- Check if the song starts with the delimiter to avoid updating with ads. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Feat: print out the error when slack gives us an error… [Jose Diaz- Gonzalez]
- Chore: use single quotes everywhere. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Feat: send song through asciidammit. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Refactor: use print_function from __futures__ [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
Do not try to start the player if it is not running. [Jose Diaz- Gonzalez]
Telling an application to do something will cause that application to start
- Add try/except cases to catch bad AppleScript responses. [Ben Kreeger]
- Docs: fix the pypi description. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Refactor: move logic into updater.py. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Feat: add support for notifying multiple slack teams. [Jose Diaz- Gonzalez]
- Feat: add support for iTunes music player. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Ignore temp README file. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Use rawgit url to fix pypi image. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Initial commit. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]