{'#' + index}
@@ -139,4 +192,4 @@ const OpenableJar = ({ index, balance, fillLevel, tooltipText, onClick }: JarPro
-export { calculateFillLevel, SelectableJar, OpenableJar }
+export { calculateFillLevel, SelectableJar, OpenableJar, jarName, jarInitial }
diff --git a/src/i18n/locales/en/translation.json b/src/i18n/locales/en/translation.json
index 4bf729c80..21b60435d 100644
--- a/src/i18n/locales/en/translation.json
+++ b/src/i18n/locales/en/translation.json
@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@
"placeholder_recipient": "Enter address or choose jar from wallet...",
"feedback_reused_address": "This address is already used. To preserve your privacy please choose another one.",
"label_account": "Send from",
- "account_selector_option": "Jar {{ number }}",
"label_amount": "Amount in sats",
"placeholder_amount": "Enter amount...",
"feedback_invalid_amount": "Please provide a valid amount.",
@@ -290,7 +289,7 @@
"text_primary_button": "Next",
"text_primary_button_unsafe": "Select potentially less private UTXOs",
"text_secondary_button": "Cancel",
- "description": "Select one or more UTXOs from Jar #{{ jar }} to use for the fidelity bond.",
+ "description": "Select one or more UTXOs from Jar {{ jar }} to use for the fidelity bond.",
"utxo_card": {
"confirmations": "{{ confs }} Confirmations",
"label_frozen": "frozen",
@@ -305,7 +304,7 @@
"text_secondary_button": "Cancel",
"description_selected_utxos": "Selected UTXOs:",
"description_unselected_utxos": "The following UTXOs will not be used for the fidelity bond:",
- "description_selected_utxos_to_freeze": "They will be frozen to remain in Jar #{{ jar }}. You can unfreeze them anytime after creating the bond."
+ "description_selected_utxos_to_freeze": "They will be frozen to remain in Jar {{ jar }}. You can unfreeze them anytime after creating the bond."
"review_inputs": {
"text_primary_button": "Create fidelity bond",
@@ -314,7 +313,7 @@
"description": "You configured the fidelity bond as follows:",
"label_lock_date": "Locked until",
"label_jar": "Funded from",
- "label_jar_n": "Jar #{{ jar }}",
+ "label_jar_n": "Jar {{ jar }}",
"label_amount": "Amount to be locked",
"label_address": "Funds will be time-locked and sent to",
"label_selected_utxos": "UTXOs that will be time-locked:"
@@ -424,9 +423,9 @@
"progress_current_state": "Waiting for transaction <1>{{ current }}1> of <3>{{ total }}3> to process...",
"progress_done": "All transactions completed successfully. The scheduler will stop soon.",
"precondition": {
- "hint_missing_utxos": "To run the scheduler you need at least one UTXO with <2>{{ minConfirmations }}2> confirmations in Jar #0. Fund your wallet and wait for <6>{{ minConfirmations }}6> blocks.",
- "hint_missing_confirmations": "The scheduler requires one of your UTXOs in Jar #0 to have <2>{{ minConfirmations }}2> or more confirmations. Wait for <6>{{ amountOfMissingConfirmations }}6> more block(s).",
- "hint_missing_overall_retries": "You've tried running the scheduler unsuccessfully too many times in a row. For security reasons, you need a fresh UTXO in Jar #0 to try again. See <2>the docs2> for more information."
+ "hint_missing_utxos": "To run the scheduler you need at least one UTXO with <2>{{ minConfirmations }}2> confirmations in Jar A. Fund your wallet and wait for <6>{{ minConfirmations }}6> blocks.",
+ "hint_missing_confirmations": "The scheduler requires one of your UTXOs in Jar A to have <2>{{ minConfirmations }}2> or more confirmations. Wait for <6>{{ amountOfMissingConfirmations }}6> more block(s).",
+ "hint_missing_overall_retries": "You've tried running the scheduler unsuccessfully too many times in a row. For security reasons, you need a fresh UTXO in Jar A to try again. See <2>the docs2> for more information."
"modal": {
diff --git a/src/i18n/locales/fr/translation.json b/src/i18n/locales/fr/translation.json
index 2b9f85ad8..e88d61d29 100644
--- a/src/i18n/locales/fr/translation.json
+++ b/src/i18n/locales/fr/translation.json
@@ -169,8 +169,6 @@
"feedback_invalid_recipient": "Veuillez indiquer l'adresse du destinataire.",
"label_account": "Niveau de confidentialité à envoyer à partir de",
"label_account_dev_mode": "Compte à partir duquel envoyer",
- "account_selector_option": "Niveau de confidentialité {{ number }}",
- "account_selector_option_dev_mode": "Compte {{ number }}",
"label_amount": "Montant en sats",
"placeholder_amount": "Entrez le montant...",
"feedback_invalid_amount": "Veuillez fournir un montant valide.",