A program to simulate the control of a networked robot.
To run the unit test, install pytest, open a terminal/powershell and run:
pytest test_driver.py
1. Install Python 3.10.
2. Add to path during installation if running windows
3. Open CMD/Powershell, or terminal.
4. Change directory to where the code is saved:
1. CD Robot-Automation-Driver
5. Run the following command:
1. python3 driver.py
6. Open another CMD/Powershell or terminal
7. Change to the same directory
8. run the following command:
1. python3 schedulerprogram.py
9. Send commands from this terminal to the driver and await response.
10. Acceptable commands are:
1. initialize
2. pick [“Source”] [<any integer here>]
3. place [“Destination”] [<any integer here>]
4. transfer [“Source”,”Destination] [<any integer here>,<any integer here>]
5. abort