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Releases: jhipster/prettier-java


11 Mar 11:35
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Latest v2.1.0


  • Support for require-pragma option (Issue #573 closed with #574)
    Thanks to @yannick-paz for the contribution !
// Input
 * @prettier
public class Example { private int test=-1;}

// Output with require-pragma option activated
 * @prettier
public class Example {
  private int test = -1;

// Input
public class Example { private int test=-1;}

// Output with require-pragma option activated
public class Example { private int test=-1;}


  • Break long assignments after equals (Issue #527 closed with #564)
    Thanks to @jtkiesel for the fix !
// Input
class Example {

  void example() {
    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes = new Object()

    Object[] aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes2 = new Object[] {
      new Object(),
      new Object()

    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes3 = SomeClass.someStaticMethod();

    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes = someMethod()

    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes = anotherValue !=
      ? anotherValue
      : new Object();

// Output
class Example {

  void example() {
    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes =
      new Object().someMethod();

    Object[] aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes2 =
      new Object[] { new Object(), new Object() };

    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes3 =

    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes =

    Object aParticularlyLongAndObnoxiousNameForIllustrativePurposes =
      anotherValue != null ? anotherValue : new Object();


26 Nov 13:18
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Breaking changes

  • Drop support of Node.js 12


  • Support pattern matching guards (Issue #535 closed with #559)
// Input
class T {

    void test(Buyer other) {
        return switch (other) {
            case null -> true;
            case Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> true;
            case Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> {
                return true;
            case (Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice) -> true;
            case Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> true;
            case Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> {
                return true;
            case (Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice) -> true;
            case (Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice) -> {
                return true;
            default -> false;

// Output
class T {
  void test(Buyer other) {
    return switch (other) {
      case null -> true;
      case Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> true;
      case Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> {
        return true;
      case (Buyer b && this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice) -> true;
      case Buyer b &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> true;
      case Buyer b &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
        this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice -> {
        return true;
      case (
          Buyer b &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice
        ) -> true;
      case (
          Buyer b &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice &&
          this.bestPrice > b.bestPrice
        ) -> {
        return true;
      default -> false;


  • Fix parsing of escaped spaces in strings (Issue #541 closed with #543)
public class Test {

  public static final String REGEX = "^\s$";

  • Fix unwanted space in "exports"-statement in (Issue #550 closed with #551)
    Thanks to @BjornJaspers for the fix
// Input
open module org.myorg.module {
  requires some.required.module;

  exports org.myorg.module.exportpackage1;
  exports org.myorg.module.exportpackage2;
// Prettier 1.6.2
open module org.myorg.module {
  requires some.required.module;

  exports org.myorg.module.exportpackage1 ;
  exports org.myorg.module.exportpackage2 ;
// Prettier 1.6.3
open module org.myorg.module {
  requires some.required.module;

  exports org.myorg.module.exportpackage1;
  exports org.myorg.module.exportpackage2;


  • doc: add VSCode Java import order configuration (#546)
    Thanks to @derkoe for the contribution


25 May 13:26
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Latest v1.6.2


  • Fix parsing of nested sealed and non-sealed classes & interfaces inside interfaces (Issue #533 closed with #538)
public interface Test {
    sealed interface Inner {}

    public static sealed abstract class SealedParent {}

    non-sealed interface Inner {}

    public static non-sealed abstract class SealedParent {}

    final static class SealedChild extends SealedParent {}
  • Fix incorrect reformating of type bounds in a generic extends clause (Issue #536 closed with #537)
// Input
public class Foo<T> {

  public <U extends @NotNull T> void example(U u) {}

  public <U extends T> void example(U u) {}

// Prettier 1.6.1
public class Foo<T> {

  public <U extends @NotNullT> void example(U u) {}

  public <U extends> void example(U u) {}

// Prettier 1.6.2
public class Foo<T> {

  public <U extends @NotNull T> void example(U u) {}

  public <U extends T> void example(U u) {}


06 Jan 13:16
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Latest v1.6.1


  • Fix parsing of nested sealed and non-sealed classes (Issue #522 closed with #523)
// Input
public class SealedClasses {
  public static sealed abstract class SealedParent permits SealedChild {}

  final static class SealedChild extends SealedParent {}

// Output
public class NestedSealedClasses {

  public abstract static sealed class SealedParent permits SealedChild {}

  static final class SealedChild extends SealedParent {}


14 Nov 11:21
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Latest v1.6.0


  • Improve formatting of records parameters with annotations
// Input
public record Record(
    @JsonSerialize(using = StatusSerializer.class, nullsUsing = NullSerializer.class)
    @Schema(type = "integer", description = "Some fancy description")
    Status status,

    Integer number
) {}

public record Record(
    @JsonSerialize(using = StatusSerializer.class, nullsUsing = NullSerializer.class)
    @Schema(type = "integer", description = "Some fancy description")
    // comment
    Status status,

    // another comment
    Integer number
) {}

// Prettier v1.5.0
public record Record(
    using = StatusSerializer.class,
    nullsUsing = NullSerializer.class
  ) @Schema(
    type = "integer",
    description = "Some fancy description"
  ) Status status,
  @NotNull Integer number
) {}

public record Record(
    using = StatusSerializer.class,
    nullsUsing = NullSerializer.class
  ) @Schema(type = "integer", description = "Some fancy description") // comment
  Status status,
  // another comment
  @NotNull Integer number
) {}

// Prettier v1.6.0
public record Record(
    using = StatusSerializer.class,
    nullsUsing = NullSerializer.class
  @Schema(type = "integer", description = "Some fancy description")
  Status status,

  @NotNull Integer number
) {}

public record Record(
    using = StatusSerializer.class,
    nullsUsing = NullSerializer.class
  @Schema(type = "integer", description = "Some fancy description")
  // comment
  Status status,

  // another comment
  @NotNull Integer number
) {}


  • Fix casting with additional bounds
// Input
class Example {
  void should_cast_with_single_element() {
    var myElem = (int) othrElement;
    var myElem = (A) othrElement;
    var myElem = (A) (othrElement, value) -> othrElement + value;
    var myElem = (Aaeaozeaonzeoazneaozenazonelkadndpndpazdpazdpazdpazdpazeazpeaazdpazdpazpdazdpa) othrElement;

  void should_cast_with_additional_bounds() {
    foo((A & B) obj);
    foo((A & B & C) obj);
    foo((Aaeaozeaonzeoazneaozenazone & Bazoieoainzeonaozenoazne & Cjneazeanezoanezoanzeoaneonazeono) obj);
    foo((Aaeaozeaonzeoazneaozenazone & Bazoieoainzeonaozenoazne & Cjneazeanezoanezoanzeoaneonazeono) (othrElement, value) -> othrElement + value);

// Prettier v1.5.0
class Example {

  void should_cast_with_single_element() {
    var myElem = (int) othrElement;
    var myElem = (A) othrElement;
    var myElem = (A) (othrElement, value) -> othrElement + value;
    var myElem = (Aaeaozeaonzeoazneaozenazonelkadndpndpazdpazdpazdpazdpazeazpeaazdpazdpazpdazdpa) othrElement;

  void should_cast_with_additional_bounds() {
    foo((A) & B obj);
    foo((A) & B& C obj);
      (Aaeaozeaonzeoazneaozenazone) & Bazoieoainzeonaozenoazne& Cjneazeanezoanezoanzeoaneonazeono obj
      (Aaeaozeaonzeoazneaozenazone) & Bazoieoainzeonaozenoazne& Cjneazeanezoanezoanzeoaneonazeono (
        ) ->
        othrElement + value

// Prettier v1.6.0
class Example {

  void should_cast_with_single_element() {
    var myElem = (int) othrElement;
    var myElem = (A) othrElement;
    var myElem = (A) (othrElement, value) -> othrElement + value;
    var myElem = (Aaeaozeaonzeoazneaozenazonelkadndpndpazdpazdpazdpazdpazeazpeaazdpazdpazpdazdpa) othrElement;

  void should_cast_with_additional_bounds() {
    foo((A & B) obj);
    foo((A & B & C) obj);
        & Bazoieoainzeonaozenoazne
        & Cjneazeanezoanezoanzeoaneonazeono
      ) obj
        & Bazoieoainzeonaozenoazne
        & Cjneazeanezoanezoanzeoaneonazeono
      ) (othrElement, value) -> othrElement + value


16 Oct 09:28
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Latest v1.5.0


  • Split record parameters on several lines if thez do not fit on a single line (#509)

    // Input
    public record Person(
        String firstName, String lastName, String email,
        String phoneNumber,
        String streetAddress,
        String city,
        String state,
        String zipCode
    ) {}
    // Prettier 1.4.0
    public record Person(
      String firstName, String lastName, String email, String phoneNumber, String streetAddress, String city, String state, String zipCode
    ) {}
    // Prettier 1.5.0
    public record Person(
      String firstName,
      String lastName,
      String email,
      String phoneNumber,
      String streetAddress,
      String city,
      String state,
      String zipCode
    ) {}
  • Support pattern matching in switch statements preview feature (#511)

    // Input
    class T {
      static String formatterPatternSwitch(Object o) {
        return switch (o) {
            Integer i ->
            String.format("int %d", i);
          case Long l    -> String.format("long %d", l);
          case Double d  -> String.format("double %f", d);
          case String s  -> String.format("String %s", s);
          case TOTO  -> String.format("TOTO %s", o);
          case null -> String.format("Null !");
          case default -> String.format("Default !");
          default        -> o.toString();
    // Output
    class T {
      static String formatterPatternSwitch(Object o) {
        return switch (o) {
          case Integer i -> String.format("int %d", i);
          case Long l -> String.format("long %d", l);
          case Double d -> String.format("double %f", d);
          case String s -> String.format("String %s", s);
          case TOTO -> String.format("TOTO %s", o);
          case null -> String.format("Null !");
          case default -> String.format("Default !");
          default -> o.toString();
  • Improve printing of class with long typeParameterList (#512)

    // Input
    public class ComplexGenericClass<BEAN extends AbstractBean & BeanItemSelect<BEANTYPE>, BEANTYPE, CONFIG extends BeanConfig<BEAN, BEANTYPE, CONFIG>> {}
    // Prettier 1.4.0
    public class ComplexGenericClass<BEAN extends AbstractBean & BeanItemSelect<BEANTYPE>, BEANTYPE, CONFIG extends BeanConfig<BEAN, BEANTYPE, CONFIG>> {}
    // Prettier 1.5.0
    public class ComplexGenericClass<
      BEAN extends AbstractBean & BeanItemSelect<BEANTYPE>,
      CONFIG extends BeanConfig<BEAN, BEANTYPE, CONFIG>
    > {}

Full Changelog:[email protected]


29 Aug 14:28
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  • Improve method invocation with lambda parameters (#497)


  • Fix parsing of static imports of yield methods (#499)
  • Improve java-parser types signatures (#496)


30 Jul 16:08
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  • Fix interface member detection to support inner records
    (From @rnorth: #492)
  • Remove yarn-error.log file from releases


20 Jun 13:58
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  • Add a space after generic constructor type parameters (#485)
// Input
public <T> GenericConstructor(T genericParameter) {}

// Prettier 1.2.0
public <T>GenericConstructor(T genericParameter) {}

// Prettier 1.2.1
public <T> GenericConstructor(T genericParameter) {}


13 Jun 16:44
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  • Supports of instance of pattern matching (#476)
// Input
if (o instanceof Integer i || p instanceof Point || q instanceof Circle c || r instanceof Square) {
  formatted = String.format("int %d", i);
} else if (o instanceof Long l) {
  formatted = String.format("long %d", l);
} else if (o instanceof Double d) {
  formatted = String.format("double %f", d);
} else if (o instanceof String s) {
  formatted = String.format("String %s", s);

// Output
if (
  o instanceof Integer i ||
  p instanceof Point ||
  q instanceof Circle c ||
  r instanceof Square
) {
  formatted = String.format("int %d", i);
} else if (o instanceof Long l) {
  formatted = String.format("long %d", l);
} else if (o instanceof Double d) {
  formatted = String.format("double %f", d);
} else if (o instanceof String s) {
  formatted = String.format("String %s", s);
  • Supports of sealed classes and interfaces (#478)
// Input
public sealed class Rectangle
  implements Shape
  permits Square {

  private final double length;
  private final double height;

  public Rectangle(double length, double height) {
    this.length = length;
    this.height = height;

  public double area() {
    return length * height;

// Output
public sealed class Rectangle implements Shape permits Square {

  private final double length;
  private final double height;

  public Rectangle(double length, double height) {
    this.length = length;
    this.height = height;

  public double area() {
    return length * height;
