<lang>.properties' --source-lang en --type UNICODEPROPERTIES --source-file i18n/ --execute
  6. Verify that the resources have been added to .tx/config

     cat .tx/config
     host =
     file_filter = i18n/api_<lang>.properties
     source_file = i18n/
     source_lang = en
     file_filter = i18n/messages_<lang>.properties
     source_file = i18n/
     source_lang = en
     file_filter = i18n/email_<lang>.properties
     source_file = i18n/
     source_lang = en
     file_filter = i18n/javascript_<lang>.properties
     source_file = i18n/
     source_lang = en
  7. Commit and push the changes to Github

  8. Push the project files to Transifex

     tx push -s -t
  9. Edit the github_repo variable in puppet/manifests/txgh_default.pp to include the name of your repo.

     github_repo => 'ORCID/txgh_test',

##Create the txgh.yml configuration file

NOTE: Puppet will not run correctly without this file configured

  1. Copy puppet/modules/orcid_txgh/example-txgh.yml in the same directory and name it txgh.yml

     cp puppet/modules/orcid_txgh/files/example-txgh.yml puppet/modules/orcid_txgh/files/txgh.yml
  2. Edit txgh.yml to add the credential information for your Github repo and Transifex project

     vim puppet/modules/orcid_txgh/files/txgh.yml
                #full github repo name including username
                     #your github username
                     api_username: githubuser
                     #github personal api token - see
                     api_token: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
                     #get this from the project URL when logged into transifex web UI (project URL like:
                     push_source_to: transifex-project-id
                #transifex project id - same as push_source_to value above
                     #tx.config file location 
                     tx_config: "/home/orcid_txgh/txgh-master/config/tx.config"
                     #transifex username
                     api_username: transifexuser
                     #transifex password - same as web UI password
                     api_password: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
                     #full github repo name including username - same as repo name in repos section above
                     push_translations_to: githubuser/repo-name
                     #(optional)specifies which status should trigger push from transifex to github - translated or reviewed
                     push_trigger: reviewed 

##Start the TXGH server

  1. Run vagrant txgh

     vagrant up txgh
  2. SSH to txgh machine

     vagrant ssh txgh         
  3. Start ngrok to expose localhost webhook port publicly (for local dev only)

     ./ngrok http 9292

This will generate an ngrok URL, which will be used to configure Github and Transifex webhooks

    Forwarding -> localhost:9292
  1. Start the txgh server

     cd /home/orcid_txgh/txgh-master
     rackup -o

##Configure Github webhook

  1. Navigate to[repository]/settings/hooks

  2. Click Add Webhook

  3. Configure the webhook settings:

     * Payload URL:
     * Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
     * Secret: Leave blank
     * Which events: Just the push event
  4. Click the Active checkbox, then click Add Webhook

  5. Github will send a test to your webhook endpoint - this should return a 200 response

##Configure Transifex webhook

  1. Navigate to[projectslug]/settings

  2. In the Webhook URL field, enter
  3. Click Save Project

##Test Github/Transifex sync

  1. Ensure that both ngrok and txgh are running
  2. Make a change to your local git repo
  3. Commit and push your changes to the Github remote
  4. Verify webhook received and commit pushed to Transifex in TXGH console output
  5. Log into Transifex to verify that project resources were updated