copyright | lastupdated | ||
2018-05-23 |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre}
tba Once you have provisioned the IBM Blockchain Document Store service, you will register your IBM Blockchain network, solution and applications with IBM Blockchain Solution Manager. You can also use this process to modify a registered network, solution or application.
Authority/Role: Member Organization Network Administrator{:new_window} and Solution Administrator{:new_window}
An authenticated Service Administrator for each member organization must register their organization's instance of the Blockchain Document Store service with an IBM Blockchain network, as follows:
Attention: The service-onboarding-basepath is unique per organization; see your blockchain network service provider.
- Copy your Blockchain Document Store Onboarding Token from service-onboarding-basepath/onboarding/v1/logins.
- Using the Blockchain Solution Manager API
{:new_window}, open a PUT request to the /onboarding/v1/networks endpoint, and paste your Onboarding Token from Step 1 into the Authorization Header.
- Return to your service-onboarding-basepath and copy your network configuration JSON from the Blockchain Credentials tab.
- Return to the Blockchain Solution Manager API
{:new_window}, and paste your network configuration JSON, as shown in IBM Blockchain network configuration - JSON example, into the Body of your PUT /onboarding/v1/networks call.
An authenticated Solution Administrator for each member organization must register their organization's instance of the Blockchain Document Store service with the network applications, as follows:
Attention: The service-onboarding-basepath is unique per organization; see your blockchain network service provider.
- Copy your Blockchain Document Store Onboarding Token from service-onboarding-basepath/onboarding/v1/logins.
- Using the Blockchain Solution Manager API
{:new_window}, open a PATCH request to the /onboarding/v1/solutions endpoint, and paste your Onboarding Token from Step 1 into the Authorization Header.
An authenticated Network Administrator for each member organization (or an IBM Blockchain Network Service Provider) must register their organization's instance of the Blockchain Document Store service with any IBM Blockchain applications that the service will interact with, as follows:
- Copy your Blockchain Document Store Onboarding Token from https://service-onboarding-basepath/onboarding/v1/logins. Note: The service-onboarding-basepath is unique per organization; see your blockchain network service provider.
- Using the Blockchain Solution Manager API
{:new_window}, open a PUT request to the /onboarding/v1/apps endpoint, and paste your JSON Web Token into the Authorization Header.
- Create your application service JSON, and paste it into the Body of a PATCH /onboarding/v1/apps call. For example:
{ "applications": [ { "appId": "string", "appName": "string", "roles": [ "SM_SOLUTION_READER" ], "services": [ { "serviceId": "string", "isBlockchainClient": true } ] } ]
} ```
You can query an application to check the application definitions. To return a list of all defined applications, leave the appId parameter blank. For an application to be searchable, it must include the SM_SOLUTION_READER role definition:
- From the Blockchain Solution Manager API
{:new_window}, open a GET request to the /onboarding/v1/apps/{appId} endpoint, and paste your Onboarding Token into the Authorization Header.
- Paste the application appId into the Body of the GET request, for example:
"ok": true, "statusCode": 0, "response": { "appId": "string", "appName": "string", "roles": [ "SM_SOLUTION_READER" ], "services": [ { "serviceId": "string", "isBlockchainClient": true } ] } } ```
Proceed to Manage users.