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R package for working with Darwin Core Taxon data


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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. DOI runiverse Codecov test coverage pkgcheck Status at rOpenSci Software Peer Review JOSS

The goal of dwctaxon is to facilitate working with Darwin Core Taxon data in R.

Statement of need

dwctaxon facilitates editing and validating Darwin Core Taxon data. There are various reasons one might want to do this. Here is a non-exhaustive list of use-cases for dwctaxon:

  • To maintain an existing taxonomic database.
  • To prepare a taxonomic database as a reference for taxonomic name resolution, for example with the taxastand or U.Taxonstand R packages.
  • To curate taxonomic data as part of a Darwin Core Archive.

In theory, dwctaxon could be used to create taxonomic databases from scratch, but it is more likely to be useful for updating and validating existing databases (R in general is more suited to data wrangling and analysis as opposed to data entry).


For detailed usage examples, see the vignettes:

For more information about dwctaxon, in particular for using it to maintain a reference database for taxonomic name resolution, see taxastand and dwctaxon: A pair of R packages for standardizing species names in Darwin Core format (BioDigiCon 2022 talk).


The stable version can be installed from CRAN:


The development version can be installed from r-universe or github.

options(repos = c(
  ropensci = "", 
  CRAN = ""
install.packages("dwctaxon", dep = TRUE)


# install.packages("remotes")


First, load packages and a dataset to work with:

library(tibble) # recommended for pretty printing of tibbles

#> # A tibble: 2,451 × 5
#>    taxonID  acceptedNameUsageID taxonomicStatus taxonRank scientificName                            
#>    <chr>    <chr>               <chr>           <chr>     <chr>                                     
#>  1 54115096 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes atrovirens Presl             
#>  2 54133783 54115097            synonym         species   Trichomanes crassum Copel.                
#>  3 54115097 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M. G. Price 
#>  4 54133784 54115098            synonym         species   Trichomanes densinervium Copel.           
#>  5 54115098 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes densinervium (Copel.) Copel. 
#>  6 54133786 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes curvatum (J. Sm.) V. D. Bosch
#>  7 54133787 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes javanica (Bl.) V. D. Bosch   
#>  8 54133788 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes oblongifolium Presl          
#>  9 54133789 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes zollingeri V. D. Bosch       
#> 10 54133790 54115100            synonym         species   Lacostea javanica (Bl.) Prantl            
#> # ℹ 2,441 more rows

dct_filmies is a taxonomic dataset of filmy ferns included in dwctaxon.

For demonstration purposes, we will just use the first five rows:

filmies_small <- head(dct_filmies, 5)

All functions in dwctaxon start with dct_.

Edit data

dct_add_row() adds one or more rows, automatically providing values for taxonID.

filmies_small |>
    scientificName = "Hymenophyllum dwctaxonense Nitta",
    taxonomicStatus = "accepted"
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   taxonID                          acceptedNameUsageID taxonomicStatus taxonRank scientificName                            modified         
#>   <chr>                            <chr>               <chr>           <chr>     <chr>                                     <chr>            
#> 1 54115096                         <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes atrovirens Presl             <NA>             
#> 2 54133783                         54115097            synonym         species   Trichomanes crassum Copel.                <NA>             
#> 3 54115097                         <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M. G. Price <NA>             
#> 4 54133784                         54115098            synonym         species   Trichomanes densinervium Copel.           <NA>             
#> 5 54115098                         <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes densinervium (Copel.) Copel. <NA>             
#> 6 193e2011c8ace0ed138af91f41a335cc <NA>                accepted        <NA>      Hymenophyllum dwctaxonense Nitta          2024-02-02 20:11…

dct_modify_row() modifies a row, automatically re-mapping synonyms if needed.

# Change C. densinervium to a synonym of C. crassum
filmies_small |>
    scientificName = "Cephalomanes densinervium (Copel.) Copel.",
    taxonomicStatus = "synonym",
    acceptedNameUsage = "Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M. G. Price"
#> # A tibble: 5 × 6
#>   taxonID  acceptedNameUsageID taxonomicStatus taxonRank scientificName                            modified                  
#>   <chr>    <chr>               <chr>           <chr>     <chr>                                     <chr>                     
#> 1 54115096 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes atrovirens Presl             <NA>                      
#> 2 54133783 54115097            synonym         species   Trichomanes crassum Copel.                <NA>                      
#> 3 54115097 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M. G. Price <NA>                      
#> 4 54133784 54115097            synonym         species   Trichomanes densinervium Copel.           2024-02-02 20:11:18.52043 
#> 5 54115098 54115097            synonym         species   Cephalomanes densinervium (Copel.) Copel. 2024-02-02 20:11:18.488248

dct_fill_col() fills in values for columns that have “term” - “termID” pairs (e.g., acceptedNameUsage and acceptedNameUsageID).

# Fill-in the acceptedNameUsage column with scientific names
filmies_small |>
    fill_to = "acceptedNameUsage",
    fill_from = "scientificName",
    match_to = "taxonID",
    match_from = "acceptedNameUsageID"
#> # A tibble: 5 × 7
#>   taxonID  acceptedNameUsageID taxonomicStatus taxonRank scientificName                            acceptedNameUsage                modified
#>   <chr>    <chr>               <chr>           <chr>     <chr>                                     <chr>                            <chr>   
#> 1 54115096 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes atrovirens Presl             <NA>                             2024-02…
#> 2 54133783 54115097            synonym         species   Trichomanes crassum Copel.                Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M… 2024-02…
#> 3 54115097 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M. G. Price <NA>                             2024-02…
#> 4 54133784 54115098            synonym         species   Trichomanes densinervium Copel.           Cephalomanes densinervium (Cope… 2024-02…
#> 5 54115098 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes densinervium (Copel.) Copel. <NA>                             2024-02…

Validate data

dct_validate() is the main function for validation, and automatically conducts a series of checks. The individual checks can be run with dct_check_*() functions.

The dct_filmies dataset is already well-formatted, so it will pass validation:

# Default behavior is to return the original dataset if checks pass
# For this example, return TRUE instead
dct_validate(dct_filmies, on_success = "logical")
#> [1] TRUE

For demonstration purposes, let’s mess up the data:

# Start by duplicating some data
filmies_dirty <- rbind(head(dct_filmies), head(dct_filmies, 2))
# Replace some values of `acceptedNameUsageID` with random letters
filmies_dirty$acceptedNameUsageID[sample(1:8, 5)] <- sample(letters, 5)

By default, dct_validate() will stop with an error on the first check that fails:

#> Error: check_taxon_id failed
#>    taxonID detected with duplicated value
#>    Bad taxonID: 54115096, 54133783

But it may be useful to get an overview of all the checks that failed. This can be done by setting on_fail to "summary":

dct_validate(filmies_dirty, on_fail = "summary")
#> Warning: taxonID detected with duplicated value
#> Warning: taxonID detected whose acceptedNameUsageID value does not map to taxonID of an existing name.
#> Warning: scientificName detected with duplicated value
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#>   taxonID  acceptedNameUsageID scientificName                             error                                    check         
#>   <chr>    <chr>               <chr>                                      <glue>                                   <chr>         
#> 1 54115096 b                   Cephalomanes atrovirens Presl              taxonID detected whose acceptedNameUs... check_mapping 
#> 2 54133783 k                   Trichomanes crassum Copel.                 taxonID detected whose acceptedNameUs... check_mapping 
#> 3 54115097 s                   Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M. G. Price  taxonID detected whose acceptedNameUs... check_mapping 
#> 4 54133786 n                   Cephalomanes curvatum (J. Sm.) V. D. Bosch taxonID detected whose acceptedNameUs... check_mapping 
#> 5 54133783 p                   Trichomanes crassum Copel.                 taxonID detected whose acceptedNameUs... check_mapping 
#> 6 54115096 <NA>                Cephalomanes atrovirens Presl              scientificName detected with duplicat... check_sci_name
#> 7 54133783 <NA>                Trichomanes crassum Copel.                 scientificName detected with duplicat... check_sci_name
#> 8 54115096 <NA>                <NA>                                       taxonID detected with duplicated value   check_taxon_id
#> 9 54133783 <NA>                <NA>                                       taxonID detected with duplicated value   check_taxon_id


All the functions in dwctaxon take a dataframe as their first argument and return a dataframe by default, so they are “pipe-friendly” and can be chained together:

dct_filmies |>
    taxonID = "54133783",
    taxonomicStatus = "accepted"
  ) |>
    scientificName = "Hymenophyllum dwctaxonense Nitta",
    taxonomicStatus = "accepted"
  ) |>
#> # A tibble: 2,452 × 6
#>    taxonID  acceptedNameUsageID taxonomicStatus taxonRank scientificName                             modified                  
#>    <chr>    <chr>               <chr>           <chr>     <chr>                                      <chr>                     
#>  1 54115096 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes atrovirens Presl              <NA>                      
#>  2 54133783 <NA>                accepted        species   Trichomanes crassum Copel.                 2024-02-02 20:11:18.650982
#>  3 54115097 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes crassum (Copel.) M. G. Price  <NA>                      
#>  4 54133784 54115098            synonym         species   Trichomanes densinervium Copel.            <NA>                      
#>  5 54115098 <NA>                accepted        species   Cephalomanes densinervium (Copel.) Copel.  <NA>                      
#>  6 54133786 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes curvatum (J. Sm.) V. D. Bosch <NA>                      
#>  7 54133787 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes javanica (Bl.) V. D. Bosch    <NA>                      
#>  8 54133788 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes oblongifolium Presl           <NA>                      
#>  9 54133789 54115100            synonym         species   Cephalomanes zollingeri V. D. Bosch        <NA>                      
#> 10 54133790 54115100            synonym         species   Lacostea javanica (Bl.) Prantl             <NA>                      
#> # ℹ 2,442 more rows

It’s often a good idea to include dct_validate() at the end of a chain to make sure the modified taxonomic database is still correctly formatted.

Citing this package

If you use this package, please cite it!

Nitta, JH and Iwasaki, W (2024). dwctaxon, an R package for editing and validating taxonomic data in Darwin Core format. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(93), 6215,


Contributions to this package are welcome! Please see the Contribution Guide and Code of Conduct.

Note to developers

roxyglobals is used to maintain R/globals.R, but is not available on CRAN. You will need to install this package from github and use the @autoglobal or @global roxygen tags to develop functions with globals.


Code: MIT License

