This module encapsulates the implementation of the network requests, including parsing of results and relevant model objects.
A Remote
performs network requests. This is the core of this module.
The base implementation of Remote
is provided an implementation of the Network
protocol, and enqueues pairs of Request
and Mapper
, executing that request on the provided Network
and delegating the parsing of the response to the Mapper
There is a subclass of Remote
for each relevant concern. Each of these subclasses provide public methods for each of the networking operations relevant to that concern.
At the time of writing this document, these are the subclasses of Remote
. Provides methods to load an account, load sites, and load a site planCommentRemote
. Provides an api to moderate a comment.DevicesRemote
. Provides api to register and deregister a deviceNotificationsremote
. API to load notes, hashes, and update read status and last seenOrdersRemote
. Load all orders, an individual order, notes associated to an order, update an order status, and search ordersOrderStatsRemote
. Loads stats associated to an orderOrderStatsRemoteV4
. Loads stats associated to an order, provided by the V4 API.ProductsRemote
Loads all Products and a single ProductRefundsRemote
. Provides api to load refunds, and to send a refundReportRemote
. Loads an order totals report and all known order statusesShipmentsRemote
All things Shipment Tracking, from tracking providers to actual tracking associated to an orderSiteAPIRemote
Loads the API information associated to a site.SiteSettingsRemote
Loads a site’s settingsSiteVisitStatsremote
fetches visitor stats for a given siteTaxClassesRemote
fetches tax classes for a given site.TopEarnersStatsRemote
fetches the top earner stats for a given site.
A protocol that abstracts the networking stack.
There are two implementations of this protocol: AlamofireNetwork
which manages a networking stack based on the third party library Alamofire, and MockNetwork
which is a mock networking stack that does not actually hit the network, to be used in the unit tests.
A protocol the abstracts the actual URL requests.
At the moment, we provide three implementations of URLRequestConvertible
models requests to WordPress.comJetpackRequest
represents a Jetpack-Tunneled WordPress.comAuthenticatedRequest
Wraps up aURLRequestConvertible
instance, and injects credentials (username and token) when required
A protocol that abstracts the different parsers.
There are several implementations of this protocol, roughly one per Remote
, although in some cases there is more than one implementation per remote (roughly, one for a single model object, and another for a collection of the same model object).
Mappers receive an instance of Data
and return the result of parsing that data as a model object or a collection of model objects.
Model objects declared in Networking
are immutable, and modelled as value types (structs) that typically implement Decodable
Model objects should conform to GeneratedFakeable
and GeneratedCopiable
. Fakeable and Copiable methods should be generated automatically with rake generate
As mentioned previously, there is an implementation of the Network
protocol called MockNetwork
used to mock network requests in the unit tests. This way we prevent the tests from hitting the actual network.
stubs responses (in the form of the name of a json file) for a given endpoint. Those stubs can be either stored in a FIFO queue, used once and then removed from the queue, or stored to be reused multiple times, according to a value passed as a parameter of this class’ constructor.
Also, MockNetwork
can stub an error as responde for a given endpoint.