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3.2. Data preprocessing

Jim Schwoebel edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

This section of the wiki is for manipulating and pre-processing features extracted from audio, text, image, video, or .CSV files as part of the machine learning modeling process.

This is done via a convention for transformers, which are in the proper folders (e.g. audio files --> audio_transformers). There are three main feature transformation techniques: feature scaling, feature selection, and dimensionality reduction.

In this way, we can appropriately create transformers for various sample data types.

Building transformers (for classification problems)

To transform an entire folder of a featurized files, you can run:

cd ~ 
cd allie/preprocessing
python3 text c onetwo one two

The code above will transform all the featurized text files (in .JSON files, folder ONE and folder TWO) via a classification script with a common name ONETWO. For clarity, the command line arguments are further elaborated upon below along with all possible options to help you use the transformers API. Note that folder ONE and folder TWO are assumed to be in the train_dir folder.

CLI argument sample description all options
sys.argv[1] 'text' the sample type of file preprocessed by the transformer ['audio', 'text', 'image', 'video', 'csv']
sys.argv[2] 'c' classification or regression problems ['c', 'r']
sys.argv[3] 'onetwo' the common name for the transformer can be any string
sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5], sys.argv[n] 'one' classes that you seek to model in the train_dir folder any string folder name

Building transformers (for regression problems)

To transform an entire folder of a featurized files (for a regression problem - target being between [0,1], you can run:

cd ~ 
cd allie/preprocessing
python3 text c age test.csv /Users/jim/desktop/allie/train_dir age

The code above will transform all the features in the test.csv spreadsheet in the /Users/jim/desktop/allie/train_dir around the target variable age according to the specified preprocessing settings. In other words, all other variables from the target variable are represented as numberical features that will be transformed.

CLI argument sample description all options
sys.argv[1] 'text' the sample type of file preprocessed by the transformer ['audio', 'text', 'image', 'video', 'csv']
sys.argv[2] 'c' classification or regression problems ['c', 'r']
sys.argv[3] 'age' target variable in a spreadsheet any string variable as a pandas dataframe
sys.argv[4] 'test.csv' csv spreadsheet for the regression problem any string that represents a spreadsheet name
sys.argv[5] '/Users/jim/desktop/allie/train_dir' directory of the spreadsheet any string directory file (can get with os.getcwd())
sys.argv[6] 'age' common_name for the modeling problem any string common name that makes sense for the problem


Here are the relevant settings in Allie related to preprocessing that you can change in the settings.json file (along with the default settings).

setting description default setting all options
reduce_dimensions if True, reduce dimensions via the default_dimensionality_reducer (or set of dimensionality reducers) False True, False
default_dimensionality_reducer the default dimensionality reducer or set of dimensionality reducers ["pca"] ["pca", "lda", "tsne", "plda","autoencoder"]
select_features if True, select features via the default_feature_selector (or set of feature selectors) False True, False
default_feature_selector the default feature selector or set of reature selectors ["lasso"] ["lasso", "rfe", "chi", "kbest", "variance"]
scale_features if True, scales features via the default_scaler (or set of scalers) False True, False
default_scaler the default scaler (e.g. StandardScalar) to pre-process data ["standard_scaler"] ["binarizer", "one_hot_encoder", "normalize", "power_transformer", "poly", "quantile_transformer", "standard_scaler"]


  • sophia - tutorials in feature preprocessing and ML algorithms