All notable changes to XLPagerTabStrip will be documented in this file.
- Xcode 9 support. (Swift 4)
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Swift 3 support
- Breaking change: Swiftified names of functions (you can see more details about it here)
- Xcode 8 support. (Swift 2.3)
- Xcode 7.3 support.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes and stability improvements
- Base code migration from obj-c to swift.
- Removed XL prefix from all types.
added toXLButtonBarView
added toXLButtonBarView
.- Bug fixes and Stability improvements.
- Added ability to change look and feel of selected tab.
added toXLButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController
added toXLButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController
.- indxWasChanged parameter was added to
-(void)pagerTabStripViewController:(XLPagerTabStripViewController *)pagerTabStripViewController updateIndicatorFromIndex:(NSInteger)fromIndex toIndex:(NSInteger)toIndex withProgressPercentage:(CGFloat)progressPercentage indexWasChanged:(BOOL)indexWasChanged;
- Bug Fix Issue #45: When the current tab is tapped by the user, and later swiping to another tab, the indicator now changes as expected.
- Bug Fix: When scrolling between tabs with progressive indicator, the indicator now scrolls swiftly. It used to jump for an instant.
- Bug Fix Issue #54: Twitter PagerTabStrip wasn't loading the navigation title correctly.
- Bug Fix Issue #32: Demo for Nav Button Bar Example fix.
- Bug Fix Issue #32: Twitter Pager white dots that mark which tab is currently selected is non selectable now.
- Bug Fix Issue #22: moveToViewControllerAtIndex: in viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear is not reflected in buttonBarView.
- Nav Button example added
- Support for iOS 7.0 and above
- Twitter pager added
- Bug fixes and stability improvements
- Initial release