A Ruby on Rails plugin that integrates AWS services with your application using the latest version of AWS SDK For Ruby.
Add this gem to your Rails project's Gemfile:
gem 'aws-sdk-rails'
This gem also brings in the following AWS gems:
If you want to use other services (such as S3), you will still need to add them to your Gemfile:
gem 'aws-sdk-rails', '~> 3'
gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1'
You will have to ensure that you provide credentials for the SDK to use. See the latest AWS SDK for Ruby Docs for details.
If you're running your Rails application on Amazon EC2, the AWS SDK will check Amazon EC2 instance metadata for credentials to load. Learn more: IAM Roles for Amazon EC2
The AWS SDK is configured to use the built-in Rails logger for any
SDK log output. The logger is configured to use the :info
log level. You can
change the log level by setting :log_level
in the
Aws.config hash.
Aws.config.update(log_level: :debug)
If you are using Rails 5.2+ Encrypted Credentials,
the credentials will be decrypted and loaded under the :aws
top level key:
# config/credentials.yml.enc
# viewable with: `rails credentials:edit`
access_key_id: YOUR_KEY_ID
secret_access_key: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
Encrypted Credentials will take precedence over any other AWS Credentials that
may exist in your environment (eg: credentials from profiles set in
If you are using ActiveStorage
with S3
then you do not need to specify your credentials in your storage.yml
configuration: they will be loaded automatically.
You can configure session storage in Rails to use DynamoDB instead of cookies, allowing access to sessions from other applications and devices. You will need to have an existing Amazon DynamoDB session table to use this feature.
You can generate a migration file for the session table using the following command ( is optional):
rails generate dynamo_db:session_store_migration <MigrationName>
The session store migration generator command will generate two files: a
migration file, db/migration/#{VERSION}_#{MIGRATION_NAME}.rb
, and a
configuration YAML file, config/dynamo_db_session_store.yml
The migration file will create and delete a table with default options. These options can be changed prior to running the migration and are documented in the Table class.
To create the table, run migrations as normal with:
rails db:migrate
Next, configure the Rails session store to be :dynamodb_store
by editing
to contain the following:
# config/initializers/session_store.rb
Rails.application.config.session_store :dynamodb_store, key: '_your_app_session'
You can now start your Rails application with session support.
You can configure the session store with code, YAML files, or ENV, in this order of precedence. To configure in code, you can directly pass options to your initializer like so:
# config/initializers/session_store.rb
Rails.application.config.session_store :dynamodb_store,
key: '_your_app_session',
table_name: 'foo',
dynamo_db_client: my_ddb_client
Alternatively, you can use the generated YAML configuration file
. YAML configuration may also be specified
per environment, with environment configuration having precedence. To do this,
create config/dynamo_db_session_store/#{Rails.env}.yml
files as needed.
For configuration options, see the Configuration class.
DynamoDB session storage is implemented in the `aws-sessionstore-dynamodb`
gem. The Rack middleware inherits from the `Rack::Session::Abstract::Persisted`
class, which also includes additional options (such as :key
) that can be
passed into the Rails initializer.
By default sessions do not expire. See config/dynamo_db_session_store.yml
configure the max age or stale period of a session.
You can use the DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL) feature
on the expire_at
attribute to automatically delete expired items.
Alternatively, a Rake task for garbage collection is provided:
rake dynamo_db:collect_garbage
This gem will automatically register SES and SESV2 as ActionMailer delivery methods. You simply need to configure Rails to use it in your environment configuration:
# for e.g.: config/environments/production.rb
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :ses # or :sesv2
Client options can be overridden by re-registering the mailer with any set of
SES or SESV2 Client options. You can create a Rails initializer
with contents similar to the following:
require 'json'
# Assuming a file "path/to/aws_secrets.json" with contents like:
# { "AccessKeyId": "YOUR_KEY_ID", "SecretAccessKey": "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" }
# Remember to exclude "path/to/aws_secrets.json" from version control, e.g. by
# adding it to .gitignore
secrets = JSON.load(File.read('path/to/aws_secrets.json'))
creds = Aws::Credentials.new(secrets['AccessKeyId'], secrets['SecretAccessKey'])
:ses, # or :sesv2
credentials: creds,
region: 'us-east-1',
# some other config
This gem uses `Aws::SES::Client#send_raw_email`
and `Aws::SESV2::Client#send_email`
to send emails. This operation allows you to specify a cross-account identity
for the email's Source, From, and Return-Path. To set these ARNs, use any of the
following headers on your Mail::Message
object returned by your Mailer class:
# in your Rails controller
message = MyMailer.send_email(options)
message['X-SES-FROM-ARN'] = 'arn:aws:ses:us-west-2:012345678910:identity/[email protected]'
To add ActiveSupport::Notifications
Instrumentation to all AWS SDK client
operations call Aws::Rails.instrument_sdk_operations
before you construct any
SDK clients.
Example usage in config/initializers/instrument_aws_sdk.rb
Events are published for each client operation call with the following event
name: ..aws. For example, S3's put_object has an event
name of: put_object.S3.aws
. The service name will always match the
namespace of the service client (eg Aws::S3::Client => 'S3').
The payload of the event is the
request context.
You can subscribe to these events as you would other
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('put_object.S3.aws') do |name, start, finish, id, payload|
# process event
# Or use a regex to subscribe to all service notifications
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(/S3[.]aws/) do |name, start, finish, id, payload|
# process event
This package provides a lightweight, high performance SQS backend for ActiveJob.
To use AWS SQS ActiveJob as your queuing backend, simply set the active_job.queue_adapter
to :amazon
or :amazon_sqs
(note, :amazon
has been used for a number of
other Amazon rails adapters such as ActiveStorage, so has been
carried forward as convention here). For details on setting the
queuing backend see:
ActiveJob: Setting the Backend.
To use the non-blocking (async) adapter set active_job.queue_adapter
to :amazon_sqs_async
. If you have
a lot of jobs to queue or you need to avoid the extra latency from an SQS call in your request then consider
using the async adapter. However, you may also want to configure a async_queue_error_handler
handle errors that may occur when queuing jobs. See the
for documentation.
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :amazon_sqs # note: can use either :amazon or :amazon_sqs
# To use the non-blocking async adapter:
# config.active_job.queue_adapter = :amazon_sqs_async
# Or to set the adapter for a single job:
class YourJob < ApplicationJob
self.queue_adapter = :amazon_sqs
You also need to configure a mapping of ActiveJob queue name to SQS Queue URL. For more details, see the configuration section below.
# config/aws_sqs_active_job.yml
default: 'https://my-queue-url.amazon.aws'
To queue a job, you can just use standard ActiveJob methods:
# To queue for immediate processing
# or to schedule a job for a future time:
YourJob.set(wait: 1.minute).perform_later(args)
Note: Due to limitations in SQS, you cannot schedule jobs for later than 15 minutes in the future.
AWS SQS ActiveJob is a lightweight and performant queueing backend. Benchmark performed using: Ruby MRI 2.6.5,
shoryuken 5.0.5, aws-sdk-rails 3.3.1 and aws-sdk-sqs 1.34.0 on a 2015 Macbook Pro dual-core i7 with 16GB ram.
AWS SQS ActiveJob (default settings): Throughput 119.1 jobs/sec Shoryuken (default settings): Throughput 76.8 jobs/sec
To start processing jobs, you need to start a separate process
(in additional to your Rails app) with bin/aws_sqs_active_job
(an executable script provided with this gem). You need to specify the queue to
process jobs from:
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec aws_sqs_active_job --queue default
To see a complete list of arguments use --help
You can kill the process at any time with CTRL+C
- the processor will attempt
to shutdown cleanly and will wait up to :shutdown_timeout
seconds for all
actively running jobs to finish before killing them.
Note: When running in production, its recommended that use a process supervisor such as foreman, systemd, upstart, daemontools, launchd, runit, ect.
Rather than managing the worker processes yourself, you can use Lambda with an SQS Trigger.
With Lambda Container Image Support
and the lambda handler provided with aws-sdk-rails
its easy to use lambda to run ActiveJobs for your dockerized
rails app (see below for some tips). All you need to do is:
- include the aws_lambda_ric gem
- Push your image to ecr
- Create a lambda function from your image (see the lambda docs for details).
- Add an SQS Trigger for the queue(s) you want to process jobs from.
- Set the ENTRYPOINT to
and the CMD toconfig/environment.Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob.lambda_job_handler
- this will load Rails and then use the lambda handler provided byaws-sdk-rails.
You can do this either as function config or in your Dockerfile.
There are a few limitations/requirements for lambda container images: the default lambda user must be able to read all the files and the image must be able to run on a read only file system. You may need to disable bootsnap, set a HOME env variable and set the logger to STDOUT (which lambda will record to cloudwatch for you).
You can use the RAILS_ENV to control environment. If you need to execute specific configuration in the lambda, you can create a ruby file and use it as your entrypoint:
# app.rb
# some custom config
require_relative 'config/environment' # load rails
# Rails.config.custom....
# Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob.config....
# no need to write a handler yourself here, as long as
# aws-sdk-rails is loaded, you can still use the
# Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob.lambda_job_handler
# To use this file, set CMD: app.Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob.lambda_job_handler
Another option for processing jobs without managing the worker process is hosting the application in a scalable Elastic Beanstalk worker environment. This SDK includes Rack middleware that can be added conditionally and which will process requests from the SQS Daemon provided with each worker instance. The middleware will forward each request and parameters to their appropriate jobs.
To add the middleware on application startup, set the AWS_PROCESS_BEANSTALK_WORKER_REQUESTS
environment variable to true
in the worker environment configuration.
To protect against forgeries, daemon requests will only be processed if they originate from localhost or the Docker host.
Periodic (scheduled) jobs are also supported with this approach without requiring any additional dependencies.
Elastic Beanstalk workers support the addition of a cron.yaml
file in the application root to configure this.
version: 1
- name: "MyApplicationJob"
url: "/"
schedule: "0 */12 * * *"
Where 'name' must be the case-sensitive class name of the job.
For a complete list of configuration options see the Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob::Configuration documentation.
You can configure AWS SQS Active Job either through the yml file or through code in your config/.rb or initializers.
For file based configuration, you can use either:
- config/aws_sqs_active_job/<RAILS_ENV>.yml
- config/aws_sqs_active_job.yml
The yml file supports ERB.
To configure in code:
Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob.configure do |config|
config.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT)
config.max_messages = 5
config.client = Aws::SQS::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1')
If the order in which your jobs executes is important, consider using a FIFO Queue. A FIFO queue ensures that messages are processed in the order they were sent (First-In-First-Out) and exactly-once processing (ensuring duplicates are never introduced into the queue). To use a fifo queue, simply set the queue url (which will end in ".fifo") in your config.
When using FIFO queues, jobs will NOT be processed concurrently by the poller
to ensure the correct ordering. Additionally, all jobs on a FIFO queue will be queued
synchronously, even if you have configured the amazon_sqs_async
FIFO queues support Message deduplication ID, which is the token used for deduplication of sent messages. If a message with a particular message deduplication ID is sent successfully, any messages sent with the same message deduplication ID are accepted successfully but aren't delivered during the 5-minute deduplication interval.
If necessary, the deduplication key used to create the message deduplication ID can be customized:
Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob.configure do |config|
config.excluded_deduplication_keys = [:job_class, :arguments]
# Or to set deduplication keys to exclude for a single job:
class YourJob < ApplicationJob
include Aws::Rails::SqsActiveJob
deduplicate_without :job_class, :arguments
By default, the following keys are used for deduplication keys:
job_class, provider_job_id, queue_name, priority, arguments, executions, exception_executions, locale, timezone, enqueued_at
Note that job_id
is NOT included in deduplication keys because it is unique for each initialization of the job, and the run-once behavior must be guaranteed for ActiveJob retries.
Even without setting job_id, it is implicitly excluded from deduplication keys.
FIFO queues require a message group id to be provided for the job. It is determined by:
- Calling
on the job if it is defined - If
is not defined or the result isnil
, the default value will be used. You can optionally specify a custom value in your config as the default that will be used by all jobs.
This package also pulls in the `aws-record` gem and provides generators for creating models and a rake task for performing table config migrations.
You can either invoke the generator by calling rails g aws_record:model ...
If DynamoDB will be the only datastore you plan on using you can also set aws-record-generator
to be your project's default orm with
config.generators do |g|
g.orm :aws_record
Which will cause aws_record:model
to be invoked by the Rails model generator.
Generating a model can be as simple as: rails g aws_record:model Forum --table-config primary:10-5
will automatically create a uuid:hash_key
field for you, and a table config with the provided r/w units
# app/models/forum.rb
require 'aws-record'
class Forum
include Aws::Record
string_attr :uuid, hash_key: true
# db/table_config/forum_config.rb
require 'aws-record'
module ModelTableConfig
def self.config
Aws::Record::TableConfig.define do |t|
t.model_class Forum
t.read_capacity_units 10
t.write_capacity_units 5
More complex models can be created by adding more fields to the model as well as other options:
rails g aws_record Forum post_id:rkey author_username post_title post_body tags:sset:default_value{Set.new}
# app/models/forum.rb
require 'aws-record'
class Forum
include Aws::Record
string_attr :uuid, hash_key: true
string_attr :post_id, range_key: true
string_attr :author_username
string_attr :post_title
string_attr :post_body
string_set_attr :tags, default_value: Set.new
# db/table_config/forum_config.rb
# ...
Finally you can attach a variety of options to your fields, and even ActiveModel
validations to the models:
rails g aws_record:model Forum forum_uuid:hkey post_id:rkey author_username post_title post_body tags:sset:default_value{Set.new} created_at:datetime:db_attr_name{PostCreatedAtTime} moderation:boolean:default_value{false} --table-config=primary:5-2 AuthorIndex:12-14 --required=post_title --length-validations=post_body:50-1000 --gsi=AuthorIndex:hkey{author_username}
Which results in the following files being generated:
# app/models/forum.rb
require 'aws-record'
require 'active_model'
class Forum
include Aws::Record
include ActiveModel::Validations
string_attr :forum_uuid, hash_key: true
string_attr :post_id, range_key: true
string_attr :author_username
string_attr :post_title
string_attr :post_body
string_set_attr :tags, default_value: Set.new
datetime_attr :created_at, database_attribute_name: "PostCreatedAtTime"
boolean_attr :moderation, default_value: false
hash_key: :author_username,
projection: {
projection_type: "ALL"
validates_presence_of :post_title
validates_length_of :post_body, within: 50..1000
# db/table_config/forum_config.rb
# ...
To migrate your new models and begin using them you can run the provided rake task: rails aws_record:migrate
The syntax for creating an aws-record model follows:
rails generate aws_record:model NAME [field[:type][:opts]...] [options]
The possible field types are:
Field Name | aws-record attribute type |
bool | boolean |
:boolean_attr |
date |
:date_attr |
datetime |
:datetime_attr |
float |
:float_attr |
int | integer |
:integer_attr |
list |
:list_attr |
map |
:map_attr |
num_set | numeric_set | nset |
:numeric_set_attr |
string_set | s_set | sset |
:string_set_attr |
string |
:string_attr |
If a type is not provided, it will assume the field is of type :string_attr
Additionally a number of options may be attached as a comma separated list to the field:
Field Option Name | aws-record option |
hkey |
marks an attribute as a hash_key |
rkey |
marks an attribute as a range_key |
persist_nil |
will persist nil values in a attribute |
db_attr_name{NAME} |
sets a secondary name for an attribute, these must be unique across attribute names |
ddb_type{S|N|B|BOOL|SS|NS|BS|M|L} |
sets the dynamo_db_type for an attribute |
default_value{Object} |
sets the default value for an attribute |
The standard rules apply for using options in a model. Additional reading can be found here
Command Option Names | Purpose |
[--skip-namespace], [--no-skip-namespace] | Skip namespace (affects only isolated applications) |
[--disable-mutation-tracking], [--no-disable-mutation-tracking] | Disables dirty tracking |
[--timestamps], [--no-timestamps] | Adds created, updated timestamps to the model |
--table-config=primary:R-W [SecondaryIndex1:R-W]... | Declares the r/w units for the model as well as any secondary indexes |
[--gsi=name:hkey{ field_name }[,rkey{ field_name },proj_type{ ALL|KEYS_ONLY|INCLUDE }]...] | Allows for the declaration of secondary indexes |
[--required=field1...] | A list of attributes that are required for an instance of the model |
[--length-validations=field1:MIN-MAX...] | Validations on the length of attributes in a model |
[--table-name=name] | Sets the name of the table in DynamoDB, if different than the model name |
[--skip-table-config] | Doesn't generate a table config for the model |
[--password-digest] | Adds a password field (note that you must have bcrypt has a dependency) that automatically hashes and manages the model password |
The included rake task aws_record:migrate
will run all of the migrations in app/db/table_config