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Q182434: PRB: ActiveX Control's Stock Error Event Uses SCODE Value |
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Article: Q182434
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): winnt:4.2,5.0,6.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbole kbActiveX kbCOMt kbCtrl kbInprocSvr kbMFC kbVC420 kbVC500 kbVC600 kbClassWizard k
Last Modified: 17-JUL-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), used with:
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, version 4.2
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, version 4.2
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Learning Edition, version 6.0
The event handler generated by ClassWizard does not get called.
The following is a quotation from the online documentation of
COleControl::FireError() function:
The implementation of an OLE control's Stock Error event uses an SCODE
value. If your control uses this event, and is intended to be used in
Visual Basic 4.0, you will receive errors because the SCODE value is not
supported in Visual Basic.
When you go into the .odl file of the ActiveX control and change the stock error
event from SCODE to LONG as required by Visual Basic, the change works correctly
in Visual Basic.
However, ClassWizard generates an event handler according to the information it
obtains from the .odl file. As a result, the event handler in the test container
written in Visual C++ will have a LONG instead of SCODE value.
The following are two possible solutions:
- Keep two .odl files. One for Visual C++ (has an SCODE parameter type) and the
other for Visual Basic (has a LONG parameter type).
- Manually modify the event handler generated by ClassWizard from SCODE to
LONG, and change VTS_I4 to VTS_SCODE in the ON_EVENT macro of the event sink
map. Refer to the sample code below for these changes.
Sample Code
// In the .cpp file of the test container:
// CMyTestDlg is a test container (a dialog-based application)
// written in Visual C++.
-608 /* Error */,
VTS_I4 // Change VTS_I4 to VTS_SCODE!!!
// OnErrorOleCtrl1 is the event handler for the Stock Error event of the
// ActiveX control.
void CMyTestDlg::OnErrorOleCtrl1(
short Number,
BSTR FAR* Description,
long Scode, // Change LONG to SCODE!!!
long HelpContext,
BOOL FAR* CancelDisplay)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here.
Copyright, Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by
Yeong-Kah Tam, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbole kbActiveX kbCOMt kbCtrl kbInprocSvr kbMFC kbVC420 kbVC500 kbVC600 kbClassWizard kbGrpDSMFCATL
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbMFC
Version : winnt:4.2,5.0,6.0
Issue type : kbprb
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