| |
| [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | string
| |
-| [links](./ | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly troubleshootGaps: string;
readonly securitySolution: {
readonly trustedApps: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly spaces: Readonly<{
kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
learnMoreBlog: string;
apiKeysLearnMore: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
+| [links](./ | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly troubleshootGaps: string;
readonly securitySolution: {
readonly trustedApps: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly spaces: Readonly<{
kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
installElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
learnMoreBlog: string;
apiKeysLearnMore: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
diff --git a/docs/management/action-types.asciidoc b/docs/management/action-types.asciidoc
index 93d0ee3d2cab6..b2bf5f2bbe308 100644
--- a/docs/management/action-types.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/management/action-types.asciidoc
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ a| <{{ ::'plugin_2.message-id' | i18n: { defaultMessage: 'Message text' } }}
diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.jsx b/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.jsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8f41a58bf82d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* eslint-disable */ + +i18n.translate('plugin_2.duplicate_id', { defaultMessage: 'Message 1' }); + +i18n.translate('plugin_2.duplicate_id', { + defaultMessage: 'Message 2', + description: 'Message description', +}); diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3/test_file.jsx b/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2_additional_path/test_file.jsx similarity index 100% rename from src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3/test_file.jsx rename to src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2_additional_path/test_file.jsx diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3_additional_path/test_file.jsx b/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3_additional_path/test_file.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index 7fa370dec5ebb..0000000000000 --- a/src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3_additional_path/test_file.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -/* eslint-disable */ - -i18n('plugin_3.duplicate_id', { defaultMessage: 'Message 1' }); - -i18n.translate('plugin_3.duplicate_id', { - defaultMessage: 'Message 2', - description: 'Message description', -}); diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/__snapshots__/extract_default_translations.test.js.snap b/src/dev/i18n/__snapshots__/extract_default_translations.test.js.snap index b19b366a8db7b..c9215b9aed98b 100644 --- a/src/dev/i18n/__snapshots__/extract_default_translations.test.js.snap +++ b/src/dev/i18n/__snapshots__/extract_default_translations.test.js.snap @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ Array [ Array [ "plugin_1.id_1", Object { - "description": undefined, + "description": "Message description", "message": "Message 1", }, ], Array [ "plugin_1.id_2", Object { - "description": "Message description", + "description": undefined, "message": "Message 2", }, ], @@ -23,27 +23,13 @@ Array [ "message": "Message 3", }, ], - Array [ - "plugin_1.id_4", - Object { - "description": undefined, - "message": "Message 4", - }, - ], - Array [ - "plugin_1.id_7", - Object { - "description": undefined, - "message": "Message 7", - }, - ], ] `; exports[`dev/i18n/extract_default_translations throws on id collision 1`] = ` Array [ - "[37m[41m I18N ERROR [49m[39m Error in src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3/test_file.jsx -Error: There is more than one default message for the same id \\"plugin_3.duplicate_id\\": + "[37m[41m I18N ERROR [49m[39m Error in src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.jsx +Error: There is more than one default message for the same id \\"plugin_2.duplicate_id\\": \\"Message 1\\" and \\"Message 2\\"", ] `; diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.js b/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.js index 97554704edc7f..a453b0bbae2fb 100644 --- a/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.js +++ b/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.js @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import path from 'path'; -import { extractHtmlMessages, extractCodeMessages } from './extractors'; +import { extractCodeMessages } from './extractors'; import { globAsync, readFileAsync, normalizePath } from './utils'; import { createFailError, isFailError } from '@kbn/dev-utils'; @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export async function matchEntriesWithExctractors(inputPath, options = {}) { '**/*.d.ts', ].concat(additionalIgnore); - const entries = await globAsync('*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,html}', { + const entries = await globAsync('*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', { cwd: inputPath, matchBase: true, ignore, @@ -67,25 +67,14 @@ export async function matchEntriesWithExctractors(inputPath, options = {}) { absolute, }); - const { htmlEntries, codeEntries } = entries.reduce( - (paths, entry) => { - const resolvedPath = path.resolve(inputPath, entry); + const codeEntries = entries.reduce((paths, entry) => { + const resolvedPath = path.resolve(inputPath, entry); + paths.push(resolvedPath); - if (resolvedPath.endsWith('.html')) { - paths.htmlEntries.push(resolvedPath); - } else { - paths.codeEntries.push(resolvedPath); - } - - return paths; - }, - { htmlEntries: [], codeEntries: [] } - ); + return paths; + }, []); - return [ - [htmlEntries, extractHtmlMessages], - [codeEntries, extractCodeMessages], - ]; + return [[codeEntries, extractCodeMessages]]; } export async function extractMessagesFromPathToMap(inputPath, targetMap, config, reporter) { diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.test.js b/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.test.js index 4b0da570ca551..e5b33eba7a4db 100644 --- a/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.test.js +++ b/src/dev/i18n/extract_default_translations.test.js @@ -18,17 +18,15 @@ const fixturesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '__fixtures__', 'extract_default_tr const pluginsPaths = [ path.join(fixturesPath, 'test_plugin_1'), path.join(fixturesPath, 'test_plugin_2'), - path.join(fixturesPath, 'test_plugin_3'), - path.join(fixturesPath, 'test_plugin_3_additional_path'), + path.join(fixturesPath, 'test_plugin_2_additional_path'), ]; const config = { paths: { plugin_1: ['src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_1'], - plugin_2: ['src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2'], - plugin_3: [ - 'src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3', - 'src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3_additional_path', + plugin_2: [ + 'src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2', + 'src/dev/i18n/__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2_additional_path', ], }, exclude: [], @@ -44,7 +42,7 @@ describe('dev/i18n/extract_default_translations', () => { }); test('throws on id collision', async () => { - const [, , pluginPath] = pluginsPaths; + const [, pluginPath] = pluginsPaths; const reporter = new ErrorReporter(); await expect( @@ -57,20 +55,20 @@ describe('dev/i18n/extract_default_translations', () => { const id = 'plugin_2.message-id'; const filePath = path.resolve( __dirname, - '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.html' + '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.jsx' ); expect(() => validateMessageNamespace(id, filePath, config.paths)).not.toThrow(); }); test('validates message namespace with multiple paths', () => { - const id = 'plugin_3.message-id'; + const id = 'plugin_2.message-id'; const filePath1 = path.resolve( __dirname, - '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3/test_file.html' + '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.jsx' ); const filePath2 = path.resolve( __dirname, - '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_3_additional_path/test_file.html' + '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2_additional_path/test_file.jsx' ); expect(() => validateMessageNamespace(id, filePath1, config.paths)).not.toThrow(); expect(() => validateMessageNamespace(id, filePath2, config.paths)).not.toThrow(); @@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ describe('dev/i18n/extract_default_translations', () => { const id = 'wrong_plugin_namespace.message-id'; const filePath = path.resolve( __dirname, - '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.html' + '__fixtures__/extract_default_translations/test_plugin_2/test_file.jsx' ); expect(() => validateMessageNamespace(id, filePath, config.paths, { report })).not.toThrow(); diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/extractors/__snapshots__/html.test.js.snap b/src/dev/i18n/extractors/__snapshots__/html.test.js.snap deleted file mode 100644 index f911674400d45..0000000000000 --- a/src/dev/i18n/extractors/__snapshots__/html.test.js.snap +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -// Jest Snapshot v1, - -exports[`dev/i18n/extractors/html extracts default messages from HTML 1`] = ` -Array [ - Array [ - "", - Object { - "description": "Message description 1", - "message": "Message text 1 {value}", - }, - ], - Array [ - "", - Object { - "description": undefined, - "message": "Message text 2", - }, - ], - Array [ - "", - Object { - "description": "Message description 3", - "message": "Message text 3", - }, - ], -] -`; - -exports[`dev/i18n/extractors/html extracts default messages from HTML with one-time binding 1`] = ` -Array [ - Array [ - "", - Object { - "description": undefined, - "message": "Message text with {value}", - }, - ], -] -`; - -exports[`dev/i18n/extractors/html extracts message from i18n filter in interpolating directive 1`] = ` -Array [ - Array [ - "namespace.messageId", - Object { - "description": undefined, - "message": "Message", - }, - ], -] -`; - -exports[`dev/i18n/extractors/html throws on empty i18n-id 1`] = ` -Array [ - Array [ - [Error: Empty "i18n-id" value in angular directive is not allowed.], - ], -] -`; - -exports[`dev/i18n/extractors/html throws on i18n filter usage in complex angular expression 1`] = ` -Array [ - Array [ - [Error: Couldn't parse angular i18n expression: -Missing semicolon. (1:5): - mode[37m[41m [49m[39mas ('metricVis.colorModes.' + mode], - ], -] -`; - -exports[`dev/i18n/extractors/html throws on missing i18n-default-message attribute 1`] = ` -Array [ - Array [ - [Error: Empty defaultMessage in angular directive is not allowed ("message-id").], - ], -] -`; diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/extractors/html.js b/src/dev/i18n/extractors/html.js deleted file mode 100644 index 922f67ac2fb09..0000000000000 --- a/src/dev/i18n/extractors/html.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one - * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License - * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except - * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server - * Side Public License, v 1. - */ - -import cheerio from 'cheerio'; -import { parse } from '@babel/parser'; -import { isObjectExpression, isStringLiteral } from '@babel/types'; - -import { - isPropertyWithKey, - formatHTMLString, - formatJSString, - traverseNodes, - checkValuesProperty, - createParserErrorMessage, - extractMessageValueFromNode, - extractValuesKeysFromNode, - extractDescriptionValueFromNode, -} from '../utils'; -import { DEFAULT_MESSAGE_KEY, DESCRIPTION_KEY, VALUES_KEY } from '../constants'; -import { createFailError, isFailError } from '@kbn/dev-utils'; - -/** - * Find all substrings of "{{ any text }}" pattern allowing '{' and '}' chars in single quote strings - * - * Example: `{{ ::'' | i18n: { defaultMessage: 'Message with {{curlyBraces}}' } }}` - */ -const ANGULAR_EXPRESSION_REGEX = /{{([^{}]|({([^']|('([^']|(\\'))*'))*?}))*}}+/g; - -const LINEBREAK_REGEX = /\n/g; -const I18N_FILTER_MARKER = '| i18n: '; - -function parseExpression(expression) { - let ast; - - try { - ast = parse(`+${expression}`.replace(LINEBREAK_REGEX, ' ')); - } catch (error) { - if (error instanceof SyntaxError) { - const errorWithContext = createParserErrorMessage(` ${expression}`, error); - throw createFailError(`Couldn't parse angular i18n expression:\n${errorWithContext}`); - } - } - - return ast; -} - -/** - * Extract default message from an angular filter expression argument - * @param {string} expression JavaScript code containing a filter object - * @param {string} messageId id of the message - * @returns {{ message?: string, description?: string, valuesKeys: string[]] }} - */ -function parseFilterObjectExpression(expression, messageId) { - const ast = parseExpression(expression); - const objectExpressionNode = [...traverseNodes(ast.program.body)].find((node) => - isObjectExpression(node) - ); - - if (!objectExpressionNode) { - return {}; - } - - const [messageProperty, descriptionProperty, valuesProperty] = [ - DEFAULT_MESSAGE_KEY, - DESCRIPTION_KEY, - VALUES_KEY, - ].map((key) => - => isPropertyWithKey(property, key)) - ); - - const message = messageProperty - ? formatJSString(extractMessageValueFromNode(messageProperty.value, messageId)) - : undefined; - - const description = descriptionProperty - ? formatJSString(extractDescriptionValueFromNode(descriptionProperty.value, messageId)) - : undefined; - - const valuesKeys = valuesProperty - ? extractValuesKeysFromNode(valuesProperty.value, messageId) - : []; - - return { message, description, valuesKeys }; -} - -function parseIdExpression(expression) { - const ast = parseExpression(expression); - const stringNode = [...traverseNodes(ast.program.body)].find((node) => isStringLiteral(node)); - - if (!stringNode) { - throw createFailError(`Message id should be a string literal, but got: \n${expression}`); - } - - return stringNode ? formatJSString(stringNode.value) : null; -} - -function trimCurlyBraces(string) { - if (string.startsWith('{{') && string.endsWith('}}')) { - return string.slice(2, -2).trim(); - } - - return string; -} - -/** - * Removes one-time binding operator `::` from the start of a string. - * - * Example: `::'id' | i18n: { defaultMessage: 'Message' }` - * @param {string} string string to trim - */ -function trimOneTimeBindingOperator(string) { - if (string.startsWith('::')) { - return string.slice(2); - } - - return string; -} - -function* extractExpressions(htmlContent) { - const elements = cheerio.load(htmlContent)('*').toArray(); - - for (const element of elements) { - for (const node of element.children) { - if (node.type === 'text') { - yield* ( || []) - .filter((expression) => expression.includes(I18N_FILTER_MARKER)) - .map(trimCurlyBraces); - } - } - - for (const attribute of Object.values(element.attribs)) { - if (attribute.includes(I18N_FILTER_MARKER)) { - yield trimCurlyBraces(attribute); - } - } - } -} - -function* getFilterMessages(htmlContent, reporter) { - for (const expression of extractExpressions(htmlContent)) { - const filterStart = expression.indexOf(I18N_FILTER_MARKER); - - const idExpression = trimOneTimeBindingOperator(expression.slice(0, filterStart).trim()); - const filterObjectExpression = expression.slice(filterStart + I18N_FILTER_MARKER.length).trim(); - - try { - if (!filterObjectExpression || !idExpression) { - throw createFailError(`Cannot parse i18n filter expression: ${expression}`); - } - - const messageId = parseIdExpression(idExpression); - - if (!messageId) { - throw createFailError('Empty "id" value in angular filter expression is not allowed.'); - } - - const { message, description, valuesKeys } = parseFilterObjectExpression( - filterObjectExpression, - messageId - ); - - if (!message) { - throw createFailError( - `Empty defaultMessage in angular filter expression is not allowed ("${messageId}").` - ); - } - - checkValuesProperty(valuesKeys, message, messageId); - - yield [messageId, { message, description }]; - } catch (error) { - if (!isFailError(error)) { - throw error; - } - -; - } - } -} - -function* getDirectiveMessages(htmlContent, reporter) { - const $ = cheerio.load(htmlContent); - - const elements = $('[i18n-id]') - .map((idx, el) => { - const $el = $(el); - - return { - id: $el.attr('i18n-id'), - defaultMessage: $el.attr('i18n-default-message'), - description: $el.attr('i18n-description'), - values: $el.attr('i18n-values'), - }; - }) - .toArray(); - - for (const element of elements) { - const messageId = formatHTMLString(; - if (!messageId) { - - createFailError('Empty "i18n-id" value in angular directive is not allowed.') - ); - continue; - } - - const message = formatHTMLString(element.defaultMessage); - if (!message) { - - createFailError( - `Empty defaultMessage in angular directive is not allowed ("${messageId}").` - ) - ); - continue; - } - - try { - if (element.values) { - const ast = parseExpression(element.values); - const valuesObjectNode = [...traverseNodes(ast.program.body)].find((node) => - isObjectExpression(node) - ); - const valuesKeys = extractValuesKeysFromNode(valuesObjectNode); - - checkValuesProperty(valuesKeys, message, messageId); - } else { - checkValuesProperty([], message, messageId); - } - - yield [ - messageId, - { message, description: formatHTMLString(element.description) || undefined }, - ]; - } catch (error) { - if (!isFailError(error)) { - throw error; - } - -; - } - } -} - -export function* extractHtmlMessages(buffer, reporter) { - const content = buffer.toString(); - yield* getDirectiveMessages(content, reporter); - yield* getFilterMessages(content, reporter); -} diff --git a/src/dev/i18n/extractors/html.test.js b/src/dev/i18n/extractors/html.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5f0c7ac39e8f6..0000000000000 --- a/src/dev/i18n/extractors/html.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one - * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License - * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except - * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server - * Side Public License, v 1. - */ - -import { extractHtmlMessages } from './html'; - -const htmlSourceBuffer = Buffer.from(` -( + handler: RequestHandler
+): RequestHandler
+ return async (context, req, res) => {
+ const hasFleetSetupPrivilege = await checkFleetSetupPrivilege(req);
+ if (!hasFleetSetupPrivilege) {
+ return res.forbidden({ body: { message: SUPERUSER_AUTHZ_MESSAGE } });
return handler(context, req, res);
-export function makeRouterEnforcingSuperuser ;
+ * Convenience type for routers in Fleet that includes the FleetRequestHandlerContext type
+ * @internal
+ */
+export type FleetRouter = IRouter