PubNub 3.4.1 for iOS provides iOS ARC support in Objective-C for the real-time messaging network.
All requests made by the client are asynchronous, and are handled by:
- blocks (via calling method)
- delegate methods
- notifications
- Observation Center
Detailed information on methods, constants, and notifications can be found in the corresponding header files.
Better precision for pulling history is provided client-side via the new PNDate types.
If you were previously using history in 3.4, you will need to convert your NSDate parameter types to PNDate types, as the history methods now take PNDate arguments, not NSDate arguments. This is as easy as replacing:
NSDate *startDate = [NSDate date];
PNDate *startDate = [PNDate dateWithDate:[NSDate date]]; // Convert from a date
PNDate *startDate = [PNDate dateWithToken:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1234567]; // Convert from a timetoken
Add the JSONKit support files to your project (/libs/JSONKit)
Add the PubNub library folder to your project (/libs/PubNub)
Add PNImports to your project precompile header (.pch)
#import "PNImports.h"
Set the -fno-objc-arc compile option for JSON.m and JSONKit.m
Add the CFNetwork.Framework, SystemConfiguration.Framework, and libz.dylib link options
For a more detailed walkthrough of the above steps, be sure to follow the Hello World walkthrough doc (more details on that in the next section...)
There are three iOS PubNub 3.4 client demo apps available!
The SimpleSubscribe app references how to create a simple subscribe-only, non-ui application using PubNub and iOS. A getting started walkthrough document is also available.
This is the most basic example of how to wire it all up, and as such, should take beginners and experts alike about 5-10 minutes to complete.
The Hello World app references how to create a simple application using PubNub and iOS. A getting started walkthrough document is also available.
Once you are familiar with the Hello World app, The deluxe iPad-only app demonstrates all API functions in greater detail than the Hello World app. It is intended to be a reference application.
If you've enabled your keys for APNS, you can use native PubNub publish operations to send messages to iPhones and iPads via iOS push notifications! Refer to the APNS documentation HOWTO for more information on PubNub APNS setup. (A more formal "PubNub APNS Hello World" document is on its way!)
We've just added a video walkthrough, along with a sample application (based on the video) that shows from start to end how to setup APNS with PubNub. It includes all Apple-specific setup (which appears to be the most misunderstood) as well as the PubNub-specific setup, along with the end product app available in HOWTO/APNSVideo.
NOTE: The video walkthrough uses beta client API calls which are only available in the APNSVideo/lib/PubNub directory. Be sure to use this lib path if you are following this video. It is in final beta, and will be merged to master shortly.
Watch the following in order:
1 Creating the App ID and PEM Cert File
2 Create the Provisioning Profile
3 Create and Configure PubNub Account for APNS
4 Create empty PubNub App Template
5 Configure for PNDelegate Protocol and create didReceiveMessage delegate method
6 Set keys, channel, connect, and subscribe and Test Run
7 Enable and Test for correct APNS configuration (Apple Config)
Two files referenced from the video, and are also availble
Final product is available here: HOWTO/APNSVideo
You can test-drive the PubNub client out-of-the-box without additional configuration changes. As you get a feel for it, you can fine tune it's behaviour by tweaking the available settings.
The client is configured via an instance of the PNConfiguration class. All default configuration data is stored in PNDefaultConfiguration.h under appropriate keys.
Data from PNDefaultConfiguration.h override any settings not explicitly set during initialisation.
You can use few class methods to intialise and update instance properties:
Retrieve reference on default client configuration (all values taken from PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
+ (PNConfiguration *)defaultConfiguration;
Retrieve the reference on the configuration instance via these methods:
+ (PNConfiguration *)configurationWithPublishKey:(NSString *)publishKey subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey; + (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey; + (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey cipherKey:(NSString *)cipherKey; // To initialize with encryption, use cipherKey
*NOTE: When encryption is enabled, and non-encrypted messages will be passed through as the string "DECRYPTION_ERROR".
Update the configuration instance using this next set of parameters:
Timeout after which the library will report any non-subscription-related request (here now, leave, message history, message post, time token) or execution failure.
Default: 15 seconds (kPNNonSubscriptionRequestTimeout key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
Timeout after which the library will report subscription-related request (subscribe on channel(s)) execution failure. The default configuration value is stored inside PNDefaultConfiguration.h under kPNSubscriptionRequestTimeout key.
Default: 310 seconds (kPNSubscriptionRequestTimeout key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h) Please consult with PubNub support before setting this value lower than the default to avoid incurring additional charges.
After experiencing network connectivity loss, if network access is restored, should the client reconnect to PubNub, or stay disconnected?
(getter = shouldAutoReconnectClient) autoReconnectClient
Default: YES (kPNShouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
If autoReconnectClient == YES, after experiencing network connectivity loss and subsequent reconnect, should the client resume (aka "catchup") to where it left off before the disconnect?
(getter = shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore) resubscribeOnConnectionRestore
Default: YES (kPNShouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
Upon connection restore, should the PubNub client "catch-up" to where it left off upon reconnecting?
(getter = shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken) restoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken
Default: YES (_kPNShouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
Should the PubNub client establish the connection to PubNub using SSL?
(getter = shouldUseSecureConnection) useSecureConnection
Default: YES (kPNSecureConnectionRequired_ key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
When SSL is enabled, should PubNub client ignore all SSL certificate-handshake issues and still continue in SSL mode if it experiences issues handshaking across local proxies, firewalls, etc?
(getter = shouldReduceSecurityLevelOnError) reduceSecurityLevelOnError
Default: YES (kPNShouldReduceSecurityLevelOnError key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
When SSL is enabled, should the client fallback to a non-SSL connection if it experiences issues handshaking across local proxies, firewalls, etc?
(getter = canIgnoreSecureConnectionRequirement) ignoreSecureConnectionRequirement
Default: YES (kPNCanIgnoreSecureConnectionRequirement key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
NOTE: If you are using the +defaultConfiguration
method to create your configuration instance, than you will need to update: kPNPublishKey, kPNSubscriptionKey and kPNOriginHost keys in PNDefaultConfiguration.h.
PubNub client configuration is then set via:
[PubNub setConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
After this call, your PubNub client will be configured with the default values taken from PNDefaultConfiguration.h and is now ready to connect to the PubNub real-time network!
Other methods which allow you to adjust the client configuration are:
+ (void)setConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration;
+ (void)setupWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration andDelegate:(id<PNDelegate>)delegate;
+ (void)setDelegate:(id<PNDelegate>)delegate;
+ (void)setClientIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
The above first two methods (which update client configuration) may require a hard state reset if the client is already connected. A "hard state reset" is when the client closes all connections to the server and reconnects back using the new configuration (including previous channel list).
Changing the UUID mid-connection requires a "soft state reset". A "soft state reset" is when the client sends an explicit leave
request on any subscribed channels, and then resubscribes with its new UUID.
To access the client configuration and state, the following methods are provided:
+ (PubNub *)sharedInstance;
+ (NSString *)clientIdentifier;
+ (NSArray *)subscribedChannels;
+ (BOOL)isSubscribedOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (BOOL)isPresenceObservationEnabledForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
- (BOOL)isConnected;
You can use the callback-less connection methods +connect
to establish a connection to the remote PubNub service, or the method with state callback blocks +connectWithSuccessBlock:errorBlock:
For example, you can use the provided method in the form that best suits your needs:
// Configure client (we will use client generated identifier)
[PubNub setConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[PubNub connect];
// Configure client
[PubNub setConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[PubNub setClientIdentifier:@"test_user"];
[PubNub connectWithSuccessBlock:^(NSString *origin) {
// Do something after client connected
errorBlock:^(PNError *error) {
// Handle error which occurred while client tried to
// establish connection with remote service
Disconnecting is as simple as calling [PubNub disconnect]
. The client will close the connection and clean up memory.
The client uses the PNChannel instance instead of string literals to identify the channel. When you need to send a message to the channel, specify the corresponding PNChannel instance in the message sending methods.
The PNChannel interface provides methods for channel instantiation (instance is only created if it doesn't already exist):
+ (NSArray *)channelsWithNames:(NSArray *)channelsName;
+ (id)channelWithName:(NSString *)channelName;
+ (id)channelWithName:(NSString *)channelName shouldObservePresence:(BOOL)observePresence;
You can use the first method if you want to receive a set of PNChannel instances from the list of channel identifiers. The observePresence
property is used to set whether or not the client should observe presence events on the specified channel.
As for the channel name, you can use any characters you want except ',' and '/', as they are reserved.
The PNChannel instance can provide information about itself:
- channel nameupdateTimeToken
- time token of last update on this channelpresenceUpdateDate
- date when last presence update arrived to this channelparticipantsCount
- number of participants in this channelparticipants
- list of participant UUIDs
For example, to receive a reference on a list of channel instances:
NSArray *channels = [PNChannel channelsWithNames:@[@"iosdev", @"andoirddev", @"wpdev", @"ubuntudev"]];
The client provides a set of methods which allow you to subscribe to channel(s):
+ (void)subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void) subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withPresenceEvent:(BOOL)withPresenceEvent;
+ (void)subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels
+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels withPresenceEvent:(BOOL)withPresenceEvent;
+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels
Each subscription method has designated methods, one to add a presence flag, and another to add a handling block. If withPresenceEvent
is set to YES
, the client will automatically receive "Presence" ('join', 'leave', and 'timeout') events for channels as you subscribe to them.
Here are some subscribe examples:
// Subscribe to the channel "iosdev" and because shouldObservePresence is true,
// also automatically subscribes to "iosdev-pnpres" (the Presence channel for "iosdev")
[PubNub subscribeOnChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev" shouldObservePresence:YES]];
// Subscribe on set of channels with subscription state handling block
[PubNub subscribeOnChannels:[PNChannel channelsWithNames:@[@"iosdev", @"andoirddev", @"wpdev", @"ubuntudev"]]
withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNSubscriptionProcessState state, NSArray *channels, PNError *subscriptionError) {
switch(state) {
case PNSubscriptionProcessNotSubscribedState:
// Check whether 'subscriptionError' instance is nil or not (if not, handle error)
case PNSubscriptionProcessSubscribedState:
// Do something after subscription completed
case PNSubscriptionProcessWillRestoreState:
// Library is about to restore subscription on channels after connection went down and restored
case PNSubscriptionProcessRestoredState:
// Handle event that client completed resubscription
The client of course also provides a set of methods which allow you to unsubscribe from channels:
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withPresenceEvent:(BOOL)withPresenceEvent;
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannels:(NSArray *)channels
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannels:(NSArray *)channels withPresenceEvent:(BOOL)withPresenceEvent;
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannels:(NSArray *)channels
As for the subscription methods, there are a set of methods which perform unsubscribe requests. The withPresenceEvent
parameter set to YES
when unsubscribing will mean that the client will send a leave
message to channels when unsubscribed.
Lets see how we can use some of this methods to unsubscribe from channel(s):
// Unsubscribe from set of channels and notify everyone that we are left
[PubNub unsubscribeFromChannels:[PNChannel channelsWithNames:@[@"iosdev/networking", @"andoirddev", @"wpdev", @"ubuntudev"]]
andCompletionHandlingBlock:^(NSArray *channels, PNError *unsubscribeError) {
// Check whether "unsubscribeError" is nil or not (if not, than handle error)
If you've enabled the Presence feature for your account, then the client can be used to also receive real-time updates about a particual UUID's presence events, such as join, leave, and timeout.
To use the Presence feature in your app, the follow methods are provided:
+ (void)enablePresenceObservationForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)enablePresenceObservationForChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
+ (void)disablePresenceObservationForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)disablePresenceObservationForChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
As Presence provides a way to receive occupancy information in real-time, the Here Now feature allows you enumerate current channel occupancy information on-demand.
Two methods are provided for this:
+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
[PubNub requestParticipantsListForChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"]
withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *udids,
PNChannel *channel,
PNError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
// Handle participants UDIDs retrival
else {
// Handle participants request error
You can fetch the current PubNub timetoken by using the following methods:
+ (void)requestServerTimeToken;
+ (void)requestServerTimeTokenWithCompletionBlock:(PNClientTimeTokenReceivingCompleteBlock)success;
Usage is very simple:
[PubNub requestServerTimeTokenWithCompletionBlock:^(NSNumber *timeToken, PNError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
// Use received time token as you whish
else {
// Handle time token retrival error
Messages can be an instance of one of the following classed: NSString, NSNumber, NSArray, NSDictionary, or NSNull.
If you use some other JSON serialization kit or do it by yourself, ensure that JSON comply with all requirements. If JSON string is mailformed you will receive corresponding error from remote server.
You can use the following methods to send messages:
+ (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message
toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message;
+ (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;
The first two methods return a PNMessage instance. If there is a need to re-publish this message for any reason, (for example, the publish request timed-out due to lack of Internet connection), it can be passed back to the last two methods to easily re-publish.
PNMessage *helloMessage = [PubNub sendMessage:@"Hello PubNub"
toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"]
withCompletionBlock:^(PNMessageState messageSendingState, id data) {
switch (messageSendingState) {
case PNMessageSending:
// Handle message sending event (it means that message processing started and
// still in progress)
case PNMessageSent:
// Handle message sent event
case PNMessageSendingError:
// Retry message sending (but in real world should check error and hanle it)
[PubNub sendMessage:helloMessage];
Here is examplehow to send NSDictionary:
[PubNub sendMessage:@{@"message":@"Hello from dictionary object"}
toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"];
If you have enabled the history feature for your account, the following methods can be used to fetch message history:
+ (void)requestFullHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)requestFullHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate;
+ (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
from:(PNDate *)startDate
to:(PNDate *)endDate
+ (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
from:(PNDate *)startDate
to:(PNDate *)endDate
+ (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
from:(PNDate *)startDate
to:(PNDate *)endDate
+ (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
from:(PNDate *)startDate
to:(PNDate *)endDate
+ (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
from:(PNDate *)startDate
to:(PNDate *)endDate
The first two methods will receive the full message history for a specified channel. Be careful, this could be a lot of messages, and consequently, a very long process!
In the following example, we pull history for the iosdev
channel within the specified time frame, limiting the maximum number of messages returned to 34:
PNDate *startDate = [PNDate dateWithDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(-3600.0f)]];
PNDate *endDate = [PNDate dateWithDate:[NSDate date]];
int limit = 34;
[PubNub requestHistoryForChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"]
withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *messages,
PNChannel *channel,
PNDate *startDate,
PNDate *endDate,
PNError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
// Handle received messages history
else {
// Handle history fetch error
In the event of an error, the client will generate an instance of PNError, which will include the error code (defined in PNErrorCodes.h), as well as additional information which is available via the localizedDescription
, and localizedRecoverySuggestion
In some cases, the error object will contain the "context instance object" via the associatedObject
attribute. This is the object (such as a PNMessage) which is directly related to the error at hand.
The client provides different methods of handling different events:
- Delegate callback methods
- Block callbacks
- Observation center
- Notifications
At any given time, there can be only one PubNub client delegate. The delegate class must conform to the PNDelegate protocol in order to receive callbacks.
Here is full set of callbacks which are available:
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client error:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willConnectToOrigin:(NSString *)origin;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didConnectToOrigin:(NSString *)origin;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisconnectFromOrigin:(NSString *)origin;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisconnectFromOrigin:(NSString *)origin withError:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willDisconnectWithError:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client connectionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSubscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willRestoreSubscriptionOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRestoreSubscriptionOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client subscriptionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didUnsubscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client unsubscriptionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveTimeToken:(NSNumber *)timeToken;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client timeTokenReceiveDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailMessageSend:(PNMessage *)message withError:(PNError *)error;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveMessage:(PNMessage *)message;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceivePresenceEvent:(PNPresenceEvent *)event;
- (void) pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client
didReceiveMessageHistory:(NSArray *)messages
forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
startingFrom:(PNDate *)startDate
to:(PNDate *)endDate;
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailHistoryDownloadForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withError:(PNError *)error;
- (void) pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client
didReceiveParticipantsLits:(NSArray *)participantsList
forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
- (void) pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client
didFailParticipantsListDownloadForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
withError:(PNError *)error;
- (NSNumber *)shouldReconnectPubNubClient:(PubNub *)client;
- (NSNumber *)shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore;
Many of the client methods support callback blocks as a way to handle events in lieu of a delegate. For each method, only the last block callback will be triggered -- that is, in the case you send many identical requests via a handling block, only last one will register.
PNObservationCenter is used in the same way as NSNotificationCenter, but instead of observing with selectors it allows you to specify a callback block for particular events.
These blocks are described in PNStructures.h.
This is the set of methods which can be used to handle events:
- (void)addClientConnectionStateObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientConnectionStateObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientChannelSubscriptionStateObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientChannelSubscriptionStateObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientChannelUnsubscriptionObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientChannelUnsubscriptionObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addTimeTokenReceivingObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeTimeTokenReceivingObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addMessageProcessingObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeMessageProcessingObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addMessageReceiveObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientMessageHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeMessageReceiveObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addPresenceEventObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientPresenceEventHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removePresenceEventObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addMessageHistoryProcessingObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeMessageHistoryProcessingObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addChannelParticipantsListProcessingObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelParticipantsListProcessingObserver:(id)observer;
The client also triggers notifications with custom user information, so from any place in your application you can listen for notifications and perform appropriate actions.
A full list of notifications are stored in PNNotifications.h along with their description, their parameters, and how to handle them.
Logging can be controlled via the following booleans:
in 3.4/pubnub/libs/PubNub/Misc/PNMacro.h
In the above example, all logging is disabled. By default, all logging is enabled.