The recipes in this repository were built in the following order:
- crosstools-ng
- ctng-compilers - gfortran test will fail, this is fine
- ctng-compilers-activation - gfortran test will fail, this is fine
- make
- libtool
- m4
- perl
- autoconf
- automake
- unzip
- libffi
- gettext
- zlib
- help2man
- pkg-config
- ncurses
- bzip2
- xz
- expat
- ca-certificates
- openssl
- wget
- rhash
- libedit
- sqlite
- readline
- libx11-common-cos7-aarch64
- libx11-cos7-aarch64
- libx11-devel-cos7-aarch64
- libxau-cos7-aarch64
- libxcb-cos7-aarch64
- xorg-x11-proto-devel-cos7-aarch64
- tk
- python
- certifi
- setuptools
- wheel
- pip
- cython
- conda-env
- six
- idna
- setuptools_scm
- atomicwrites
- attrs
- more-itertools
- pluggy
- py
- pytest
- pytest-runner
- chardet
- pycparser
- cffi
- asn1crypto
- cryptography-vectors
- iso8601
- coverage
- pretend
- pytz
- pbr
- cookies
- mock
- ptyprocess
- pexpect
- hypothesis : build with --no-test, lot of requirements for tests
- crytography
- pyopenssl
- pysocks
- urllib3
- requests
- responses
- cake_nosystemcurl
- libssh2
- curl
- beautifulsoup4
- cmake
- yaml
- ruamel_yaml
- git
- pycosat
- conda
- filelock
- glob2
- markupsafe
- jinja2
- psutil
- pkginfo
- pyyaml
- tqdm
- patchelf
- patch
- lz4-c
- lzo
- nose
- pkgconfig
- lz4
- icu
- libxml2
- zstd
- libarchive
- python-libarchive-c
- lief
- conda-build
- constructor
- clyent
- ipython_genutils
- decorator
- traitlets
- vcversioner
- jsonschema
- jupyter_core
- nbformat
- flex
- bison
- python-dateutil
- anaconda-client