Shows memory usage information for process trees
pip install osmem
Find out the top-n types of processes consuming most memory.
> osmem top -n 3
PID Aggregate Process
----- --------- --------------------
1516 12582 MB firefox.exe
3408 9048 MB Code.exe
4432 3627 MB cmdagent.exe
Aggregates all processes with the same name, which makes it a whole lot easier to understand just how much memory all those tabs one forgets to close in firefox/chrome actually consume.
Get a break-down of all the processes on the system, how much memory each process consumes, and how the memory usage aggregates up through the process hierarchy.
> osmem tree
PID Aggregate Memory Process
----- --------- ------- --------------------
0 12 MB 0 MB System Idle Process
4 12 MB 0 MB System
800 1 MB smss.exe
3216 10 MB MemCompression
168 0 MB
276 119 MB Registry
688 11 MB 4 MB cmd.exe
1500 6 MB conhost.exe
920 5496 MB 1 MB wininit.exe
1088 5482 MB 7 MB services.exe
8 5 MB svchost.exe
1144 5 MB svchost.exe
Since some processes are spawned several times with the same name, it may be beneficial to see the actual command line arguments for each process. For instance, "svchost" on windows or "sshd" / "bash" / "docker-proxy" on linux say very little about the specific nature of such a process.
> osmem tree -c
PID Aggregate Memory Process Command
----- --------- ------- ------------------- --------------------
0 12 MB 0 MB System Idle Process
4 12 MB 0 MB System
800 1 MB smss.exe \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
3216 10 MB MemCompression
168 0 MB
276 119 MB Registry
688 11 MB 4 MB cmd.exe C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
1500 6 MB conhost.exe \??\C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0x4
920 5498 MB 1 MB wininit.exe wininit.exe
1088 5484 MB 8 MB services.exe C:\Windows\system32\services.exe
8 5 MB svchost.exe C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p
1144 4 MB svchost.exe C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s nsi
$ osmem tree -c
PID Aggregate Memory Process Command
----- --------- ------ ------------------- --------------------
1 941 MB 11 MB systemd /sbin/init
369 46 MB systemd-journald /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
408 7 MB systemd-udevd /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
501 4 MB rpcbind /sbin/rpcbind -f -w
For *nix users, this is somewhat similar to ps -wwef
but gets you the memory usage as well, and the memory aggregation.
To execute the main function of the programs, either of the following options are viable
as a CLIpython -m osmem
as a python package
To simplify development, common actions are provided via Makefile targets:
- test - default targets, runs pytest on the project
- lint - performs flake8 and mypy linting
- build - create a wheel package distribution, ready to be shared with someone else.
- clean - removes temporary files generated as part of the package creation.