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PowerShell module for calling the Puppet Orchestrator API.


PS> Install-Module -Name PSPuppetOrchestrator

Included Functions










In order to call the orchestrator API endpoint you'll need a user token. You can call the Get-PuppetAuthToken cmdlet to acquire a token. You can use the -SkipCertificateCheck switch in case your Puppet Master Console certificate has not been imported into your work station certificate store.

If you want to use this cmdlet in an automated environment make sure you create the credential object in your script. If you do not pass a credential the cmdlet will hang the script waiting for you to enter credentials at the commandline.

$creds = Get-Credential

$token = Get-PuppetAuthToken -Master '<Master FQDN>' -SkipCertificateCheck -Credential $creds




Get tasks

Get a list of tasks.

PS> Get-PuppetTasks -token $token -master $master


id                                                                       name                            permitted
--                                                                       ----                            ---------
https://puppet:8143/orchestrator/v1/tasks/powershell_tasks/getkb         powershell_tasks::getkb         True
https://puppet:8143/orchestrator/v1/tasks/powershell_tasks/account_audit powershell_tasks::account_audit True
https://puppet:8143/orchestrator/v1/tasks/powershell_tasks/switch        powershell_tasks::switch        True
https://puppet:8143/orchestrator/v1/tasks/powershell_tasks/ps1exec       powershell_tasks::ps1exec       True
https://puppet:8143/orchestrator/v1/tasks/powershell_tasks/disablesmbv1  powershell_tasks::disablesmbv1  True

Run tasks

Invoke-PuppetTask can target nodes three different ways by specifying one of the following parameters.

  • Nodes
    • EXAMPLE: -Nodes @('','','','')
  • Query
    • EXAMPLE: -Query '["from", "inventory", ["=", "", "windows"]]'
  • Node_group
    • EXAMPLE: -Node_group '7a692b61-8087-4452-9cf8-58ed2acee2a0'

Invoke-PuppetTask Parameter Splat Examples

Create an Invoke-PuppetTask parameter splat to target and array of nodes.

$invokePuppetTaskSplat = @{
    Token  = $token
    Master = $master
    Task   = 'jpi::get_dns'
    Nodes  = @('','','','')

Create an Invoke-PuppetTask parameter splat to target nodes from a PQL query.

$invokePuppetTaskSplat = @{
    Token  = $token
    Master = $master
    Task   = 'jpi::get_dns'
    Query  = '["from", "inventory", ["=", "", "windows"]]'

Create an Invoke-PuppetTask parameter splat to target a node group.

$invokePuppetTaskSplat = @{
    Token      = $token
    Master     = $master
    Task       = 'jpi::get_dns'
    Node_group = '7a692b61-8087-4452-9cf8-58ed2acee2a0'

Create an Invoke-PuppetTask parameter splat specifying additional parameters for the jpi::set_dns Puppet Task.

$invokePuppetTaskSplat = @{
    Token            = $token
    Master           = $master
    Task             = 'jpi::set_dns'
    Parameters       = @{
        primary   = ''
        secondary = ''
        tertiary  = ''
    Nodes            = @('', '')

Create an Invoke-PuppetTask parameter splat specifying additional parameters for the jpi::set_dns Puppet Task and -Wait 120 seconds for the job to complete. Note, the job will continue to run even if the job exceeds the -Wait time of 120 seconds.

$invokePuppetTaskSplat = @{
    Token            = $token
    Master           = $master
    Task             = 'jpi::set_dns'
    Parameters       = @{
        primary   = ''
        secondary = ''
        tertiary  = ''
    Nodes            = @('', '')
    Wait             = 120

Invoke-PuppetTask Outputs

When Invoke-PuppetTask is supplied the -Wait parameter and the job completes within the wait time you'll be returned the full job results (identical to the results given by Get-PuppetJob).


description :
report      : @{id=}
name        : 1326
events      : @{id=}
command     : task
type        : task
state       : finished
nodes       : @{id=}
status      : {@{state=ready; enter_time=4/8/2020 6:22:21 PM; exit_time=4/8/2020 6:22:21 PM}, @{state=running; enter_time=4/8/2020 6:22:21 PM; exit_time=4/8/2020 6:22:24 PM}, @{state=finished; enter_time=4/8/2020 6:22:24 PM; exit_time=}}
id          :
environment : @{name=production}
options     : @{description=; transport=pxp; noop=False; task=jpi::set_dns; sensitive=System.Object[]; scheduled-job-id=; params=; scope=; environment=production}
timestamp   : 4/8/2020 6:22:24 PM
owner       : @{email=; is_revoked=False; last_login=4/8/2020 6:17:18 PM; is_remote=False; login=admin; is_superuser=True; id=42bf351c-f9ec-40af-84ad-e976fec7f4bd; role_ids=System.Object[]; display_name=Administrator; is_group=False}
node_count  : 1
node_states : @{finished=1}

When Invoke-PuppetTask is not supplied the -Wait parameter you'll immediately be returned the id and name of the job.


id                                                       name
--                                                       ---- 1324

Get task report

Using the name value of 1324 returned from previously executed Invoke-PuppetTask get the report.

PS> Get-PuppetJobReport -Master $master -Token $token -ID 1324


node             :
state            : finished
start_timestamp  : 4/8/2020 4:45:06 PM
finish_timestamp : 4/8/2020 4:45:08 PM
timestamp        : 4/8/2020 4:45:08 PM
events           : {}

Get tasks results

Using the name returned from Invoke-PuppetTask get the results. Depending on the depth of the structured data returned from the task you may have to "dot explore" into it.

PS> Get-PuppetJobResults -Master $master -Token $token -ID 1324 -OutVariable 'PuppetJobResults'


PS> $PuppetJobResults
    transport        : pcp
    finish_timestamp : 4/8/2020 4:45:08 PM
    transaction_uuid :
    start_timestamp  : 4/8/2020 4:45:06 PM
    name             :
    duration         : 2.275
    state            : finished
    details          :
    result           : @{after=; before=}
    latest-event-id  : 9510
    timestamp        : 4/8/2020 4:45:08 PM

Though very specific to the jpi::set_dns Puppet Task, below is the extended result data returned from job 1324. Retrieved with $PuppetJobResults.result | ConvertTo-Json.

  "after": {
    "Index": 4,
    "IPAddress": [
    "MACAddress": "00:50:56:89:53:29",
    "DNSServerSearchOrder": [
  "before": {
    "Index": 4,
    "IPAddress": [
    "MACAddress": "00:50:56:89:53:29",
    "DNSServerSearchOrder": [


PSPuppetOrchestrator is released under the MIT license.