From 4ead94f432669b94e923a3f907890377045c0c20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Creasey - AI4Y <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 07:08:04 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] meging into beta-development and setting
ansible/roles/common/tasks/configs.yml | 8 +
scripts/ | 240 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 248 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 scripts/
diff --git a/ansible/roles/common/tasks/configs.yml b/ansible/roles/common/tasks/configs.yml
index c1819d41..13870c0a 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/common/tasks/configs.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/common/tasks/configs.yml
@@ -186,4 +186,12 @@
owner: "{{ target_user }}"
group: "{{ target_user }}"
mode: 0755
+- name: ownership permissions
+ file:
+ path: /home/{{ target_user }}/raspberry-noaa-v2/scripts/
+ state: file
+ owner: "{{ target_user }}"
+ group: "{{ target_user }}"
+ mode: 0755
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..954675d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Purpose: Receive and process ELEKTRO captures.
+# Input parameters:
+# 1. Name of satellite "ELEKTRO-L3"
+# 2. Filename of image outputs
+# 3. Duration of capture (seconds)
+# 4. epoch start time
+# input params
+export SAT_NAME=$1
+export FILENAME_BASE=$2
+export CAPTURE_TIME=$3
+export EPOCH_START=$4
+#time keeping
+TIMER_START=$(date '+%s')
+# import common lib and settings
+. "$HOME/.noaa-v2.conf"
+. "$NOAA_HOME/scripts/"
+capture_start="$START_DATE $(date '+%Z')"
+if [ -f $PID_FILE ]; then
+ log "PID file already exists. Exiting!"
+ exit 0
+touch ${PID_FILE}
+log "Created PID file ${PID_FILE}" "INFO"
+case "$RECEIVER_TYPE" in
+ "rtlsdr")
+ samplerate="1.024e6"
+ receiver="rtlsdr"
+ ;;
+ "airspy_mini")
+ samplerate="3e6"
+ receiver="airspy"
+ ;;
+ "airspy_r2")
+ samplerate="2.5e6"
+ receiver="airspy"
+ ;;
+ "airspy_hf_plus_discovery")
+ samplerate="192e3"
+ receiver="airspy"
+ ;;
+ "hackrf")
+ samplerate="4e6"
+ receiver="hackrf"
+ ;;
+ "sdrplay")
+ samplerate="2e6"
+ receiver="sdrplay"
+ ;;
+ "mirisdr")
+ samplerate="2e6"
+ receiver="mirisdr"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ log "Invalid RECEIVER_TYPE value: $RECEIVER_TYPE" "INFO"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+if [[ "$receiver" == "rtlsdr" ]]; then
+ gain_option="--gain"
+ gain_option="--general_gain"
+if [[ "$USE_DEVICE_STRING" == "true" ]]; then
+ sdr_id_option="--source_id"
+ sdr_id_option=""
+if [ "$BIAS_TEE" == "-T" ]; then
+ bias_tee_option="--bias"
+ bias_tee_option=""
+audio_temporary_storage_directory="$(dirname "${RAMFS_AUDIO_BASE}")"
+log "Cleanup artifacts of previous decode"
+rm -rf ${audio_temporary_storage_directory}/IMAGES
+rm -rf ${audio_temporary_storage_directory}/LRIT
+rm -rf ${audio_temporary_storage_directory}/elektro_lrit.cadu
+rm -rf ${audio_temporary_storage_directory}/.composite_cache_do_not_delete.json
+log "Starting satdump... recording to ${audio_temporary_storage_directory}/elektro-${EPOCH_START}" "INFO"
+$SATDUMP live elektro_lrit "$audio_temporary_storage_directory" --source $receiver --samplerate $samplerate --frequency ${ELEKTRO_L3_FREQ}e6 $sdr_id_option $SDR_DEVICE_ID $gain_option $GAIN $bias_tee_option --finish_processing --timeout $CAPTURE_TIME >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+if compgen -G ${decoded_images} > /dev/null; then
+ got_an_image=true
+ for file in ${decoded_images}; do
+ image_filename=$(basename "$file")
+ #remove timestamp from L3_* files
+ if [[ ${image_filename} == "L3_"* ]]; then
+ image_filename=`awk -F_ '{print $1"_"$2".png"}' <<< ${image_filename}`
+ fi
+ new_image=${FILENAME_BASE}-${image_filename}
+ mv "$file" "${IMAGE_OUTPUT}/${new_image}"
+ ${IMAGE_PROC_DIR}/ 300 "${IMAGE_OUTPUT}/${new_image}" "${IMAGE_OUTPUT}/thumb/${new_image}" >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ push_file_list="$push_file_list ${IMAGE_OUTPUT}/${new_image}"
+ done
+if [[ $got_an_image == "true" ]]; then
+ log "Valid ELEKTRO-L3 image(s) received!" "INFO"
+ # pass start timestamp and sun elevation
+ PASS_START=$(expr "$EPOCH_START" + 90)
+ export SUN_ELEV=$(python3 "$SCRIPTS_DIR"/tools/ "$PASS_START")
+ # determine if pass is in daylight
+ daylight=0
+ if [ "${SUN_ELEV}" -gt "${SUN_MIN_ELEV}" ]; then daylight=1; fi
+ # insert or replace in case there was already an insert due to the spectrogram creation
+ $SQLITE3 $DB_FILE "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO decoded_passes (pass_start, file_path, daylight_pass, sat_type, has_spectrogram, has_polar_az_el, has_polar_direction, gain) \
+ VALUES ($EPOCH_START, \"$FILENAME_BASE\", $daylight, 2, 0, 0, 0, $GAIN);" >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ pass_id=$($SQLITE3 $DB_FILE "SELECT id FROM decoded_passes ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;")
+ $SQLITE3 $DB_FILE "UPDATE predict_passes \
+ SET is_active = 0 \
+ WHERE (predict_passes.pass_start) \
+ IN ( \
+ SELECT predict_passes.pass_start \
+ FROM predict_passes \
+ INNER JOIN decoded_passes \
+ ON predict_passes.pass_start = decoded_passes.pass_start \
+ WHERE = $pass_id \
+ );" >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ # determine if auto-gain is set - handles "0" and "0.0" floats
+ gain=$GAIN
+ if [ $(echo "$GAIN==0"|bc) -eq 1 ]; then
+ gain='Automatic'
+ fi
+ # create push annotation string (annotation in the email subject, discord text, etc.)
+ # note this is NOT the annotation on the image, which is driven by the config/annotation/annotation.html.j2 file
+ push_annotation=""
+ if [ "${GROUND_STATION_LOCATION}" != "" ]; then
+ push_annotation="Ground Station: ${GROUND_STATION_LOCATION}"
+ fi
+ push_annotation="${push_annotation} ${SAT_NAME} ${capture_start} "
+ push_annotation="${push_annotation} Gain: ${gain}"
+ # handle Pushover pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_PUSHOVER_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ pushover_push_annotation=""
+ #if [ "${GROUND_STATION_LOCATION}" != "" ]; then
+ # pushover_push_annotation="Ground Station: ${GROUND_STATION_LOCATION}
+ #fi
+ pushover_push_annotation="${pushover_push_annotation}Start: ${capture_start}
+ pushover_push_annotation="${pushover_push_annotation} BROWSER LINK";
+ pushover_push_annotation="${pushover_push_annotation}Gain: ${gain}
+ log "Call pushover script with push_file_list: $push_file_list" "INFO"
+ ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${pushover_push_annotation}" "${SAT_NAME}" "$push_file_list" >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ fi
+ # handle Slack pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_SLACK_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${push_annotation} <${SLACK_LINK}?pass_id=${pass_id}>\n" $push_file_list >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ fi
+ # handle Twitter pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_TWITTER_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ log "Pushing image enhancements to Twitter" "INFO"
+ ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${push_annotation}" $push_file_list >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ fi
+ # handle Facebook pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_FACEBOOK_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ log "Pushing image enhancements to Facebook" "INFO"
+ python3 ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${push_annotation}" "${push_file_list}" >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ fi
+ # handle Mastodon pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_MASTODON_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ log "Pushing image enhancements to Mastodon" "INFO"
+ python3 $PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${push_annotation}" ${push_file_list} >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ fi
+ # handle Instagram pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_INSTAGRAM_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ log "Pushing image enhancements to Instagram" "INFO"
+ $CONVERT "${IMAGE_FILE_BASE}${suffix}" -resize "1080x1350>" -gravity center -background black -extent 1080x1350 "${IMAGE_FILE_BASE}-instagram.jpg"
+ python3 ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${push_annotation}" $(sed 's|/srv/images/||' <<< "${IMAGE_FILE_BASE}-instagram.jpg") ${WEB_SERVER_NAME} >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ rm "${IMAGE_FILE_BASE}-instagram.jpg"
+ fi
+ # handle Matrix pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_MATRIX_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ log "Pushing image enhancements to Matrix" "INFO"
+ ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${push_annotation}" $push_file_list >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ fi
+ # handle email pushing if enabled
+ if [ "$ENABLE_EMAIL_PUSH" == "true" ]; then
+ log "Emailing images" "INFO"
+ for i in $push_file_list
+ do
+ ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "${EMAIL_PUSH_ADDRESS}" "$i" "${push_annotation}" >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ done
+ fi
+ # handle Discord pushing if enabled
+ if [ "${ENABLE_DISCORD_PUSH}" == "true" ]; then
+ log "Pushing images to Discord" "INFO"
+ for i in $push_file_list
+ do
+ ${PUSH_PROC_DIR}/ "$DISCORD_METEOR_WEBHOOK" "$i" "${push_annotation}" >> $NOAA_LOG 2>&1
+ done
+ fi
+ log "No ELEKTRO-L3 image received!" "INFO"
+# calculate and report total time for capture
+rm ${PID_FILE}
+log "Deleted PID file ${PID_FILE}" "INFO"
+TIMER_END=$(date '+%s')
+PROC_TIME=$(date -ud "@$DIFF" +'%H:%M.%S')
+log "Total processing time: ${PROC_TIME}" "INFO"