diff --git a/SelfServiceSessionReset/App_Data/CtxSites.xml b/SelfServiceSessionReset/App_Data/CtxSites.xml
index 21c2598..7da3298 100644
--- a/SelfServiceSessionReset/App_Data/CtxSites.xml
+++ b/SelfServiceSessionReset/App_Data/CtxSites.xml
@@ -3,8 +3,33 @@
Version 1.3
Written by Jeremy Saunders (jeremy@jhouseconsulting.com) 13th June 2020
Modified by Jeremy Saunders (jeremy@jhouseconsulting.com) 3rd July 2021
+If data in any of the elements, such as the ClientSecret tag, uses specical characters, it will
+generate an exception when the XML file is read as it's considered invalid. For example, the '&'
+character is invalid and using it as is will generate an exception. Instead, we need to replace
+it with its escaped equivalent. The following table lists the characters that need to be escaped.
+Invalid character Replace with
+ < <
+ > >
+ " "
+ ' '
+ & &
${i = i + 1}) Force the restart of the machine if a standard restart does not work. ${i = i + 1}) Force the restart of the machine if a standard restart does not work.
+ It is important to note that force restarting a machine may leave applications open on your screen that you cannot interact with. These will disappearSelf-Service Session Reset Tool
if (EnableForcedMachineRestart) {
newinstructions = newinstructions + `
+ after 3 minutes by design. Citrix Workspace App (Receiver) may take a further 2 minutes to close out the attempt to auto reconnect to that session.
+ Self-Service Session Reset Tool
may not release any checked out licenses or locked files you may still have open in that session. Once the session is hidden, it is unable to be unhidden.
${i = i + 1}) Contact the Service Desk if the above actions do not work, or you are unsure. This tool may not address every scenario.
` + newinstructions = newinstructions + `${i = i + 1}) Contact the Service Desk if the above actions do not work, or you are unsure how to proceed. This tool may not address every scenario.
` if (EnableGetTerminateProcesses) { newinstructions = newinstructions + `