- Store shipping data for user profile
- Add registraion of nicknames
- Add antyspoofing protection
- Update internal node version linux / mac
- Fixed paste / copy
- Direct messages
- Direct transfers
- Send money modal
- New message type
- Fixed channel scrolls down on message refresh
- Desktop notifications
- Fixed channel imports when no SK
- App version in sidebar panel
- Fixed login screen - incorrect password is now handled correctly and enter works as a form submit
- Display message input only when user currently has no funds and there are some locked funds
- Lock message input if current balance is 0 and display locked funds in wallet panel
- Channel info that contains channel description and shareable hash
- General channel as landing page
- Debounce channel messages
- Fixed errors during channel import - if hash is invalid app doesn't quit anymore.
- Changed node status to a linear loader on node's connection page
- zcashd binaries for arch-based linux distros (tested on Manjaro 18.0.4)
- Store spending and private keys for identity in vault on creation - added a migration for accounts created before 0.2.0
- Mechanism that on identity load ensures identity keys are present in the zcash node
- Mechanism that on channels load ensures viewing keys are present in the zcash node
- Loaders for Identity, Channels and Channel with info messages
- Improved status messages when waiting for zcash node
- Error handler that provides stacktrace
- Zcash node logs in file