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index beac9de3..7e0e9f67 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ Don't use colons (:) in titles.
Don't use `
` to force a new line (eg in table text); use `
` instead.
+Don't use subdirectory names which match somewhat the parent directory name. For example, avoid `./install-update/install/`, as this can cause docusaurus to report broken links.
### Docusaurus Additions
You won't see the effect of these when you preview the Markdown text, but you will see them by previewing the Pull Request.
diff --git a/docs/building-extensions/install-update/install/_assets/changelog-manage.jpg b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/_assets/changelog-manage.jpg
similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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--- a/docs/building-extensions/install-update/install/change-log.md
+++ b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/change-log.md
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
-sidebar_position: 3
-title: Changelogs
-Extension developers can leverage the ability of Joomla to read a changelog file and give a visual representation of the changelog. If a given version is not found in the changelog, the changelog button will not be shown.
-The changes in a release are presented in this manner:
-![Changelog display](./_assets/changelog.jpg)
-## Displaying the Changelog
-Changelogs can be displayed in 2 places within the Joomla administrator back-end.
-1. Manage Extensions
-![Manage Extensions display](./_assets/changelog-manage.jpg)
-You can click on the version number to display the changelog.
-To enable this you must specify in the extension installation manifest file where Joomla should look to find the changelog details, for example:
-Please note: The URL in the changelogurl tag must not have any spaces or line breaks before or after it.
-2. Update Extensions
-![Update Extensions display](./_assets/changelog-update.jpg)
-To enable this you must specify in the extension[ update server](../update-server.md) file where Joomla should look to find the changelog details, for example:
-:::note[Joomla Issue]
- This feature does not currently work; see [Joomla issue 43505](https://issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/43505).
-## The Changelog File
-An example of a changelog file is below:
- com_lists
- component
- 4.0.0
- - Item A
- - Item b
- - Item A
- - Item b
- - Item A
- - Item b
- - Item A
- - Item b
- - Item A
- - Item b
- - Item A
- - Item b
- - Item A
- - Item b
- com_lists
- component
- 0.0.2
- - Big issue
-You may specify multiple `` elements within the `` element, one for each version of the extension.
-Each `` element must have the following 3 nodes:
-- element
-- type
-- version
-This information is used to identify the correct changelog for a given extension, for example:
-The changelog contains one or more change types. The following change types are supported:
-- security: Any security issues that have been fixed
-- fix: Any bugs that have been fixed
-- language: This is for language changes
-- addition: Any new features added
-- change: Any changes
-- remove: Any features removed
-- note: Any extra information to inform the user
-Each node can be repeated as many times as needed.
-The format of the text can be plain text or HTML but in case of HTML, it must be enclosed in CDATA tags as in:
- - You MUST replace this file]]>
+sidebar_position: 3
+title: Changelogs
+Extension developers can leverage the ability of Joomla to read a changelog file and give a visual representation of the changelog. If a given version is not found in the changelog, the changelog button will not be shown.
+The changes in a release are presented in this manner:
+![Changelog display](./_assets/changelog.jpg)
+## Displaying the Changelog
+Changelogs can be displayed in 2 places within the Joomla administrator back-end.
+1. Manage Extensions
+![Manage Extensions display](./_assets/changelog-manage.jpg)
+You can click on the version number to display the changelog.
+To enable this you must specify in the extension installation manifest file where Joomla should look to find the changelog details, for example:
+Please note: The URL in the changelogurl tag must not have any spaces or line breaks before or after it.
+2. Update Extensions
+![Update Extensions display](./_assets/changelog-update.jpg)
+To enable this you must specify in the extension[ update server](../update-server.md) file where Joomla should look to find the changelog details, for example:
+:::note[Joomla Issue]
+ This feature does not currently work; see [Joomla issue 43505](https://issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/43505).
+## The Changelog File
+An example of a changelog file is below:
+ com_lists
+ component
+ 4.0.0
+ - Item A
+ - Item b
+ - Item A
+ - Item b
+ - Item A
+ - Item b
+ - Item A
+ - Item b
+ - Item A
+ - Item b
+ - Item A
+ - Item b
+ - Item A
+ - Item b
+ com_lists
+ component
+ 0.0.2
+ - Big issue
+You may specify multiple `` elements within the `` element, one for each version of the extension.
+Each `` element must have the following 3 nodes:
+- element
+- type
+- version
+This information is used to identify the correct changelog for a given extension, for example:
+The changelog contains one or more change types. The following change types are supported:
+- security: Any security issues that have been fixed
+- fix: Any bugs that have been fixed
+- language: This is for language changes
+- addition: Any new features added
+- change: Any changes
+- remove: Any features removed
+- note: Any extra information to inform the user
+Each node can be repeated as many times as needed.
+The format of the text can be plain text or HTML but in case of HTML, it must be enclosed in CDATA tags as in:
+ - You MUST replace this file]]>
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/index.md b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/index.md
similarity index 96%
rename from versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/index.md
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--- a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/index.md
+++ b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/index.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-sidebar_position: 1
-title: Installing Extensions
-This section covers:
-- how to install extensions - by means of a Manifest File
-- the overall installation process, and how you can write a Script File to interact with it
-- the ChangeLog File
-- packages
+sidebar_position: 1
+title: Installing Extensions
+This section covers:
+- how to install extensions - by means of a Manifest File
+- the overall installation process, and how you can write a Script File to interact with it
+- the ChangeLog File
+- packages
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/install-process.md b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/install-process.md
similarity index 97%
rename from versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/install-process.md
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--- a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/install-process.md
+++ b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/install-process.md
@@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
-sidebar_position: 2
-title: Install Process and Script Files
-Install Process and Script Files
-This section provides an overview of the extension install process, and how you can write a Script File to interact with it.
-An installation script file is a class with 5 functions:
-- preflight - called at the start of the install process
-- install, update, uninstall - called part way through the process:
- - install is called when the operation is an initial install of an extension
- - update is called when the operation is an install of an existing extensions
- - uninstall is called when the operation is a removal of an extension
-- postflight - called at the end of the install process
-You can also interact with the process by writing installation plugins which listen for the events described below.
-## Installation Process
-There are various methods for installing an extension in Joomla, and various types of extension, but ultimately, the installation process follows a similar pattern for all.
-When you go to install extensions and select a zip file of an extension to install then this is an overview of what happens:
-(If you want to step through this process in a debugger then set a break at administrator/components/com_installer/src/Model/InstallModel.php::install)
-- imports the "installer" type plugins, and triggers the 'onInstallerBeforeInstallation' event
-- the zip file is stored in the Joomla /tmp folder, and then unzipped into a subfolder of /tmp
-- triggers the 'onInstallerBeforeInstaller' event
-- triggers the 'onExtensionBeforeInstall' event
-- loads the .sys.ini language file from the new install files (or failing that, from the existing extension directory)
-- reads basic information about the extension from the manifest file, for example, the type of the extension
-- performs a `require_once` of the installer script file
-- calls the script file `preflight` function
-- copies the extension files from the /tmp folder to their place within the Joomla instance - for example, when installing a site module mod_example, the code would be copied to /modules/mod_example
-- writes / updates the extension record in the database (ie this extension's record in the `#__extensions` table)
-- performs any functionality specific to that extension type. For example, for new installs of modules it creates a record in the `#__modules` table
-- applies any database changes required by this install.
-- calls the script file `install` / `update` / `uninstall` function
-- tidy-up:
- - If there's a record in the `#__updates` table saying that there's a new version available for this extension then it deletes it.
- - It copies the manifest file into the target extension directory (for components this will be the component directory under /administrator)
-- calls the script file `postflight` function
-- triggers the 'onExtensionAfterInstall' event
-- triggers the 'onInstallerAfterInstaller' event
-- performs some further tidy-up, eg deleting the temporary installation files
-## Example Script File
-The easiest way to write a script file is to use the \Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerScriptInterface definition in libraries/src/Installer/InstallerScriptInterface.php.
-You simply have to return an instance of a class which implements the 5 installer functions.
-You can either
-1. Return an anonymous Script File class which implements InstallerScriptInterface, or
-2. Return an anonymous service provider class which puts the Script File class into the Dependency Injection Container using a key InstallerScriptInterface::class. Joomla will then `get` that Script File class from the DIC.
-The example below uses the second approach.
-For an example of the first approach see the [Module Tutorial Step 6](../../modules/module-development-tutorial/step6-script-file.md).
- InstallerScriptInterface::class,
- new class (
- $container->get(AdministratorApplication::class),
- $container->get(DatabaseInterface::class)
- ) implements InstallerScriptInterface {
- private AdministratorApplication $app;
- private DatabaseInterface $db;
- public function __construct(AdministratorApplication $app, DatabaseInterface $db)
- {
- $this->app = $app;
- $this->db = $db;
- }
- public function install(InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
- {
- $this->app->enqueueMessage('Successful installed.');
- return true;
- }
- public function update(InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
- {
- $this->app->enqueueMessage('Successful updated.');
- return true;
- }
- public function uninstall(InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
- {
- $this->app->enqueueMessage('Successful uninstalled.');
- return true;
- }
- public function preflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
- {
- return true;
- }
- public function postflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
- {
- $this->deleteUnexistingFiles();
- return true;
- }
- private function deleteUnexistingFiles()
- {
- $files = []; // overwrite this line with your files to delete
- if (empty($files)) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- try {
- File::delete(JPATH_ROOT . $file);
- } catch (\FilesystemException $e) {
- echo Text::sprintf('FILES_JOOMLA_ERROR_FILE_FOLDER', $file) . '
- }
- }
- }
- }
- );
- }
+sidebar_position: 2
+title: Install Process and Script Files
+Install Process and Script Files
+This section provides an overview of the extension install process, and how you can write a Script File to interact with it.
+An installation script file is a class with 5 functions:
+- preflight - called at the start of the install process
+- install, update, uninstall - called part way through the process:
+ - install is called when the operation is an initial install of an extension
+ - update is called when the operation is an install of an existing extensions
+ - uninstall is called when the operation is a removal of an extension
+- postflight - called at the end of the install process
+You can also interact with the process by writing installation plugins which listen for the events described below.
+## Installation Process
+There are various methods for installing an extension in Joomla, and various types of extension, but ultimately, the installation process follows a similar pattern for all.
+When you go to install extensions and select a zip file of an extension to install then this is an overview of what happens:
+(If you want to step through this process in a debugger then set a break at administrator/components/com_installer/src/Model/InstallModel.php::install)
+- imports the "installer" type plugins, and triggers the 'onInstallerBeforeInstallation' event
+- the zip file is stored in the Joomla /tmp folder, and then unzipped into a subfolder of /tmp
+- triggers the 'onInstallerBeforeInstaller' event
+- triggers the 'onExtensionBeforeInstall' event
+- loads the .sys.ini language file from the new install files (or failing that, from the existing extension directory)
+- reads basic information about the extension from the manifest file, for example, the type of the extension
+- performs a `require_once` of the installer script file
+- calls the script file `preflight` function
+- copies the extension files from the /tmp folder to their place within the Joomla instance - for example, when installing a site module mod_example, the code would be copied to /modules/mod_example
+- writes / updates the extension record in the database (ie this extension's record in the `#__extensions` table)
+- performs any functionality specific to that extension type. For example, for new installs of modules it creates a record in the `#__modules` table
+- applies any database changes required by this install.
+- calls the script file `install` / `update` / `uninstall` function
+- tidy-up:
+ - If there's a record in the `#__updates` table saying that there's a new version available for this extension then it deletes it.
+ - It copies the manifest file into the target extension directory (for components this will be the component directory under /administrator)
+- calls the script file `postflight` function
+- triggers the 'onExtensionAfterInstall' event
+- triggers the 'onInstallerAfterInstaller' event
+- performs some further tidy-up, eg deleting the temporary installation files
+## Example Script File
+The easiest way to write a script file is to use the \Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerScriptInterface definition in libraries/src/Installer/InstallerScriptInterface.php.
+You simply have to return an instance of a class which implements the 5 installer functions.
+You can either
+1. Return an anonymous Script File class which implements InstallerScriptInterface, or
+2. Return an anonymous service provider class which puts the Script File class into the Dependency Injection Container using a key InstallerScriptInterface::class. Joomla will then `get` that Script File class from the DIC.
+The example below uses the second approach.
+For an example of the first approach see the [Module Tutorial Step 6](../../modules/module-development-tutorial/step6-script-file.md).
+ InstallerScriptInterface::class,
+ new class (
+ $container->get(AdministratorApplication::class),
+ $container->get(DatabaseInterface::class)
+ ) implements InstallerScriptInterface {
+ private AdministratorApplication $app;
+ private DatabaseInterface $db;
+ public function __construct(AdministratorApplication $app, DatabaseInterface $db)
+ {
+ $this->app = $app;
+ $this->db = $db;
+ }
+ public function install(InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
+ {
+ $this->app->enqueueMessage('Successful installed.');
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function update(InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
+ {
+ $this->app->enqueueMessage('Successful updated.');
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function uninstall(InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
+ {
+ $this->app->enqueueMessage('Successful uninstalled.');
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function preflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function postflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $parent): bool
+ {
+ $this->deleteUnexistingFiles();
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function deleteUnexistingFiles()
+ {
+ $files = []; // overwrite this line with your files to delete
+ if (empty($files)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ try {
+ File::delete(JPATH_ROOT . $file);
+ } catch (\FilesystemException $e) {
+ echo Text::sprintf('FILES_JOOMLA_ERROR_FILE_FOLDER', $file) . '
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/manifest.md b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/manifest.md
similarity index 97%
rename from versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/manifest.md
rename to docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/manifest.md
index b5dc433b..5f52ce51 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-4.4/building-extensions/install-update/install/manifest.md
+++ b/docs/building-extensions/install-update/installation/manifest.md
@@ -1,512 +1,512 @@
-sidebar_position: 1
-title: Manifest Files
-Manifest Files
-You install Joomla extensions by means of a manifest XML file, and there are many Joomla examples which you can use as a basis for your own extension:
-- components - in administrator/components, eg administrator/components/com_contact/contact.xml
-- modules - in modules or administrator/modules, eg modules/mod_breadcrumbs/mod_breadcrumbs.xml
-- plugins - in plugins, eg plugins/system/remember/remember.xml
-- templates - in templates or administrator/templates, eg administrator/templates/atum/templateDetails.xml
-- languages - in language or administrator/language, eg language/en-GB/install.xml
-This section covers the detailed definition of the XML in a Manifest File.
-## File Naming Convention
-It is important that you name your manifest file correctly. Otherwise you may find that your extension installs, but that your extension's namespace isn't built correctly, and your extension doesn't run.
-Here are the naming rules for the different extension types (as listed in [Building Extensions](../../../building-extensions/index.md)):
-**Components**: for a component called com_example you can use either com_example.xml or example.xml.
-**Modules**: for a module mod_example use mod_example.xml. This must match the module name given in your manifest `` section
- services
- ...
-or if you don't yet use a services/provider.php file:
- mod_example.php
- ...
-**Plugins**: for a plugin plg_example use example.xml. This must match the plugin name given in your manifest `` section
- services
- ...
-or if you don't yet use a services/provider.php file:
- example.php
- ...
-**Templates**: your manifest file must be named templateDetails.xml
-**Language**: use install.xml
-**File**, **Library**, **Package**: you can use any name, but libraries are usually named lib_example.xml and packages pkg_example.xml.
-For components, modules and plugins the manifest file must match the 'element' field of your extension's record in the `#__extensions` table (except that for components the "com_" prefix may be omitted).
-The 'element' is the internal name within Joomla of the extension.
-In priority order the 'element' database field is set
-- from the `` in the manifest file, or
-- from the "module=" or "plugin=" attribute in the ``, or
-- from the `` (after the text is cleaned).
-## Root Element
-The primary tag of the installation file is
-This starting and closing tag is the same for all extensions. The following attributes are allowed within the tag:
-| Attribute | Values | Applicable To | Description |
-| --------------------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | component
template | All extensions | |
-| method | install
upgrade | All extensions | The install value (default) means the installer will gracefully stop if it finds any existing file/folder of the new extension
The upgrade value allows you to install an upgraded version on top of the existing version |
-| client | site
administrator | Modules | Defines whether the module is a front-end site module or back-end administrator module |
-| group | *string* | Plugins | The group name specifies for which group of plugins the new plugin is available.
The existing groups are the folder names within the directory /plugins.
The installer will create new folder names for group names that do not exist yet. |
-## Metadata
-The following elements can be used to insert metadata. Although not strictly required, you should define at least the ``, ``, `` and `` tags, all of which are used on the default administrator Manage Extensions form.
- – extension name (e.g. com_banners).
- – author's name (e.g. Joomla! Project)
- – date of creation or release (e.g. April 2006)
- – a copyright statement (e.g. (C) 2020 - 2030 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.)
- – a license statement (e.g. GNU General Public License version 3 or later; see LICENSE.txt)
- – author's email address (e.g. admin@joomla.org)
- – URL to the author's website (e.g. www.joomla.org)
- – the version number of the extension (e.g. 1.6.0)
- – the description of the component (may be shown as a tooltip on the admin Manage Extensions page)
- – the internal name of the component. If omitted, name will be cleaned and used
-The `` and `` fields are translatable. If you use language strings for these elements then they should be defined in your language .sys.ini file AND your .ini file.
-## Front-end Files
- example.php
- examples
-This is used to copy files from your development "from-folder" into the front-end directory of your installed extension.
-You can either identify files individually using `` or copy a complete directory using ``.
-For plugins and modules you should identify the entry point of your code.
-If you are using dependency injection within your module or plugin and have a services/provider.php file then use
- services
- services
-Here "mod_example" / "example" is the internal name (aka 'element') of your module / plugin.
-If you are not using a services/provider.php file then point to the specific filename:
- mod_example.php
- example.php
-## Media Files
-This categories covers:
-- your javascript files
-- your css files
-- any images which are inheritently part of your extension (ie not something an administrator should be able to change).
-(For an example of these sorts of images, consider the flag symbols in media/mod_languages/images/ which are used by the language switcher.)
-In your development area you should store these in separate folders: js/, css/, images/ then use
- js
- css
- images
-The installer will move these folders into media/com_example/js, media/com_example/css and media/com_example/images, creating the com_example folder if required.
-This media folder is used for both the site front-end and the administrator back-end.
-## Administration section
-The administration section is defined in the `` element. Since only components apply to both the site and the administrator, only component manifests can include this element.
-### Administrator Back-end Files
-Files to copy below the administrator directory should be placed in the `` element under the `` and can be used to copy individual files or complete folders, as described above for front-end files.
-### Administrator Menu Links and Submenus
-This maps to menu and submenu links for your component in the administrator sidebar menu (under Components).
-Each `