Features to be implemented
Verificar se a solucao é otima, isto é se existem coeficientes negativos na equacao Z
Prepare the overall structure and create new branch for each functionality
- Change the user input data. Pass as parameters.
- Prepare objective function (times -1)
- Add slack variables (variáveis de folga) to constraints
- Create the first table (matrix) with inputed elements
- Choose pivot column and pivot row
- Choose pivot number
- Method to create tables at each iteration (a list of tables maybe?)
- Minimizaton method (-1 * Z)
- Transfer the create table method to the inside of Pyplex class
Second Release
- Change input integer to float
- Re-create table function with float items
- Minimize method
Third Release
- Big M method (when you have '=' on constraints)
- Read values from text file (see np.loadtxt())