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16-bit Computer in Verilog

By John Pluchino and Eytan Hazi

Instruction Set Architecture

Explanation of design

This processor handles instructions that are 16 bit in length. This was chosen to allow for flexibility in creating a RISC-based processor that was inspired by MIPS. The data-width of the ALU is also 16 bits in length, allowing the processor to be considered 16 bit. There are 8 registers in total, X0-X7, which each hold 16 bits of data. This means that each register is represented in 3 bits. Opcodes are consitently 3 bit in length, no matter the instruction given to the processor. The processor supports three types of instruction R, I, and J. R contains all instructions that do not require an immediate value and deal with direct manipulation of registers. All instructions of the R-Type are 000 which allows for a simpler control (more details later). I-Type instructions handle immediate logical operations with registers but also includes loading, storing and branching which all do involve an immediate operations. This was chosen as both load, store, branching and traditional immediate instructions add a register to an offset, allowing for easier decoding of instructions. J type is reserved for a single instruction, Jump, which consists of an unconditional jump to an address in instruction memory. The PC is 16 bits long so PC is incremented by 1 after each non branch/jump instruction.



As seen above, the use of 000 for all R-type instructions allows for additional instructions while still have only 3 bits of opcode availability. To allow for easy decoding, R[rs] is always bits 12-10 in an instruction as it is always an ALU operand. The other operand is decided by the control. There are 4 bits for function and 6 bits for immediate.

Register Name and Conventions

Name Number Use
X0-X6 0-6 General Purpose Registers
X7 7 Always Zero


Instruction Memory

When the computer is run, instruction memory is preloaded with the proper instructions that are to be performed using $readmemb. The program counter, which starts at 0, is inputed into the read address of instruction memory and instruction memory returns the 16 bit instruction at the designated address. Instruction memory is 256 lines long with each line being 2 bytes. This is because each instruction is 16 bit. This also means instructions of at most 256 lines are supported. The 16 bit output instruction is decoded by the control and multiplexers. The implementation of instruction memory is in ./mem/imem.v.

Register File

The Register File is a memory unit that is designed to emulate the fast memory that is stored in CPU registers. Since there are only 8 addressable registers, there are only 8 registers initialized in the file. Writes occur on the positive edge of the incoming clock cycle and only when writing is enabled. The register file recieves 4 inputs, Read register 1, Read register 2, Read register 2, Write Register, andWrite data, Write Register, and Write data are both decided by the control and will be explained in the control section. Read register 1 is always instruction [12-10]. Read Data 1 and Read data 2 return the respective values at the designated register number of Read register 1 and Read register 2. The implementation of the register file is in ./regfile/regfile.v.


The control recieves the opcode, instruction [15-13], and outputs 1 bit control signals to determine which components of the CPU should be used and what values they should receive. There are 7 control signals which are denoted below.

Control Signals

Opcode Command Jump Branch MemWrite RegWrite ALUsrc RegDest MemtoReg
000 R-Type 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
001 ADDI 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
010 SUBI 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
011 ST 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
100 LD 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
101 Jump 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
101 BEQ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Since all R instructions only write to a register, the same opcode is used for all of the instructions of this type.

Control Signal Assertion Effect
Jump The PC will jump to the 13 bit address that is specified in the instruction.
Branch isZero must also be asserted to allow for branching to the 7 bit immmediate.
MemWrite Data memory can be written to.
RegWrite The register file can be written too.
ALUSrc ALUSrc puts the sign-extended 7 bit immediate into the second ALU operand, otherwise it will be R[rt].
RegDest RegDest allows for the write register of the register file to be set to rt, otherwise it will rd.
MemtoReg MemtoReg allows for the data read from data memory to be the write data of the register file otherwise it is the ALU Result.

The implementation of the control is in control.v.


The ALU accepts two 16 bit operands and returns a result and an isZero. isZero is asserted when the result from the ALU operation is zero. The ALU performs subtraction in two's complement allowing for negative numbers. This also means the supported range of numbers stored on this computer is [-2^15 : 2^15 - 1]. This is implmented in ./alu/alu.v.

ALU Control

The ALU control uses the opcode and function to determine the appropriate ALU operation. These are denoted below.

opcode function ALU opcode Operation Done
000 0000 000 ADD
000 0001 001 SUB
000 0110 110 NOT
000 0011 011 SLT
000 0100 100 AND
000 0101 101 OR
000 0111 111 XOR
001 x 000 ADD
010 x 001 SUB
011 x 000 ADD
100 x 000 ADD
110 x 001 SUB
It is noted that the first bit of the function can be ignored, but a 4 bit function was used for the potential of expansion of more R-Type instructions in the future.

This is implemented in ./control/aluctrl.v.

Data Path

The datapath allows for all of the components of the computer to be connected. It is implemented directly inside of the testbench cpu.v. Instructions are also decoded in cpu.v as wires are assigned for different components of the instruction and are put the control and muxes. This will be more explicit in the diagram section.

Data Memory

Data memory recieves an input of a 16 bit address from the ALU Result and is where data outside of registers can be written and read from. This means that there are 16 bits of addressable memory, 65536 lines of memory in which each is 2 bytes each. However, since LD, ST and ADDI only support 7 bit immediates, loading address in memory that took more than 7 bits to address would take multiple insturctions to load/store registers which is why 256 lines of memory were chosen. Also, 256 different spots in memory to address is already much more than needed for the programs which were run on this processor.

Visual Diagram

Diagram of the Processor


R-Type instruction



Instruction [15-13] (opcode) is sent to the control and realized as 000. This indicates that RegWrite should be the only control signal set to high. This allows for rd or Instruction [6-4] to be sent to the write register of the register file as the multiplixer will allow for it to pass as RegDest is low. ALUSrc is low making R[rt] (which is Read data 1) to be sent to the second ALU operand by a multiplexer. The ALU control uses Instruction [15-13] and Instruction[3-0] to determine what ALU operation should be performed. In this case, the function is 0000 so the ALU Operation is 000 or ADD. The ALU Result is then put into the Write data input for the register file as MemtoReg is low.

I-Type instruction



Instruction [15-13] (opcode) is sent to the control and realized as 001. This causes RegDest, ALUSrc, and RegWrite to be set to high. This causes rt to be set to the write register for the register file and the sign-extended immediate from Instruction [6-0] becomes the second ALU operand as the multiplixer before the ALU becomes 1. In addition, the destination of the operation is set to rt as the type is an immediate which is indicated by RegDest being high. The ALU control uses Instruction [15-13] and Instruction [3-0] to determine that an add operation should occur in the ALU. Since data memory is not written to or has data taken from it, the ALU Result is stored in the write register rt which is the operation of R[rs] + immediate.



RegDest, MemWrite, and ALUSrc are all set to high meaning the operands of the ALU are the same as ADDI example. However, the addition of MemWrite being high forces R[rt] to be written to the address in data memory indicated by ALU Result. Also, RegWrite is now low meaning nothing will be written to the write register of the register file.



This has the same path as ADDI except for what is written to rt. This is why it was also chosen to be an immediate. MemtoReg is now high. This causes the ALU Result to be the data memory address and the data written to rt now becomes what is at the memory address.



Branch is high and the ALU operands become R[rs] and R[rt] as no other control signals that manipulate the second operand are high. The ALU control produces a 001 or SUB operation which is performed and if the result is zero, isZero becomes high. This goes into the and gate on the top right and both branch and isZero are high in the diagram meaning the or gate will output a high. Also, branch causes the multiplexer on the bottom left to output Instruction [6-0]. Since the input to the multiplixer inputing to the programming counter is 1, Instruction [6-0] (immediate) becomes the new PC executing a branch on equality.

J-Type instruction



As Jump is high, the or gate will output a high signal. All the operations occuring in the processor are disregarded, and branch is low causing Instruction [12-0] to pass to the multiplixer inputing into the PC. Since this multiplixer recieves a high signal, Instruction [12-0] is free to pass into the PC and become the next PC instead of PC = PC + 1.

How to Run Instructions

To run the instructions type the the compiled machine code into code.txt where the computer reads the instructions. For readability, code with dashes can be placed into precode.txt and ./ can be run automatically remove dashes and place the machine code into code.txt automatically. The size of code.txt must be at least 256 lines to fit in data memory so zeroes must be padded after the halt command. To run the program, compile cpu.v using iverilog -o cpu.out cpu.v. Lastly, run vvp cpu.out. code.txt is preloaded with code to determine a nth Fibonacci number. The console will print the value of all the registers as well the pc and instruction each time an instruction is ran.

Sample Programs


The first sample program is an iterative function to caclulate the nth Fibonacci number.

C Code

int fib(int i) {
    int num1 = 0;
    int num2 = 1;
    int num3;

    for(int n = 1; n < i; n++){
        num3 = num1 + num2;
        num1 = num2;
        num2 = num3;
    return num1;

Assembly Code

Assume X1 = num1, X2 = num2, X3 = num3, X5 = n, and X0 = i. Result in X1.

    ADDI X2, XZR, #1    //Set X2 to be 1
    ADDI X5, XZR, #1    //Sets counts to start at 1
    ADDI X6, XZR, #1    //Sets X6 to ve zero to check later
    ADDI x0, XZR, #7    //Sets X0 to the fib number we want to calculate
    ADD  X3, X2, X1     //X3 equal to two previous answers
    ADD  X1, X2, XZR    //X1 = X2
    ADD  X2, X3, XZR    //X2 = X3
    ADDI X5, X5, #1     //Adds 1 to the count
    SLT  X4, X5, X0     //Checks if the count is less than the input
    BEQ  X4, X6, FIB    //If The count is less than the input, the program branches to fib
HALT                    //Stops the program

Machine Code


Sample Program 2

Since the first sample program did not show loading, storing, or an unconditional branch, a second sample program was created to display these features.

Assembly Code

    ADDI X0, XZR, #3    //X0 = 3 
    ADDI X1, XZR, #5    //X1 = 5
    ST   X0, [X2, #0]   //Stores X0 in the address stored in X2
    ST   X1, [X2, #1]   //Stores X1 in the address stored in X2 shifted over 2 bytes
    J    Skip           //Jumps to skip
    SUBI X0, X1, #1     //X0 = X1 - 1
    ST   X0, [X2, #0]   //Stores X0 in X2
    LD   X3, [X2, #0]   //Loads 3 since it skipped storing 4
    LD   X4, [X2, #1]   //Loads 5
HALT                    //Stops the Program

Machine Code


Sample Program 3

This sample program is meant to test all of the alu opperations that were not shown in the previous two examples, to show that they work.

Assembly Code

ADDI X0, XZR, #13   //Sets X0 to be 1101
ADDI X1, XZR, #2    //Sets X1 to ve 0010
ADD  X2, X0,  X1    //X2 = X0 + X1, should be 1111
SUB  X2, X0,  X1    //X2 = X0 - X1, should be 1011
LSL  X2, X0,  X1    //X2 = X0 << X1, should be 110100
SLT  X2, X0,  X1    //Test is X0 < X1, should be 0
AND  X2, X0,  X1    //X2 = X0 & X1, should be 0000
OR   X2, X0,  X1    //X2 = X0 | X1, should be 1111
NOT  X2, X0         //X2 = !X1, should be 0010 (leading 0s become 1s)
XOR  X2, X0,  X1    //X2 = X0 ^ X1, should be 1111
HALT                //Stops the program

Machine Code


Time Diagrams

To show the process that the computer goes through when running each of the possible different types of commands, timming diagrams were made in GTKWave. Because of how this processor was designed, each command takes one clock cycle to run, which is 40 ns. The timescale in the simulation is 1ns/1ns One thing to note is that the first command is only displayed for 20 ns on GTKWave since at 0 ns a falling edge occures.


For this example X0 is initialized to be 1, and X1 is initialized as 2.

Assembly Code

ADD X0, X1, X0
SUB X0, X0, X1

Timing Diagram

R-type timing diagram

At 0 ns, the command ADD X0, X1, X0 is ran, the instructions and opcode are set to what they each should be for the command. Since this is an R-Type of instruction, the only flag that is on is the regwrite.

At 20 ns, the next instruction is ran, this one being SUB X0, X1, X1. One notable differences between this instruction and the last instuction is the last nibble of the instruction[15:0] being 0x1 instead of 0x0 since the function for SUB is 0001 instead of 0000. Another one is that rs[2:0] and rt[2:0] are fliped. Since both instructions are an R-Type the opcode[2:0] remains the same.


To display all the I-Type of instructions, a slight variation of sample program 2 will be used, replacing the unconditional jump with a branch if equal to.

Assembly code

    ADDI X0, XZR, #3    //X0 = 3 
    ADDI X1, XZR, #5    //X1 = 5
    ST   X0, [X2, #0]   //Stores X0 in the address stored in X2
    ST   X1, [X2, #1]   //Stores X1 in the address stored in X2 shifted over 2 bytes
    BEQ  X0, X0, Skip   //Jumps to skip
    SUBI X0, X1, #1     //X0 = X1 - 1
    ST   X0, [X2, #0]   //Stores X0 in X2
    LD   X3, [X2, #0]   //Loads 3 since it skipped storing 4
    LD   X4, [X2, #1]   //Loads 5
HALT                    //Stops the Program

Timing Diagram

I-Type timing diagram

At 0 ns, the instruction ADDI X0, XZR, #3 is run. Since this, as well as all of the other instructions ran in this test program, the immediate[6:0] is set to the immediate in the instruction. For this instruction it is then summed with the zero register.

At 20 ns, the next instruction is run. This instruction is very simmilar to the last except rt[2:0] and immediate[6:0] are changed.

At 60 ns, ST X0, [X2, #0] is ran. Since this instruction writes to memory, the memwrite flag is high. immediate[6:0] is set to 0 since there is no shift. For this instruction res is equal to the location in memory that X0 is stores in, this location is equal to the memory address inside X2 plus the shift amount.

At 100 ns, ST X1, [X2, #1] is ran. This instruction is very simmilar to the last instruct with rt[2:0] changing since a different register is being wrote to memory as well as immediate[6:0] changing since the shift amount is now 1 instead of 0.

At 140 ns, BEQ X0, X0, SKIP is ran. Since this is a branch command, and the conditions needed to branch were met, the only flag to be high is branch. In the instruction, it is suposed to branch to Skip which is line 7 of the program, because of this, the immediate[6:0] is equal to 7. One other thing to note is that the pc[15:0] for this command is equal to 4.

At 160 ns, the command LD X3, [X2, #0] is ran. While the pc[15:0] for the last command was 4, it has now jumped up to 7 because the last line was a branch instruction. Since this command is a load memtoreg is high and mem_out[15:0] is equal to the value in memory that the load command is pointing to. Also, since the load command has no offset immediate[6:0] is set to 0.

At 220 ns, the command LD X4, [X2, #0] is ran. Like the last command memtoreg is high since this command loads information from memory to a register. mem_out[15:0] is equal to 5 since this is the value stored at address X2 with an offeset equal to the immediate[7:0] which is 1.


For this example, X0 is again preloaded with a 1 and X1 is preloaded with a 2.

Assembly Code

    J SKIP
    SUB X0, X1, X0
    ADD X0, X1, X0

Timing Diagram

J-Type timing diagram

At 0 ns, the instruction J SKIP is ran. Two things to note about this instruction is that the jump flag is set to high, because it is a jump, and jumpaddr[12:0] is set to 2, since that is the location of SKIP.

At 20 ns, the instruction ADD X0, X1, X0 is ran. One thing to note is that the pc[15:0] jumps from 0 in the last instruction, to 2 because of the jump. Since this command adds X0 and X1 the res[15:0] is equal to 3.


Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, ARM® Edition, David A. Patterson & John L. Hennesey

Verilog by Example: A Concise Introduction for FPGA Design, Blaine Readler

The Paradigm Recursion: Is It More Accessible When Introduced in Middle School?. Gunion, Katherine & Milford, Todd & Stege, Ulrike. (2009). The Journal of Problem Solving.