diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html index 98a29b2e9f..77f758264e 100644 --- a/spec.html +++ b/spec.html @@ -29936,7 +29936,7 @@

String.prototype.codePointAt ( _pos_ )

String.prototype.concat ( ..._args_ )


When the `concat` method is called it returns the String value consisting of the code units of the *this* object (converted to a String) followed by the code units of each of the arguments converted to a String. The result is a String value, not a String object.


When the `concat` method is called it returns the String value consisting of the code units of the *this* value (converted to a String) followed by the code units of each of the arguments converted to a String. The result is a String value, not a String object.

When the `concat` method is called with zero or more arguments, the following steps are taken:

@@ -30201,7 +30201,7 @@

String.prototype.repeat ( _count_ )

1. Return the String value that is made from _n_ copies of _S_ appended together.

This method creates the String value consisting of the code units of the *this* object (converted to String) repeated _count_ times.


This method creates the String value consisting of the code units of the *this* value (converted to String) repeated _count_ times.

The `repeat` function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its *this* value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.

@@ -30468,7 +30468,7 @@

String.prototype.split ( _separator_, _limit_ )

The value of _separator_ may be an empty String. In this case, _separator_ does not match the empty substring at the beginning or end of the input String, nor does it match the empty substring at the end of the previous separator match. If _separator_ is the empty String, the String is split up into individual code unit elements; the length of the result array equals the length of the String, and each substring contains one code unit.


If the *this* object is (or converts to) the empty String, the result depends on whether _separator_ can match the empty String. If it can, the result array contains no elements. Otherwise, the result array contains one element, which is the empty String.


If the *this* value is (or converts to) the empty String, the result depends on whether _separator_ can match the empty String. If it can, the result array contains no elements. Otherwise, the result array contains one element, which is the empty String.

If _separator_ is *undefined*, then the result array contains just one String, which is the *this* value (converted to a String). If _limit_ is not *undefined*, then the output array is truncated so that it contains no more than _limit_ elements.

@@ -32563,7 +32563,7 @@

get RegExp [ @@species ]

The value of the *"name"* property of this function is *"get [Symbol.species]"*.


RegExp prototype methods normally use their *this* object's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.


RegExp prototype methods normally use their *this* value's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.

@@ -33386,7 +33386,7 @@

get Array [ @@species ]

The value of the *"name"* property of this function is *"get [Symbol.species]"*.


Array prototype methods normally use their *this* object's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.


Array prototype methods normally use their *this* value's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.

@@ -33465,7 +33465,7 @@


Array.prototype.copyWithin ( _target_, _start_ [ , _end_ ] )

The `copyWithin` method takes up to three arguments _target_, _start_ and _end_.


The _end_ argument is optional with the length of the *this* object as its default value. If _target_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _target_ where _length_ is the length of the array. If _start_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _start_. If _end_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _end_.


The _end_ argument is optional with the length of the *this* value as its default value. If _target_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _target_ where _length_ is the length of the array. If _start_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _start_. If _end_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _end_.

The following steps are taken:

@@ -33548,7 +33548,7 @@

Array.prototype.every ( _callbackfn_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )

Array.prototype.fill ( _value_ [ , _start_ [ , _end_ ] ] )

The `fill` method takes up to three arguments _value_, _start_ and _end_.


The _start_ and _end_ arguments are optional with default values of 0 and the length of the *this* object. If _start_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _start_ where _length_ is the length of the array. If _end_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _end_.


The _start_ and _end_ arguments are optional with default values of 0 and the length of the *this* value. If _start_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _start_ where _length_ is the length of the array. If _end_ is negative, it is treated as _length_ + _end_.

The following steps are taken:

@@ -35015,7 +35015,7 @@

get %TypedArray% [ @@species ]

The value of the *"name"* property of this function is *"get [Symbol.species]"*.


%TypedArray.prototype% methods normally use their *this* object's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.


%TypedArray.prototype% methods normally use their *this* value's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.

@@ -35139,7 +35139,7 @@

%TypedArray%.prototype.entries ( )

%TypedArray%.prototype.every ( _callbackfn_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.every` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.every` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.every` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.every` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

@@ -35198,37 +35198,37 @@

%TypedArray%.prototype.filter ( _callbackfn_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )

%TypedArray%.prototype.find ( _predicate_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.find` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.find` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _predicate_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.find` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.find` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _predicate_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex ( _predicate_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.findIndex` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.findIndex` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _predicate_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.findIndex` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.findIndex` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _predicate_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.forEach ( _callbackfn_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.forEach` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.forEach` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.forEach` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.forEach` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.includes ( _searchElement_ [ , _fromIndex_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.includes` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.includes` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.includes` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.includes` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf ( _searchElement_ [ , _fromIndex_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.indexOf` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.indexOf` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.indexOf` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.indexOf` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.join ( _separator_ )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.join` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.join` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.join` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.join` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

@@ -35244,7 +35244,7 @@

%TypedArray%.prototype.keys ( )

%TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf ( _searchElement_ [ , _fromIndex_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.lastIndexOf` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.lastIndexOf` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.lastIndexOf` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.lastIndexOf` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

@@ -35287,19 +35287,19 @@

%TypedArray%.prototype.map ( _callbackfn_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )

%TypedArray%.prototype.reduce ( _callbackfn_ [ , _initialValue_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.reduce` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.reduce` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.reduce` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.reduce` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight ( _callbackfn_ [ , _initialValue_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.reduceRight` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.reduceRight` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.reduceRight` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.reduceRight` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.reverse ( )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.reverse` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.reverse` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.reverse` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.reverse` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

@@ -35446,13 +35446,13 @@

%TypedArray%.prototype.slice ( _start_, _end_ )

%TypedArray%.prototype.some ( _callbackfn_ [ , _thisArg_ ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.some` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.some` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.some` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.some` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm and must take into account the possibility that calls to _callbackfn_ may cause the *this* value to become detached.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

%TypedArray%.prototype.sort ( _comparefn_ )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.sort` is a distinct function that, except as described below, implements the same requirements as those of `Array.prototype.sort` as defined in . The implementation of the %TypedArray%`.prototype.sort` specification may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. The only internal methods of the *this* object that the algorithm may call are [[Get]] and [[Set]].


%TypedArray%`.prototype.sort` is a distinct function that, except as described below, implements the same requirements as those of `Array.prototype.sort` as defined in . The implementation of the %TypedArray%`.prototype.sort` specification may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. The only internal methods of the *this* value that the algorithm may call are [[Get]] and [[Set]].

This function is not generic. The *this* value must be an object with a [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot.

Upon entry, the following steps are performed to initialize evaluation of the `sort` function. These steps are used instead of the entry steps in :

@@ -35511,7 +35511,7 @@

%TypedArray%.prototype.subarray ( _begin_, _end_ )

%TypedArray%.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ _reserved1_ [ , _reserved2_ ] ] )


%TypedArray%`.prototype.toLocaleString` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.toLocaleString` as defined in except that the *this* object's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.


%TypedArray%`.prototype.toLocaleString` is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as `Array.prototype.toLocaleString` as defined in except that the *this* value's [[ArrayLength]] internal slot is accessed in place of performing a [[Get]] of *"length"*. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the *this* value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.

This function is not generic. ValidateTypedArray is applied to the *this* value prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is an abrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.

If the ECMAScript implementation includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API this function is based upon the algorithm for `Array.prototype.toLocaleString` that is in the ECMA-402 specification.

@@ -37089,7 +37089,7 @@

get ArrayBuffer [ @@species ]

The value of the *"name"* property of this function is *"get [Symbol.species]"*.


ArrayBuffer prototype methods normally use their *this* object's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.


ArrayBuffer prototype methods normally use their *this* value's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.

@@ -40424,7 +40424,7 @@

get Promise [ @@species ]

The value of the *"name"* property of this function is *"get [Symbol.species]"*.


Promise prototype methods normally use their *this* object's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.


Promise prototype methods normally use their *this* value's constructor to create a derived object. However, a subclass constructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its @@species property.

@@ -42658,7 +42658,7 @@

Additional Properties of the String.prototype Object

String.prototype.substr ( _start_, _length_ )


The `substr` method takes two arguments, _start_ and _length_, and returns a substring of the result of converting the *this* object to a String, starting from index _start_ and running for _length_ code units (or through the end of the String if _length_ is *undefined*). If _start_ is negative, it is treated as _sourceLength_ + _start_ where _sourceLength_ is the length of the String. The result is a String value, not a String object. The following steps are taken:


The `substr` method takes two arguments, _start_ and _length_, and returns a substring of the result of converting the *this* value to a String, starting from index _start_ and running for _length_ code units (or through the end of the String if _length_ is *undefined*). If _start_ is negative, it is treated as _sourceLength_ + _start_ where _sourceLength_ is the length of the String. The result is a String value, not a String object. The following steps are taken:

1. Let _O_ be ? RequireObjectCoercible(*this* value). 1. Let _S_ be ? ToString(_O_). @@ -42902,7 +42902,7 @@

RegExp.prototype.compile ( _pattern_, _flags_ )

1. Return ? RegExpInitialize(_O_, _P_, _F_).

The `compile` method completely reinitializes the *this* object RegExp with a new pattern and flags. An implementation may interpret use of this method as an assertion that the resulting RegExp object will be used multiple times and hence is a candidate for extra optimization.


The `compile` method completely reinitializes the *this* value RegExp with a new pattern and flags. An implementation may interpret use of this method as an assertion that the resulting RegExp object will be used multiple times and hence is a candidate for extra optimization.