The real-time Perception and Generation (PerceptNGen) module is a part of the IAVA system.
It computes the user multimodal signal perception and the agent behavior generation (via the ASAP model for every frame) and passes the generated agent's nonverbal features to the Greta platform for display.
- OpenFace extracting user's visual features (AUs, pose, gaze) streaming in real-time via ZeroMQ;
- Greta platform executing with the configuration of "Greta-IAVA-Cereproc.xml" or "Greta - ASR IAVA.xml";
- Environment requirements:
- Python 3.9.7
- Tensorflow 2.4.1
- numpy 1.23.5
- scipy 1.4.1
- zeromq 4.3.3
- sounddevice 0.4.4
- soundfile 0.10.3.post1
- opensmile 2.4.1
- "": main script to perceive the user's multimodal signals (OpenFace and openSMILE), compute agent behavior via ASAP, and communicate with the Greta platform in real-time;
- "": ASAP model functions;
- "": smoothing filter function;
- "": converts recorded audio signals to a WAV file.
- "config.ini": main configuration file (Socket connection configs of IP and port, ASAP model configs, openSMILE parameters);
- "opensmile_realtime.conf": configuration of openSMILE.
- "ASAP_pretrainedWeights.hdf5": pretrained weights of ASAP model.
"" renders 2 output CSV files. It records the audio signals of the user along with OpenFace and openSMILE features extracted from the user and agent for each frame (every 0.04s).
"userAudio_asnumpy.csv": record the audio signals of the user and can be converted in WAV file using ""
"userNagentOFOSdata.csv": record OpenFace and openSMILE features of the user and agent with features listed in the order of:
- [timestamp, userOF, userOS, agentOF, agentOS] where:
- OF: [' pose_Rx', ' pose_Ry', ' pose_Rz', ' AU01_r', ' AU02_r', ' AU04_r', ' AU05_r', ' AU06_r', ' AU07_r', ' AU12_r', ' gaze_angle_x', ' gaze_angle_y']
- OS: ['voiceProb', 'F0env', 'loudness', 'mfcc[0]', 'mfcc[1]', 'mfcc[2]', 'mfcc[3]', 'mfcc[4]', 'mfcc[5]', 'mfcc[6]', 'mfcc[7]', 'mfcc[8]', 'mfcc[9]', 'mfcc[10]', 'mfcc[11]', 'mfcc[12]']
- [timestamp, userOF, userOS, agentOF, agentOS] where:
To run the PerceptNGen module of the IAVA system, OpenFace, and the Greta platform must be running before launching the main script of "".
Start by changing the socket connection configurations by entering your IP addresses (please leave the port number as it is) in: config.ini
After launching the IAVA socket communication within the Greta platform, run the system.
To run the system, run with:
After closing the system program, the output CSV files will be available.