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Movie Go Joe

A Movie Trailer App with Genres, Catergories, Search and Watchlist features.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contact

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

This Movie and TV Trailer app is designed to help you quickly find new Movies and TV shows to watch.

You can easily see what's Trending, scroll through genres, or use the search feature.

Add anything you like the look of to your Watchlist, and come back to it anytime.

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Built With

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Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • npm
    npm install npm@latest -g


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install

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Scroll through movies and hover above any of them to see the trailer. On hover you can also click the "heart" to add it to the Watchlist tab.

Your Watchlist will be saved to Local Storage, meaning you can freely refresh the page or return at a later date with your Watchlist intact.

Use the search bar to search for any Movie or TV show. Use the filters in the top right to help filter your search.

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See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Joe Ulyatt - @joewhocodes - [email protected]

Project Link:

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React-based Movie App with Trailers, Search and Watchlist.







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