scaffold for the masses
local and global install will work, local will be useful if you want to combine it with NPM scripts, global to be used everywhere To install globally
$ npm i -g lz-cli
this will make the lz
command available
to install locally:
$ npm i lz-cli -D
and modify your package.json to use it
"scripts": {
"new:foo": "lz generate foo"
create a file named lz.config.js
in the project root directory
module.exports: {
foo: {
template: 'foo/bar',
prompt: { ... },
inserts: [ {}, ...],
$ npm run new:foo
$ lz --help
Usage: lz [options] [command]
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
github <user/repo> Generate scaffold from github user/repo
gh <user/repo> (alias) like github but shorter
folder <path> Generate scaffold from folder path
f <path> (alias) like folder but shorter
generate <key> Generate scaffold from config file key
g <key> (alias) like config but shorter
module.exports = {
scaffold: {
template: 'scaffold',
prompt: [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: 'Scaffold Name?',
default: 'user'
inserts: [
path: 'routes/index.js',
pattern: 'register:new:routes',
echo: 'router.use(\'/\', <%= name %>Routes)'
path: 'routes/index.js',
pattern: 'import:new:routes',
echo: 'const <%= name %>Routes = require(\'./<%= name %>\')'
lz allows you 3 different types of scaffold
lz github user/repo
will grab the repo and replicate the structure from the template folder and will use the config from the root.
lz folder ../foo/bar
replicates the folder structure replacing variables
- Simple webpack app (it will probably grow to include babel/sass/html)
- ExpressJS using this as
Will not only give you the bare-bones for an express app but it also contains template creator to scaffold controllers, routes and models once the app is created
lz gh alecsgone/lz-express