Install the following ROS packages in your catkin workspace
cd <your catkin workspace>/src
git clone --branch client
git clone --branch client
catkin build
roslaunch thymioid rviz.launch name:=<thymioXX>
Use dynamic reconfigure to change:
- the camera pitch,
- the motor dead-band,
- the camera stream compression.
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
roslaunch thymioid joy_teleop.launch name:=<thymioXX>
The robot publish an (mp3) audio stream on <thymioXX>/camera/audio
recorded by the webcam's microphone. To play it back on your computer, install audio_common
apt install ros-<YOUR_ROS_DISTRIBUTION>-audio-common
and then launch the audio_play
node with
roslaunch thymioid audio_play.launch name:=<thymioXX>
The simulated model implements:
- the tiltable web-camera with the same distortion as the real camera,
- the wheels (and their odometry),
- the proximity and ground sensors (which are implemented as distance sensors only),
- the IMU,
and uses the same urdf model as the real robot.
roslaunch thymioid_description test_gazebo_bringup.launch
The robot model (geometrical and physical properties) is defined in two packages
- thymio_description: base with wheels, IMU, proximity, and ground sensors
- thymioid_description: chassis, camera, and power-pack
which contains all the robot parameters and the meshes for any robot part as COLLADA files.
The following are the most important parameters for the controlling the (real) robot:
- length: 11.0 cm
- width: 11.18 cm
- height: 7.7 cm
- radius: 2.2 cm
- width: 1.5 cm
- axis (distance between wheels centers): 9.35 cm
- maximal angular speed: ~7.5 rad/s
- maximal linear speed: ~ 14 cm/s
- maximal angular speed: ~ 3 rad/s
- maximal range (to detect a white surface): ~ 12 cm
- field of view: 0.3 rad
The camera is mounted on a tiltable joint (downward pitch is positive) with
- min pitch: -0.34 rad
- max pitch: 1.3 rad