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Rules listed as not supported are generally ignored. You can include the unsupported rules in your JSON schema, they will simply have no effect on the generated Java types. Many of the features listed as unsupported are marked as such because they are non-structural, and have no useful part to play when generating Java types from a schema.
The below table covers support for core JSON Schema rules, jsonschema2pojo also supports some extension rules that can customize generated types.
JSON Schema rule | Supported | Since | Note |
type (Simple) | Yes | 0.1.0 | |
type (Union) | No | ||
properties | Yes | 0.1.0 | |
patternProperties | No | ||
additionalProperties | Yes | 0.1.3 | |
items | Yes | 0.1.0 | |
additionalItems | No | ||
required | Yes | 0.1.6 | |
optional | Yes | 0.1.0 | Deprecated |
dependencies | No | ||
minimum, maximum | Yes | 0.3.2 | Via optional JSR-303 annotations |
exclusiveMinimum, exclusiveMaximum | No | ||
minItems, maxItems | Yes | 0.3.2 | Via optional JSR-303 annotations |
uniqueItems | Yes | 0.1.0 | |
pattern | Yes | 0.3.2 | Via optional JSR-303 annotations |
minLength, maxLength | Yes | 0.3.4 | Via optional JSR-303 annotations |
enum | Yes | 0.1.0 | |
default | Yes | 0.1.7 | |
title | Yes | 0.1.6 | |
description | Yes | 0.1.0 | |
format | Yes | 0.1.0 | |
divisibleBy | No | ||
disallow | No | ||
extends | Yes | 0.1.8 | |
id | No | ||
$ref | Yes | 0.1.6 | Supports absolute, relative, slash & dot delimited fragment paths, self-ref |
$schema | No |
For each property present in the 'properties' definition, we add a property to a given Java class according to the JavaBeans spec. A private field is added to the parent class, along with accompanying accessor methods (getter and setter).
E.g. json schema
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"foo" : {
"type" : "string"
resulting Java type:
public class MyObject {
private String foo;
public String getFoo() {
return foo;
public void setFoo(String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
If the generate-builders property is set to true
, then a builder method is also added:
public MyObject withFoo(String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
return this;
These builder methods allow easy, one-liner construction and initialization of objects, like:
MyObject o = new MyObject().withFoo("foo").withBar("bar").withBaz("baz");
When encountering the type attribute (e.g. for properties), jsonschema2pojo maps schema types as follows:
Schema type | Java type |
string |
java.lang.String |
number |
java.lang.Double |
integer |
java.lang.Integer |
boolean |
java.lang.Boolean |
object |
generated Java type |
array |
java.util.List |
array (with "uniqueItems":true ) |
java.util.Set |
`null | java.lang.Object |
any |
java.lang.Object |
When applying the usePrimitives
option, the primitives double
, integer
and boolean
will replace the wrapper types listed above.
If additionalProperties is specified and set to the boolean value false
, then the generated Java type does not support additional properties.
If the additionalProperties node is undefined (not present), null
or empty, then a new bean property named "additionalProperties", of type Map<String,Object>
is added to
the generated type (with appropriate accessors). The accessors are
annotated to allow Jackson to marshal/unmarshal unrecognised (additional) properties found in JSON data from/to this map.
So, schema file myObject.json like:
"type" : "object"
"type" : "object",
"additionalProperties" : {}
public class MyObject {
private java.util.Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>();
public java.util.Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() {
return this.additionalProperties;
public void setAdditionalProperties(String name, Object value) {
this.additionalProperties.put(name, value);
If the additionalProperties node is present and specifies a schema, then an "additionalProperties" map is added to the generated type and map values will be restricted according to the additionalProperties schema.
So, schema file myObject.json like:
"type" : "object",
"additionalProperties" : {
"type" : "number"
public class MyObject {
private java.util.Map<String, Double> additionalProperties = new java.util.HashMap<String, Double>();
public java.util.Map<String, Double> getAdditionalProperties() {
return this.additionalProperties;
public void setAdditionalProperties(String name, Double value) {
this.additionalProperties.put(name, value);
Where the additionalProperties schema species a type object
, map values will be restricted to instances of a newly generated Java type. If the given schema does not specify the =javaType= property, the name of the newly generated type will be derived from the parent type name and the suffix 'Property'.
So, schema file myObject.json like:
"type" : "object",
"additionalProperties" : {
"type" : "object"
public class MyObject {
private java.util.Map<String, MyObjectProperty> additionalProperties = new java.util.HashMap<String, MyObjectProperty>();
public java.util.Map<String, MyObjectProperty> getAdditionalProperties() {
return this.additionalProperties;
public void setAdditionalProperties(String name, MyObjectProperty value) {
this.additionalProperties.put(name, value);
The 'items' rule defines a schema for the contents of an array. In generated Java types, the value of 'items' dictates the generic type of Lists and Sets.
So, this example JSON Schema:
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"myArrayProperty" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "string"
produces a property called myArrayProperty of type List<String>
in the generated Java type. If items itself declares a complex type ("type" : "object"
) then the generic type of the List or Set will itself be a generated type e.g. List<MyComplexType>
The 'required' schema rule doesn't produce a structural change in generated Java types, it simply causes the text (Required)
to be added to the JavaDoc for fields, getters and setters.
The 'optional' schema rule doesn't produce a structural change in generated Java types, it simply causes the text (Optional)
to be added to the JavaDoc for fields, getters and setters.
This schema rule is deprecated since Draft 03 of the JSON Schema specification. Rather than marking optional properties as optional, one should mark required properties as required.
For properties of type 'array', setting uniqueItems
to false
(or omitting it entirely) causes the generated Java property to be of type java.util.List
When uniqueItems
is set to true
, the generated Java property value is of type java.util.Set
When jsonschema2pojo encounters JSON Schema declarations of type "enum" it generates a Java enum type.
When a generated type includes a property of type "enum", the generated enum type becomes a static inner type declared within the enclosing (parent) generated type. If an enum is declared at the root of a schema, the generated enum is a public Java type with no enclosing type.
The actual enum value is held in a 'value' property inside the enum constants. The generated enum type also includes annotations that allow Jackson to correctly marshal/unmarshal JSON values, even when the actual values contain spaces, start with digits, or contain other characters that cannot legally form part of the Java enum constant name.
So, if we declare a schema myObject.json with an enum property:
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"myEnum" : {
"type" : "string",
"enum" : ["one", "secondOne", "3rd one"]
we see a generated MyObject Java type with an inner enum type like:
public static enum MyEnum {
_3_RD_ONE("3rd one");
private final String value;
private MyEnum(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return this.value;
public static MyObject.MyEnum fromValue(String value) {
for (MyObject.MyEnum c: MyObject.MyEnum.values()) {
if (c.value.equals(value)) {
return c;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(value);
Using the default rule in your JSON Schema causes the corresponding property in your generated Java type to be initialised with a default value. You'll see the default value is assigned during field declaration.
Default values are supported for the JSON Schema properties of type string
, integer
, number
and boolean
; for enum
properties; for properties with format
of utc-millisec
or date-time
; for arrays of any of these types.
Some example JSON Schema property definitions and their corresponding Java field declaration are shown:
JSON Schema | Java |
myString : { "type":"string", "default":"abc"} |
private String myString = "abc"; |
myInteger : { "type":"integer", "default":"100"} |
private Integer myInteger = 100; |
myNumber : { "type":"number", "default":"10.3"} |
private Double myNumber = 10.3D; |
myMillis : { "type":"string", "format":"utc-millisec", "default":"500"} |
private Long myMillis = 500L; |
myDate : { "type":"string", "format":"date-time", "default":"500"} |
private Date myDate = new Date(500L); |
myDate : { "type":"string", "format":"date-time", "default":"2011-02-24T09:25:23.112+0000"} |
private Date myDate = new Date(1298539523112L); |
myList : { "type":"array", "default":["a","b","c"]} |
private List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a","b","c")); |
As the above table shows, dates can be given a default using either a number of millis since epoch or a date string (ISO 8601 or RFC 1123). In either case, the date will be initialized using a millisecond value in the generated Java type.
The 'title' rule appearing in a JSON Schema causes the given title text to be added to the JavaDoc for a property. The title text will appear in JavaDoc comments of the field, getter and setter.
title text always appears before description text.
The description rule appearing in a JSON Schema causes the given description text to be added to the JavaDoc for a property. The description text will appear in JavaDoc comments of the field, getter and setter.
description text always appears after title text.
Using the format rule for a property can influence the Java type chosen to represent your property values. When you use a format value that jsonschema2pojo recognises, it will use a better (more appropriate) type for your Java bean property.
For example, when I define a JSON property in my schema of type string
, if I also attach the rule "format" : "uri"
to that property (because my string
is actually a URI) then my corresponding Java property will now have the type java.net.URI
instead of java.lang.String
How jsonschema2pojo maps format values to Java types:
Format value | Java type |
"date-time" |
java.util.Date |
"date" |
String |
"time" |
String |
"utc-millisec" |
long |
"regex" |
java.util.regex.Pattern |
"color" |
String |
"style" |
String |
"phone" |
String |
"uri" |
java.net.URI |
"email" |
String |
"ip-address" |
String |
"ipv6" |
String |
"host-name" |
String |
anything else (unrecognised format) | type is unchanged |
When the extends rule is encountered in your JSON schema (to indicate that one type extends another), this will produce an extends
relationship in your generated Java types. That extends value can be a schema given in-line, or referenced using $ref
As an example, lets imagine a file flower.json
with the following content:
"type" : "object"
and a second file rose.json
which contains:
"type" : "object",
"extends" : {
"$ref" : "flower.json"
The two resulting Java types generated from these schemas would be:
public class Flower {
public class Rose extends Flower {
Note: the extends rule in JSON schema accepts a schema or an array of schemas - jsonschema2pojo only supports the single schema variant.
A '$ref' rule can be used wherever a schema is expected i.e at the root of a schema document, as part of a property definition, as part of the items definition for an array type, as part of an additionalProperties definition.
Supported protocols:
- http://, https://
- file://
- classpath:, resource:, java: (all synonyms used to resolve schemas from the classpath)
For example, to refer to another document in the same directory which will provide the definition of a 'user' object, you might create a schema like:
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"loggedInUser" : {
"$ref" : "user.json"
jsonschema2pojo expects $ref values (URIs) to be URLs. Both absolute and relative URLs are valid. You may also refer to part of a schema document using the '#' character followed by a slash or dot delimited path.
Example using an absolute reference:
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"address" : {
"$ref" : "http://json-schema.org/address"
Example using a fragment path to reuse a schema definition:
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"child1" {
"type" : "string"
"child2" {
"$ref" : "#/properties/child1"
Example treeNode.json using a self reference to build a tree:
"description" : "Tree node",
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"children" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#"
which produces Java code similar to:
public class TreeNode {
public List<TreeNode> getChildren() {...}
public void setChildren(List<TreeNode> children) {...}
The Maven plugin, CLI and Ant task allow JSR-303 annotations to be activated via a config argument. When activated, the following JSR-303 annotations will be generated:
Schema rule | Annotation |
maximum | @DecimalMax |
minimum | @DecimalMin |
minItems,maxItems | @Size |
minLength,maxLength | @Size |
pattern | @Pattern |
required | @NotNull |
jsonschema2pojo supports an extension property 'javaType' that applies to schemas and allows you to specify a fully qualified name for your generated Java type.
For example, imagine a schema fooBar.json like:
"type" : "object"
When invoking jsonschema2pojo with package argument com.example
the generated Java type will have a fully qualified name of com.example.FooBar
If the javaType property is added to fooBar.json like:
"javaType" : "com.other.package.CustomTypeName",
"type" : "object"
Then invoking jsonschema2pojo with package argument com.example
will result in a generated Java type with a fully qualified name of com.other.package.CustomTypeName
The javaType property may appear in any schema definition, not just the root schema in a schema document. For example, this file 'parent.json' invoked using package name com.example
"type" : "object"
"properties" : {
"myProperty" : {
"javaType" : "com.other.package.CustomChildName",
"type" : "object"
will result in two generated Java types:
The javaType property also allows existing Java types to be used in your POJOs. If the value of javaType refers to an existing class or interface on the classpath, then that class/interface will be used (a new Java type will not be generated).
When referencing existing classes, it's also possible to supply generic type arguments, for instance:
"type" : "object"
"properties" : {
"myProperty" : {
"javaType" : "java.util.Map<String,Integer>",
"type" : "object"
Any schema may include a javaInterfaces
property, the value of this property is an array of strings. Each string is expected to contain the fully-qualified name of a Java interface. The Java type generated by the schema will implement all the given interfaces.
If the javaInterfaces property is added to fooBar.json like:
"javaInterfaces" : ["java.io.Serializable", "Cloneable"],
"type" : "object"
then the result will be a class defined like:
public class FooBar implements Serializable, Cloneable