- CB-10100 updated file dependency to not grab new majors
- CB-8863 Fix block usage of self
- CB-10035 Updated
to be newest to oldest - Fixing contribute link.
- CB-9249 Fix iOS warnings in Media Capture plugin
- Document the quality property in Android quirks
- Add
for quality
- CB-9128 cordova-plugin-media-capture documentation translation: cordova-plugin-media-capture
- fix npm md issue
- CB-8746 bumped version of file dependency
- CB-8746 gave plugin major version bump
- CB-8747 updated dependency, added peer dependency
- CB-8683 changed plugin-id to pacakge-name
- CB-8653 properly updated translated docs to use new id
- CB-8653 updated translated docs to use new id
- Use TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, install paramedic by npm
- docs: added Windows to supported platforms
- CB-8687 consolidate manifest targets
- CB-7963 Adds support for browser platform
- CB-8653 Updated Readme
- CB-8659: ios: 4.0.x Compatibility: Remove use of initWebView method
- CB-8571 Integrate TravisCI
- CB-8438 cordova-plugin-media-capture documentation translation: cordova-plugin-media-capture
- CB-8538 Added package.json file
- CB-8351 ios: Use inline copies of deprecated CDV_IsIpad and CDV_IsIphone5
- CB-8351 ios: Stop using (newly) deprecated CDVJSON.h
- CB-8351 ios: Use argumentForIndex rather than NSArray extension
- CB-7977 Mention deviceready in plugin docs
- CB-7597 -
for Media Capture are in the default template, it should be in the plugin - CB-7700 cordova-plugin-media-capture documentation translation: cordova-plugin-media-capture
- CB-7453 Adds fallback to m4a audio format when mp3 recording fails.
- CB-7429 Fixes image capture manual tests on windows
- CB-7429 Move windows8 and windows Proxies into one file
- CB-7429 Adds media capture support for windows
- Renamed test dir, added nested plugin.xml
- added documentation for manual tests
- CB-6959 Added manual tests
- CB-6959 Port capture tests to plugin-test-framework
- ubuntu: fix compler warnings
- ubuntu: support qt 5.2
- CB-6127 Updated translations for docs
- CB-6978 captureImage() function fails in Android
- CB-6890: Fix pluginManager access for 4.0.x branch
- Added translations to documentation. Github close #14
- Remove deprecated symbols for iOS < 6
- Fixes captureTasks UI URIs
- CB-6808 Add license
- CB-6706: Relax dependency on file plugin
- CB-6491 add CONTRIBUTING.md
- CB-6152: [ios, android] Make mediafile compatible with file plugin
- CB-6385: Specify file plugin dependency version
- CB-6212: [iOS] fix warnings compiled under arm64 64-bit
- CB-6016 [BlackBerry10] Add audio capture capability
- [Blackberry10] Add rim xml namespaces declaration
- CB-6422 [windows8] use cordova/exec/proxy
- CB-6460: Update license headers
- Add NOTICE file
- CB-5202 Fix video capture crash on Android 4.3+
- [ubuntu] request audio/camera/microphone permission
- fixed cordova cli add capture plugin not work wp
- CB-5685 [BlackBerry10] Add access_shared permission
- CB-5658 Add doc/index.md for Media Capture plugin
- CB-5569 Windows8. MediaFile constructor does not exist
- CB-5517 Fix the audio capture IO exception by putting it in a runnable
- add ubuntu platform
- Added amazon-fireos platform. Change to use amazon-fireos as a platform if user agent string contains 'cordova-amazon-fireos'
- CB-5291 - ios - Media Capture Audio - status bar issues under iOS 7
- CB-5275: CaptureImage and CaptureVideo have runnables and CaptureVideo works on 4.2. Still doesn't work for 4.3
- CB-5199 - ios - Media Capture - UI issues under iOS 7
- CB-5128: added repo + issue tag to plugin.xml for media capture plugin
- CB-5010 Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
- CB-4720: fixed incorrect feature tag in plugin.xml for wp
- CB-4915 Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
- CB-4889 bumping&resetting version
- [windows8] commandProxy was moved
- [windows8] commandProxy was moved
- CB-4889
- CB-4889 renaming org.apache.cordova.core.media-capture to org.apache.cordova.media-capture and updating dependency
- CB-4847 iOS 7 microphone access requires user permission - if denied, CDVCapture, CDVSound does not handle it properly
- CB-4826 Fix warning using UITextAlignmentCenter
- CB-4826 Fix XCode 5 capture plugin warnings
- CB-4488 - added manual capture test
- CB-4764 Remove reference to DirectoryManager from Capture.java
- CB-4763 Use own version of FileHelper.
- CB-4752 Incremented plugin version on dev branch.