diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html index ff80fd8b6d..7d2749ec96 100644 --- a/spec.html +++ b/spec.html @@ -23034,12 +23034,9 @@
The Link concrete method of a Cyclic Module Record implements the corresponding Module Record abstract method.
-On success, Link transitions this module's [[Status]] from ~unlinked~ to ~linked~. On failure, an exception is thrown and this module's [[Status]] remains ~unlinked~.
-This abstract method performs the following steps (most of the work is done by the auxiliary function InnerModuleLinking):
+The Link concrete method of a Cyclic Module Record _module_ takes no arguments. On success, Link transitions this module's [[Status]] from ~unlinked~ to ~linked~. On failure, an exception is thrown and this module's [[Status]] remains ~unlinked~. (Most of the work is done by the auxiliary function InnerModuleLinking.) It performs the following steps when called:
The Evaluate concrete method of a Cyclic Module Record implements the corresponding Module Record abstract method.
-Evaluate transitions this module's [[Status]] from ~linked~ to ~evaluated~.
-If execution results in an exception, that exception is recorded in the [[EvaluationError]] field and rethrown by future invocations of Evaluate.
-This abstract method performs the following steps (most of the work is done by the auxiliary function InnerModuleEvaluation):
+The Evaluate concrete method of a Cyclic Module Record _module_ takes no arguments. Evaluate transitions this module's [[Status]] from ~linked~ to ~evaluated~. If execution results in an exception, that exception is recorded in the [[EvaluationError]] field and rethrown by future invocations of Evaluate. (Most of the work is done by the auxiliary function InnerModuleEvaluation.) It performs the following steps when called:
The GetExportedNames concrete method of a Source Text Module Record implements the corresponding Module Record abstract method.
-It performs the following steps when called:
+The GetExportedNames concrete method of a Source Text Module Record _module_ takes optional argument _exportStarSet_. It performs the following steps when called:
The ResolveExport concrete method of a Source Text Module Record implements the corresponding Module Record abstract method.
+The ResolveExport concrete method of a Source Text Module Record _module_ takes argument _exportName_ (a String) and optional argument _resolveSet_.
ResolveExport attempts to resolve an imported binding to the actual defining module and local binding name. The defining module may be the module represented by the Module Record this method was invoked on or some other module that is imported by that module. The parameter _resolveSet_ is used to detect unresolved circular import/export paths. If a pair consisting of specific Module Record and _exportName_ is reached that is already in _resolveSet_, an import circularity has been encountered. Before recursively calling ResolveExport, a pair consisting of _module_ and _exportName_ is added to _resolveSet_.
If a defining module is found, a ResolvedBinding Record { [[Module]], [[BindingName]] } is returned. This record identifies the resolved binding of the originally requested export, unless this is the export of a namespace with no local binding. In this case, [[BindingName]] will be set to *"\*namespace\*"*. If no definition was found or the request is found to be circular, *null* is returned. If the request is found to be ambiguous, the string *"ambiguous"* is returned.
-This abstract method performs the following steps:
+This concrete method performs the following steps when called:
The InitializeEnvironment concrete method of a Source Text Module Record implements the corresponding Cyclic Module Record abstract method.
-This abstract method performs the following steps:
+The InitializeEnvironment concrete method of a Source Text Module Record _module_ takes no arguments. It performs the following steps when called:
The ExecuteModule concrete method of a Source Text Module Record implements the corresponding Cyclic Module Record abstract method.
-This abstract method performs the following steps:
+The ExecuteModule concrete method of a Source Text Module Record _module_ takes no arguments. It performs the following steps when called: