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MakeCode Package for the ina236 High-precision digital I²C monitoring module for current (48 V, 8 A, 16 bit)

This library provides a Microsoft Makecode package for the PCA9634 8-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver. See for more details.

Behaviour considered to be a pass

As long as the microcontroller or single board computer still finds the I2C addresses of the INA236 (0x40 is the I2C address, can be changed on the board). If the INA236 still returns accurate Current and Voltage readings.

Behaviour considered to be a fail

As soon as the I2C address can no longer be found or the Current and Voltage readings are no longer accurate.

Basic functionality

Set the mode of operation of the INA236

With the block Set the mode of operation to (...) you can change the mode of operation used for the measurements.

// Change the mode of operation.
// Choose between 8 different modes of operation
// 1. Shutdown
// 2. Shunt triggered, single shot
// 3. Bus triggered, single shot
// 4. Shunt and Bus triggered, single shot
// 5. Shutdown
// 6. Continuous Shunt voltage
// 7. Continuous Bus voltage
// 8. Continous Shunt and Bus voltage
// Default initialization with 'Continous Shunt and Bus voltage'

Set the conversion time for the Shunt measurement of the INA236

The block Set the conversion time for the Shunt measurement to (...) allows you to define Vshct of the INA236.

// Change Vshct of the INA236.
// Choose between 8 different conversion times for the shunt voltage measurment
// 1. 140us
// 2. 204us
// 3. 332us
// 4. 588us
// 5. 1100us
// 6. 2116us
// 7. 4156us
// 8. 8244us
// Default initialization with '1100us'

Set the conversion time for the Shunt measurement of the INA236

With the block Set the conversion time for the VBUS measurement to (...) you can define Vbusct of the INA236.

// Change Vbusct of the INA236.
// Choose between 8 different conversion times for the shunt voltage measurment
// 1. 140us
// 2. 204us
// 3. 332us
// 4. 588us
// 5. 1100us
// 6. 2116us
// 7. 4156us
// 8. 8244us
// Default initialization with '1100us'

Set the amount of ADC values to be averaged of the INA236

The block Set the amount of ADC values to be averaged to (...) allows to choose between 8 different values.

// Change Avg of the INA236.
// Choose between 8 different values to define the amount that is to be averaged
// 1. 1
// 2. 4
// 3. 16
// 4. 64
// 5. 128
// 6. 256
// 7. 512
// 8. 1024
// Default initialization with '1'

Set the range of the ADC of the INA236

The block Set the ADC range to (...) allows the selection between 2 different values.

// Change ADCRange of the INA236.
// Choose between 2 different values that are to be used for the internal calculations
// 1. ±81.92mV
// 2. ±20.48mV
// Default initialization with '±81.92mV'

Set the I2C Address of the INA236

The block Set the I2C Address to (...) allows the selection between 4 different values.

// Change Address of the INA236.
// Choose between 4 different values which define the I2C Adress that is to be used for the communication
// 1. GND_0x40
// 2. VS_0x41
// 3. SDA_0x42
// 4. SCL_0x43
// Default initialization with 'GND_0x40'

Initialize the INA236

The block Initialize the INA236 (...) allows to set up the INA236 either with default values or with user defined values.

// Initialize the INA236.
// Initialize the INA236 with either predefined values from the library or with the user defined values

Reset the INA236

The block Reset the INA236 at address (...) enables the INA236 to be reset independently of the initialization status and exclusively on the basis of the address used.

// Change Address of the INA236 to reset the INA236.
// Choose between 4 different values which define the I2C Adress that is to be used for the communication
// 1. GND_0x40
// 2. VS_0x41
// 3. SDA_0x42
// 4. SCL_0x43
// Default initialization with 'GND_0x40'

Calibrate the INA236

The block Calibrate the INA236 calibrates the INA236 to obtain accurate measured values about the shunt resistance.

// Calibrate the INA236 for the correct Shunt measurement.

Read current measurment

The block INA236.read_current enables the current at the shunt resistor to be read.

// Read the current current at the shunt resistor.
serial.writeLine("" + (INA236.read_current()))

Read power measurment

The block INA236.read_power enables the power to be read out at the shunt resistor.

// Read the current power at the shunt resistor.
serial.writeLine("" + (INA236.read_power()))

Read shunt voltage measurment

The block INA236.read_shunt_voltage enables the reading of the voltage at the shunt resistor.

// Read the current voltage at the shunt resistor.
serial.writeLine("" + (INA236.read_shunt_voltage()))

Read bus voltage measurment

The block INA236.read_bus_voltage enables the bus voltage to be read at the screw terminals.

// Read the current bus voltage at the screw terminals.
serial.writeLine("" + (INA236.read_bus_voltage()))

Configure the alert register

The block Set the alert register to (...) allows to choose between 10 different options in the alert register.

// Choose a option in the alert register of the INA236.
// Choose between 10 different options to define the part of the register that is to be used
// 1. SOL (Shunt Over-limit)
// 2. SUL (Shunt Under-limit)
// 3. BOL (Bus Over-limit)
// 4. BUL (Bus Under-limit)
// 5. POL (Power Over-limit)
// 6. CNVR (Conversion Ready)
// 7. MemError
// 8. AFF (Alert Function Flag)
// 9. CVRF (Conversion Ready Flag)
// 10. OVF (Math Over-flow)
// Default initialization with '1'

Write to the alert register

The Write (...) into the alert register block enables writing to the alert register of the INA236.

// Write to the alert register of the INA236.
// Depending on the register that is choosen in the 'mask_enable' block values can be writen into the register using this block.
// It is important to note how large the values may be and in what format they must be written.
// All values must be given as hex numbers or as two's complement hex numbers like the 'SOL (Shunt Over-limit)' option of the 'mask_enable' block.
// All other options of the block 'mask_enable' take normal hex numbers, but the numbers must be calculated as in the library or
// as in the datasheet otherwise the alert register cannot work properly with them.
// Default initialization with '0x294'

Read from the alert register

The Read from the alert register block enables reading from the alert register of the INA236.

// Read from the alert register of the INA236.

Read the manufacturer ID

The Read the Manufacturer ID block enables the manufacturer ID of the INA236 to be read out.

// Read from the manufacturer ID register of the INA236.

Read the device ID

The Read the Device ID block enables the device ID of the INA236 to be read.

// Read from the device ID register of the INA236.

Supported targets

  • for PXT/microbit
