diff --git a/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/UsefulScripts/DeDxStudy/MakePlot.C b/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/UsefulScripts/DeDxStudy/MakePlot.C index aaeb567e658a2..9cda12fc1eccf 100644 --- a/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/UsefulScripts/DeDxStudy/MakePlot.C +++ b/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/UsefulScripts/DeDxStudy/MakePlot.C @@ -135,27 +135,35 @@ void MakePlot() TritonLineLeft->SetLineColor(1); TritonLineLeft->SetLineWidth(2); - TFile* InputFile = new TFile("dEdxHistos_251252.root"); + TFile* InputFile = new TFile("dEdxHistosNew.root"); std::vector ObjName; - ObjName.push_back("harm2"); +// ObjName.push_back("harm2"); + ObjName.push_back("harm2_raw"); +// ObjName.push_back("trunc40"); +// ObjName.push_back("trunc40_raw"); +// ObjName.push_back("Ias"); for(unsigned int i=0;iSetTextFont(43); //give the font size in pixel (instead of fraction) - T->SetTextSize(21); //font size - T->SetBorderSize(0); - T->SetFillColor(0); - T->SetFillStyle(0); - T->SetTextAlign(22); - T->AddText("#bf{CMS} Preliminary - 2.74 pb^{-1} - #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV"); + TPaveText* T = new TPaveText(0.05, 0.995, 0.95, 0.945, "NDC"); + T->SetTextFont(43); //give the font size in pixel (instead of fraction) + T->SetTextSize(21); //font size + T->SetBorderSize(0); + T->SetFillColor(0); + T->SetFillStyle(0); + T->SetTextAlign(22); + T->AddText("#bf{CMS} Preliminary - 2.74 pb^{-1} - #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV"); std::cout << "TESTA\n"; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600,600); @@ -221,6 +229,45 @@ void MakePlot() SaveCanvas(c1, "pictures/", ObjName[i] + "_Profile"); delete c1; + c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600,600); + c1->SetLogz(true); + IasVsEta_Split->SetStats(kFALSE); + IasVsEta_Split->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); + IasVsEta_Split->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as}"); + IasVsEta_Split->SetAxisRange(-2.1,2.1,"X"); + IasVsEta_Split->Draw("COLZ"); + SaveCanvas(c1, "pictures/", ObjName[i] + "_IasVsEta_Split"); + delete c1; + + c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600,600); + c1->SetLogz(true); + IasVsEta_Unsplit->SetStats(kFALSE); + IasVsEta_Unsplit->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); + IasVsEta_Unsplit->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as}"); + IasVsEta_Unsplit->SetAxisRange(-2.1,2.1,"X"); + IasVsEta_Unsplit->Draw("COLZ"); + SaveCanvas(c1, "pictures/", ObjName[i] + "_IasVsEta_Unsplit"); + delete c1; + + c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600,600); + TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.50, 0.80, 0.80, 0.90); + leg->SetFillColor(0); + leg->SetFillStyle(0); + leg->SetBorderSize(0); + leg->AddEntry (IasVsEta_ProfileU, "Unsplit", "P"); + leg->AddEntry (IasVsEta_ProfileS, "Split per module", "P"); + IasVsEta_ProfileU->SetStats(kFALSE); + IasVsEta_ProfileS->SetMarkerStyle(23); + IasVsEta_ProfileS->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); + IasVsEta_ProfileU->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pseudo-rapidity, #eta"); + IasVsEta_ProfileU->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as}"); + IasVsEta_ProfileU->Draw(""); + IasVsEta_ProfileS->Draw("same"); + leg->Draw(); + SaveCanvas(c1, "pictures/", ObjName[i] + "_IasVsEta_Profile"); + delete leg; + delete c1; + c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600,600); c1->SetLogy(true); c1->SetGridx(true);