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Query vars for filtering

John Blackbourn edited this page Jun 4, 2015 · 7 revisions

Extended CPTs provides a mechanism for registering query vars which allow users to filter your post type archives by various fields. This also works in WP_Query, which makes filtering custom post type listings very powerful and dead easy.

Think of these as the front-end equivalent of list table filters in the admin area, minus the UI.

The array keys in the site_filters array are used as the names of the query vars, which is my_foo and my_genre in the example below. Be careful with query var name clashes!


register_extended_post_type( 'article', array(

	'site_filters' => array(
		'my_foo' => array(
			'meta_key' => 'foo'
		'my_genre' => array(
			'taxonomy' => 'genre'

) );

This allows your post type archive to be filtered thusly:

It also allows you to filter posts in WP_Query thusly:

new WP_Query( array(
	'post_type' => 'article',
	'foo'       => 'bar',
) );

Available filter types

Post Meta Field Value

Allow posts to be filtered by an exact match on the value of the given meta key by using the meta_key parameter:

'foo' => array(
	'meta_key' => 'foo',

You can additionally specify a meta_query parameter if your query var needs to provide a complex meta query filter, rather than just a match on the value. For example:

'foo' => array(
	'meta_key'   => 'foo',
	'meta_query' => array(
		'compare' => '>',
		'type'    => 'NUMERIC',

Post Meta Field Search

Allow posts to be filtered by a search on the value of the given meta key by using the meta_search_key parameter. Uses a LIKE '%{value}%' query in SQL.

'foo' => array(
	'meta_search_key' => 'foo',

The meta_query parameter documented above is also supported.

Post Meta Field Exists

Allow posts to be filtered by posts which contain a meta field with the given meta key, regardless of its value (more specifically, if its value isn't empty-like, such as 0 or false), by using the meta_exists parameter:

'help_needed' => array(
	'meta_exists' => 'help_needed'

Taxonomy Terms

Allow posts to be filtered by their taxonomy terms by using the taxonomy parameter. Note that this is just a wrapper for WordPress' built-in taxonomy term filtering, because posts can be filtered by their taxonomy terms by default. Watch out for query var name clashes!

'genre' => array(
	'taxonomy' => 'genre',

Restricting Access to Filters by User Capability

Any filter can be restricted so it's only available to users with a given capability by using the cap parameter:

'my_filter' => array(
	'meta_key' => 'foo',
	'cap'      => 'manage_options',