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Hey! 👋

My name is Juan Villegas. I'm a researcher working in supercoductive circuit design and quantum computing.

In the first part of the 10s, I worked as a high speed boat designer, and slowly moved into the reseacrh of electrical and electronic systems onboard ships, but then quickly jumped into photonic research when I started graduate school at the Masdar Institute, in Abu Dhabi. I completed my masters in Microsystems Engineering from Khalifa University working with professor Marcus Dahlem on the study of materials for planar optical systems. Later I started a PhD in Electrical Engineering at NYU, working with professor Mahmoud Rasras where I worked on many projects in photonics, including laser fault injection on chips, inverse design, high speed modulators and photodetectors, and physical layer security in optical networks.

Projects I have worked on trough the years include the study of materials for integrated optics and solar cells, integration of 2D materials with silicon photonics, silicon physical unclonable functions, polarization encryption and more to come.

For more information on some of my academic projects check out my google scholar profile.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on the development of designs for superconductive qunatum computers.

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning quantum computing.

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects related to photonic circuit design and superconductive cirucits.

  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with design of Purcell filters in superconductive microwave systems.

  • 💬 Ask me about touch-rugby, mountain hiking and beach volleyball. Or about travelling in Colombia or the UAE.