For our data parallelism, we will use Repa
, which has built on concepts
from Data Parallel Haskell, which itself was inspired by NESL from Blelloch.
There are other choices within Haskell itself, such as accelerate
, and
I chose Repa
due to having an easier time understanding its documentation.
So, there isn't a preference over accelerate
other than I was able to figure
out Repa
faster personally.
One of the significant differences between the Fortran version and this is, that the Haskell (and the Thrust version as well) is shared-memory only, i.e., will only work on a multi-core computer, rather than a cluster or supercomputer -- but it is still parallel computation.
In particular, this means that we don't have to worry about partitioning the data to multiple "nodes" (computers), or "ghost" cells like in Fortran, because all processes have access to all data elements in the domain. One notable thing is that supercomputing has an alternative to MPI, which is called PGAS, Parallel Global Address Space. This allows memory and programming to be under a unified address space, hiding some of the complexity of explicit message passing like MPI does. Though, still requires coordination and optimization like NUMA (non-uniform memory addressing) does.
This version still has, like the Fortran:
- differs from Fortran in that the data is automatically segmented per processupdate_step
- same as Fortran, maps a functor over all datastencil
- more or less the same as Fortran, the functor
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.Array.Repa as R hiding ((++), map, zip)
import System.Random (randomR, mkStdGen)
In Repa
, we will be using multidimensional arrays, in this case a
2D array of i, j, dimensions of (Z :. x :. y)
, to temperature value. We
initialize the temperature to 0.0.
x = 202 :: Int
y = 202 :: Int
is = [0..x-1]
js = [0..y-1]
grid = [ (i, j) | i <- is, j <- js ] -- this is for output later
initialize_grid = fromListUnboxed (Z :. x :. y) $ -- create 0s over the grid
map (\_ -> 0 :: Double) grid
In this version, we calculate a list of (i, j) that we want to add random heat to. Except we have access to all of the data, and it is done in serial. So that the random i, j are generated over the entire global range of x and y, rather than one per process.
add_random_heat_gen 1 rx ry g = -- base case of 1
let (x, g') = randomR rx g
(y, g'') = randomR ry g' in ([(x, y)], g'')
add_random_heat_gen n rx ry g = -- recursive case
let (xy, g') = add_random_heat_gen (n-1) rx ry g in go xy g'
go xy g_n =
let ([e], g_n') = add_random_heat_gen 1 rx ry g_n in
if elem e xy then
go xy g_n'
(e : xy, g_n')
-- create 4 random i, j
add_random_heat = fst $ add_random_heat_gen 4 (1, x-2) (1, y-2) (mkStdGen 42)
Just a test to know if we are in the computation bounds. In the Fortran version, we have a loop over i, j that only goes to the bounds. In this version, since we use combinators that map over all values, we have to test or filter out values that are not the boundaries.
not_boundary i j = i > 0 && i < x-1 && j > 0 && j < y-1
This is our functor, the 5-point finite difference kernel, that
is similar to the Fortran version. We index in one step in each direction
for the center value and update it by the neighbor values. We
also use not_boundary
as a inner filter on the functor.
In the Thrust and Spark versions of the code, we will get away from
using a 2D array (Thrust) and then get away from using arrays altogether
(Spark). Thus, the stencil
is going to look different.
We don't use a filter
then map
type paradigm, due to Repa.traverse
which is used in the update_step
stencil f (Z :. i :. j) =
if not_boundary i j
then -- only calculate heat if it's within the boundary
0.125 * (f (Z :. i+1 :. j) + f (Z :. i :. j+1) +
f (Z :. i-1 :. j) + f (Z :. i :. j-1)) +
0.5 * f (Z :. i :. j)
becomes a simple one liner due to computeP $ R.traverse
which is a parallel map over the temperature array using stencil
In Fortran, this was do j = 1, y - 1, do i = 1 x -1
over current
says that we want to return the same "shape" as the incoming
array current
, so that the output has the same dimensions as the input.
causes traverse
to be executed in parallel, iterating over all
values in the array. This is the main reason not_boundary
is in the
, because the input, current
, has the same dimensions as the output,
and thus can't use a filter $ map
-- our main comptation, traverse the grid applying the stencil in parallel
update_step current = computeP $ R.traverse current id stencil
If we were to rewrite the output function in a forward-style, pipe way:
toList | zip grid | filter not_boundary | map format | foldr ++ | writeFile
format ((i, j), t) = (show i) ++ " " ++ (show j) ++ " " ++ (show t) ++ "\n"
write_output ts t = writeFile ("data/output.0." ++ (show t)) $
foldr (++) "" $ map format $
filter (\((i, j), _) -> not_boundary i j) $
zip grid $ toList ts
The initial temperature temp
takes the array of 0s and turns it into
a 1 if the i, j is in the add_random_heat
-- initial condition of 0s except at 4 random points
temp = computeP $ R.traverse initialize_grid id
(\_ (Z :. i :. j) ->
if elem (i, j) add_random_heat then 1 :: Double else 0 :: Double)
The main
program and loop
is similar to the Fortran version, except
we don't have to explicitly have two buffers, t
and t+1
. Due to referential
transparency (immutability), next
is calculated from update_step current
The garbage collector makes sure that the old data is freed up as
necessary, since it goes out of scope due to tail recursion. Thus,
it is very clear that the dependencies are t+1
depends on t
, or
depends on current
loop t current = do
-- next time step is the update of the current
next :: Array U DIM2 Double <- update_step current
if t `mod` 100 == 0
then write_output current t
else return ()
-- stop once we reach 10000
if t < 10000
then loop (t+1) next
else return ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
current :: Array U DIM2 Double <- temp
loop 0 current
The Haskell version shows the immediate benefit of not needing for
by using traverse
, as in data parallelism, we are applying a map over
all data elements. We use implicit double buffering, or in this case, the
time step is only dependent on the current
, i.e.,
next <- update_step current
, we are able to succinctly describe the
data dependencies.
This is why functional programming in the style of immutability works
so well many data parallelism problems. There is a batch of work
that is completely independent of mutual dependencies, since we have
reduced the computation to new state = old state + computation
. In a lot
of ways, this is how the main loop in Elm works, the main loop in graphics
programming works, and a whole host of other data parallel programming