The Property Alliance project is an effort to create a simple library to abstract access to properties on Java Beans and other data objects.
The aim of the project is to develop code that can be included in the JDK. As such, contributions must be made acknowledging this agreement. The sole purpose of this CLA (Contributer License Agreement) is to ensure smooth integration in the future.
As I am an individual, I do not have a large legal team to draw up a complex document. Instead, I am re-using a pre-existing CLA.
The terms of the property-alliance CLA are the same as the terms of the OCA (Oracle Contributer Agreement) where the agreement is between you and Stephen Colebourne, instead of between you and Oracle. See the Oracle OCA page for more information and the full terms of the CLA (a linked pdf). The key part is that you assign me, Stephen Colebourne, joint copyright to your contributions.
Those developers listed below have agreed to this CLA:
Nicolai Parlog - nipa