import uuid, requests, json, pytz, gzip, re from datetime import datetime, timedelta import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class Client: def __init__(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.sessionAt = {} self.response_list = {} self.epg_data = {} self.device = None self.all_channels = {} self.load_device() self.x_forward = {"local": {"X-Forwarded-For":""}, "uk": {"X-Forwarded-For":""}, "ca": {"X-Forwarded-For":""}, "fr": {"X-Forwarded-For":""}, "us_east": {"X-Forwarded-For":""}, "us_west": {"X-Forwarded-For":""},} def load_device(self): if self.device is None: self.device = uuid.uuid1() return(self.device) def resp_data(self, country_code): desired_timezone = pytz.timezone('UTC') current_date = if (self.response_list.get(country_code) is not None) and (current_date - self.sessionAt.get(country_code, < timedelta(hours=4): return self.response_list[country_code], None boot_headers = { 'authority': '', 'accept': '*/*', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'origin': '', 'referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="122", "Not(A:Brand";v="24", "Google Chrome";v="122"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Linux"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', } boot_params = { 'appName': 'web', 'appVersion': '8.0.0-111b2b9dc00bd0bea9030b30662159ed9e7c8bc6', 'deviceVersion': '122.0.0', 'deviceModel': 'web', 'deviceMake': 'chrome', 'deviceType': 'web', 'clientID': 'c63f9fbf-47f5-40dc-941c-5628558aec87', 'clientModelNumber': '1.0.0', 'serverSideAds': 'false', 'drmCapabilities': 'widevine:L3', 'blockingMode': '', 'notificationVersion': '1', 'appLaunchCount': '', 'lastAppLaunchDate': '', # 'clientTime': '2024-04-18T19:05:52.323Z', } if country_code in self.x_forward.keys(): boot_headers.update(self.x_forward.get(country_code)) try: response = self.session.get('', headers=boot_headers, params=boot_params) except Exception as e: return None, (f"Error Exception type: {type(e).__name__}") if (200 <= response.status_code <= 201): resp = response.json() else: print(f"HTTP failure {response.status_code}: {response.text}") return None, f"HTTP failure {response.status_code}: {response.text}" # Save entire Response: self.response_list.update({country_code: resp}) self.sessionAt.update({country_code: current_date}) print(f"New token for {country_code} generated at {(self.sessionAt.get(country_code)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M.%S %z')}") return self.response_list.get(country_code), None def channels(self, country_code): if country_code == 'all': return(self.channels_all()) resp, error = self.resp_data(country_code) if error: return None, error token = resp.get('sessionToken', None) if token is None: return None, error url = f"" headers = { 'authority': '', 'accept': '*/*', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'origin': '', 'referer': '', } params = { 'channelIds': '', 'offset': '0', 'limit': '1000', 'sort': 'number:asc', } if country_code in self.x_forward.keys(): headers.update(self.x_forward.get(country_code)) try: response = self.session.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) except Exception as e: return None, (f"Error Exception type: {type(e).__name__}") if response.status_code != 200: return None, f"HTTP failure {response.status_code}: {response.text}" channel_list = response.json().get("data") category_url = f"" try: response = self.session.get(category_url, params=params, headers=headers) except Exception as e: return None, (f"Error Exception type: {type(e).__name__}") if response.status_code != 200: return None, f"HTTP failure {response.status_code}: {response.text}" categories_data = response.json().get("data") categories_list = {} for elem in categories_data: category = elem.get('name') channelIDs = elem.get('channelIDs') for channel in channelIDs: categories_list.update({channel: category}) stations = [] for elem in channel_list: entry = {'id': elem.get('id'), 'name': elem.get('name'), 'slug': elem.get('slug'), 'tmsid': elem.get('tmsid'), 'summary': elem.get('summary'), 'group': categories_list.get(elem.get('id')), 'country_code': country_code} # Ensure number value is unique number = elem.get('number') existing_numbers = {channel["number"] for channel in stations} while number in existing_numbers: # print(f"Updating channel number for {elem.get('name')}") number += 1 # Filter the list to find the element with "type" equal to "colorLogoPNG" color_logo_png = next((image["url"] for image in elem["images"] if image["type"] == "colorLogoPNG"), None) entry.update({'number': number, 'logo': color_logo_png}) stations.append(entry) sorted_data = sorted(stations, key=lambda x: x["number"]) # print(json.dumps(sorted_data[0], indent = 2)) self.all_channels.update({country_code: sorted_data}) return(sorted_data, None) def channels_all(self): all_channel_list = [] for key, val in self.all_channels.items(): all_channel_list.extend(val) # Using a set to keep track of slugs that have been seen and filter unique ones seen = set() filter_key = 'id' filtered_list = [d for d in all_channel_list if d[filter_key] not in seen and not seen.add(d[filter_key])] seen = set() for elem in filtered_list: # Ensure number value is unique number = elem.get('number') match elem.get('country_code').lower(): case 'ca': offset = 6000 if number < offset: number += offset case 'uk': offset = 7000 if number < offset: number += offset case 'fr': offset = 8000 if number < offset: number += offset while number in seen: number += 1 seen.add(number) if number != elem.get('number'): elem.update({'number': number}) return(filtered_list, None) ######################################################################################### # EPG Guide Data ######################################################################################### def strip_illegal_characters(self, xml_string): # Define a regular expression pattern to match illegal characters illegal_char_pattern = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]') # Replace illegal characters with an empty string clean_xml_string = illegal_char_pattern.sub('', xml_string) return clean_xml_string def update_epg(self, country_code, range_count = 3): resp, error = self.resp_data(country_code) if error: return None, error token = resp.get('sessionToken', None) if token is None: return None, error desired_timezone = pytz.timezone('UTC') start_datetime = start_time = start_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00.000Z") end_time = start_time url = f"" epg_headers = { 'authority': '', 'accept': '*/*', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'origin': '', 'referer': '', } epg_params = { 'start': start_time, 'channelIds': '', 'duration': '720', } if country_code in self.x_forward.keys(): epg_headers.update(self.x_forward.get(country_code)) station_list, error = self.channels(country_code) if error: return None, error id_values = [d['id'] for d in station_list] group_size = 100 grouped_id_values = [id_values[i:i + group_size] for i in range(0, len(id_values), group_size)] # country_data = self.epg_data.get(country_code, []) country_data = [] for i in range(range_count): if end_time != start_time: start_time = end_time epg_params.update({'start': start_time}) print(f'Retrieving {country_code} EPG data for {start_time}') for group in grouped_id_values: epg_params.update({"channelIds": ','.join(map(str, group))}) try: response = self.session.get(url, params=epg_params, headers=epg_headers) except Exception as e: return None, (f"Error Exception type: {type(e).__name__}") if response.status_code != 200: return None, f"HTTP failure {response.status_code}: {response.text}" country_data.append(response.json()) end_time = datetime.strptime(response.json()["meta"]["endDateTime"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00.000Z") self.epg_data.update({country_code: country_data}) return None def epg_json(self, country_code): error_code = self.update_epg(country_code) if error_code: print("error") return None, error_code return self.epg_data, None def find_tuples_by_value(self, dictionary, target_value): result_list = [] # Initialize an empty list for key, values in dictionary.items(): if target_value in values: result_list.extend(key) # Add the first element of the tuple to the result list return result_list if result_list else [target_value] # Return None if the value is not found in any list def read_epg_data(self, resp, root): seriesGenres = { ("Animated",): ["Family Animation", "Cartoons"], ("Educational",): ["Education & Guidance", "Instructional & Educational"], ("News",): ["News and Information", "General News", "News + Opinion", "General News"], ("History",): ["History & Social Studies"], ("Politics",): ["Politics"], ("Action",): [ "Action & Adventure", "Action Classics", "Martial Arts", "Crime Action", "Family Adventures", "Action Sci-Fi & Fantasy", "Action Thrillers", "African-American Action", ], ("Adventure",): ["Action & Adventure", "Adventures", "Sci-Fi Adventure"], ("Reality",): [ "Reality", "Reality Drama", "Courtroom Reality", "Occupational Reality", "Celebrity Reality", ], ("Documentary",): [ "Documentaries", "Social & Cultural Documentaries", "Science and Nature Documentaries", "Miscellaneous Documentaries", "Crime Documentaries", "Travel & Adventure Documentaries", "Sports Documentaries", "Military Documentaries", "Political Documentaries", "Foreign Documentaries", "Religion & Mythology Documentaries", "Historical Documentaries", "Biographical Documentaries", "Faith & Spirituality Documentaries", ], ("Biography",): ["Biographical Documentaries", "Inspirational Biographies"], ("Science Fiction",): ["Sci-Fi Thrillers", "Sci-Fi Adventure", "Action Sci-Fi & Fantasy"], ("Thriller",): ["Sci-Fi Thrillers", "Thrillers", "Crime Thrillers"], ("Biography",): ["Biographical Documentaries", "Inspirational Biographies"], ("Talk",): ["Talk & Variety", "Talk Show"], ("Variety",): ["Sketch Comedies"], ("Home Improvement",): ["Art & Design", "DIY & How To", "Home Improvement"], ("House/garden",): ["Home & Garden"], # ("Science",): ["Science and Nature Documentaries"], # ("Nature",): ["Science and Nature Documentaries", "Animals"], ("Cooking",): ["Cooking Instruction", "Food & Wine", "Food Stories"], ("Travel",): ["Travel & Adventure Documentaries", "Travel"], ("Western",): ["Westerns", "Classic Westerns"], ("LGBTQ",): ["Gay & Lesbian", "Gay & Lesbian Dramas", "Gay"], ("Game show",): ["Game Show"], ("Military",): ["Classic War Stories"], ("Comedy",): [ "Cult Comedies", "Spoofs and Satire", "Slapstick", "Classic Comedies", "Stand-Up", "Sports Comedies", "African-American Comedies", "Showbiz Comedies", "Sketch Comedies", "Teen Comedies", "Latino Comedies", "Family Comedies", ], ("Crime",): ["Crime Action", "Crime Drama", "Crime Documentaries"], ("Sports",): ["Sports","Sports & Sports Highlights","Sports Documentaries", "Poker & Gambling"], ("Poker & Gambling",): ["Poker & Gambling"], ("Crime drama",): ["Crime Drama"], ("Drama",): [ "Classic Dramas", "Family Drama", "Indie Drama", "Romantic Drama", "Crime Drama", ], ("Children",): ["Kids", "Children & Family", "Kids' TV", "Cartoons", "Animals", "Family Animation", "Ages 2-4", "Ages 11-12",], ("Animated",): ["Family Animation", "Cartoons"] } for entry in resp["data"]: for timeline in entry["timelines"]: # Create programme element programme = ET.SubElement(root, "programme", attrib={"channel": entry["channelId"], "start": datetime.strptime(timeline["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S %z"), "stop": datetime.strptime(timeline["stop"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S %z")}) # Add sub-elements to programme title = ET.SubElement(programme, "title") title.text = self.strip_illegal_characters(timeline["title"]) if timeline["episode"].get("series", {}).get("type", "") == "live": if timeline["episode"]["clip"]["originalReleaseDate"] == timeline["start"]: live = ET.SubElement(programme, "live") if timeline["episode"].get("season", None): episode_num_onscreen = ET.SubElement(programme, "episode-num", attrib={"system": "onscreen"}) episode_num_onscreen.text = f'S{timeline["episode"]["season"]:02d}E{timeline["episode"]["number"]:02d}' episode_num_pluto = ET.SubElement(programme, "episode-num", attrib={"system": "pluto"}) episode_num_pluto.text = timeline["episode"]["_id"] elif timeline["episode"].get("series", {}).get("type", "") == "tv": episode_num_onscreen = ET.SubElement(programme, "episode-num", attrib={"system": "onscreen"}) episode_num_onscreen.text = f'S{timeline["episode"]["season"]:02d}E{timeline["episode"]["number"]:02d}' episode_num_pluto = ET.SubElement(programme, "episode-num", attrib={"system": "pluto"}) episode_num_pluto.text = timeline["episode"]["_id"] episode_num_air_date = ET.SubElement(programme, "episode-num", attrib={"system": "original-air-date"}) episode_num_air_date.text = datetime.strptime(timeline["episode"]["clip"]["originalReleaseDate"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] + 'Z' desc = ET.SubElement(programme, "desc") desc.text = self.strip_illegal_characters(timeline["episode"]["description"]).replace('"', '"') icon_programme = ET.SubElement(programme, "icon", attrib={"src": timeline["episode"]["series"]["tile"]["path"]}) date = ET.SubElement(programme, "date") date.text = datetime.strptime(timeline["episode"]["clip"]["originalReleaseDate"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").strftime("%Y%m%d") # if timeline["episode"].get("series", {}).get("type", "") == "tv": series_id_pluto = ET.SubElement(programme, "series-id", attrib={"system": "pluto"}) series_id_pluto.text = timeline["episode"]["series"]["_id"] if timeline["title"].lower() != timeline["episode"]["name"].lower(): sub_title = ET.SubElement(programme, "sub-title") sub_title.text = self.strip_illegal_characters(timeline["episode"]["name"]) categories = [] if timeline["episode"].get("genre", None) is not None: genre = timeline["episode"]["genre"] result = self.find_tuples_by_value(seriesGenres, genre) categories.extend(result) if timeline["episode"].get("series", {}).get("type", "") == "tv": categories.append("Series") if timeline["episode"].get("series", {}).get("type", "") == "film": categories.append("Movie") if timeline["episode"].get("subGenre", None) is not None: subGenre = timeline["episode"]["subGenre"] result = self.find_tuples_by_value(seriesGenres, subGenre) categories.extend(result) # categories = sorted(categories) unique_list = [] for item in categories: if item not in unique_list: unique_list.append(item) for category in unique_list: category_elem = ET.SubElement(programme, "category") category_elem.text = category return root def get_all_epg_data(self, country_code): all_epg_data = [] # print (country_code) channelIds_seen = {} range_count = 3 for country in country_code: error_code = self.update_epg(country, range_count) if error_code: return error_code for epg_list in self.epg_data.get(country): data_list = epg_list.get('data') # Make a copy of the list for iteration to avoid modifying the list while iterating for entry in data_list[:]: channelId = entry.get('channelId') if channelId in channelIds_seen: if channelIds_seen.get(channelId, 0) < range_count: channelIds_seen.update({channelId: (channelIds_seen.get(channelId, 0) + 1)}) # print(f"[INFO] Adding {country}: {channelId}") else: # print(f"[INFO] Beyond {range_count}: Skipping duplicate entry for {country}: {channelId}") data_list.remove(entry) else: channelIds_seen.update({channelId: 1}) epg_data_dict = {'data': data_list} all_epg_data.append(epg_data_dict) # print(f"[INFO] Length {len(all_epg_data)}") return(all_epg_data) def create_xml_file(self, country_code): if isinstance(country_code, str): error_code = self.update_epg(country_code) if error_code: return error_code station_list, error = self.channels(country_code) if error: return None, error xml_file_path = f"epg-{country_code}.xml" elif isinstance(country_code, list): xml_file_path = f"epg-all.xml" station_list, error = self.channels_all() else: print("The variable is neither a string nor a list.") return None compressed_file_path = f"{xml_file_path}.gz" root = ET.Element("tv", attrib={"generator-info-name": "jgomez177", "generated-ts": ""}) # Create Channel Elements from list of Stations for station in station_list: channel = ET.SubElement(root, "channel", attrib={"id": station["id"]}) display_name = ET.SubElement(channel, "display-name") display_name.text = self.strip_illegal_characters(station["name"]) icon = ET.SubElement(channel, "icon", attrib={"src": station["logo"]}) # Create Programme Elements if isinstance(country_code, str): program_data = self.epg_data.get(country_code, []) else: # Write program_data for all countries program_data = self.get_all_epg_data(country_code) #print(len(program_data)) #for elem in program_data: # print(len(elem.get("data"))) #program_data = [] # print(f"Program data: {len(program_data)}") for elem in program_data: root = self.read_epg_data(elem, root) # Create an ElementTree object tree = ET.ElementTree(root) ET.indent(tree, ' ') # Create a DOCTYPE declaration doctype = '<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">' # Concatenate the XML and DOCTYPE declarations in the desired order xml_declaration = '<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'utf-8\'?>' output_content = xml_declaration + '\n' + doctype + '\n' + ET.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8') # Write the concatenated content to the output file with open(xml_file_path, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(output_content) # Compress the XML file with open(xml_file_path, 'rb') as file: with, 'wb') as compressed_file: compressed_file.writelines(file) # Clear the EPG data after writing full XML File self.epg_data = {} return None