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Q167192: HOWTO: Create a Progress Indicator Using Threed Panel Control |
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Article: Q167192
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbinterop kbole kbOOP kbvfp500 kbvfp600
Last Modified: 11-AUG-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0
This article describes how to create a progress/status indicator using the
Threed Panel ActiveX control in Visual FoxPro.
You can use the Threed Panel ActiveX control to display plain or three-
dimensional text on a three-dimensional background. It can also present
progress/status information in a dynamically colored circle or bar with or
without showing percent.
Here is a listing of properties required to create a progress/status indicator:
- FloodPercent: returns the percentage of the painted area inside the Threed
Panel when the panel is used as a status or progress indicator. This property
is not available at design time. The FloodPercent property can be set to an
integer value between 0 and 100.
- FloodType: Determines if and how the panel is used as a status or progress
indicator. Here is a listing of all the available setting for FloodType
0 (Default) None - Panel has no status bar capability and the
caption (if any) is displayed.
1 - Left to right.
2 - Right to left.
3 - Top to bottom.
4 - Bottom to top.
5 - From the center outward in a widening circle.
Threed Panel will be painted in a color base on the above setting, which is
specified by the FloodColor property, as the FloodPercent property increases.
- FloodShowPct: Determines whether the current setting of the FloodPercent
property will be displayed in the center of the panel when the panel is used
as a status or progress indicator. The FloodType property setting has to be
other than None in order to work. The FloodShowPct property can either set it
to TRUE to show or FALSE to hide the FloodPercent property.
- FloodColor: returns the color used to paint the area when the Threed Panel is
used as a status or progress indicator. The FloodType property setting has to
be other than None in order to work.
The following example using a Timer control to simulate the progress/status
NOTE: Before you run the example below, making sure you have the Threed Panel
ActiveX control installed(Windows\System\Threed32.ocx).
1. Create a .prg file and cut and paste the following code into the .prg:
*-- Class: progress
*-- ParentClass: form
*-- BaseClass: form
DEFINE CLASS progress AS form
Top = 0
Left = 0
Height = 198
Width = 378
DoCreate = .T.
Caption = "Form1"
Name = "Form1"
ADD OBJECT timer1 AS Timer WITH ;
Top = 9, ;
Left = 18, ;
Height = 23, ;
Width = 23, ;
Enabled = .F., ;
Interval = 100, ;
Name = "Timer1"
ADD OBJECT command1 AS CommandButton WITH ;
Top = 121, ;
Left = 71, ;
Height = 27, ;
Width = 247, ;
Caption = "Click Me to Begin Task", ;
Name = "Command1"
ADD OBJECT sspanel1 AS sspanel WITH ;
Top = 27, ;
Left = 28, ;
Height = 72, ;
Width = 328, ;
Name = "sspanel1"
ADD OBJECT command2 AS CommandButton WITH ;
Top = 159, ;
Left = 70, ;
Height = 26, ;
Width = 247, ;
Caption = "Reset", ;
Name = "Command2"
* Set the FloodType from Left to Right
THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodType = 1
* Initialize the FloodPercent to 0
THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodPercent = 0
THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodShowPct = .T. && Show the percent sign
PROCEDURE timer1.Timer
IF THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodPercent < 100
THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodPercent = ;
THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodPercent + 1
THISFORM.timer1.Enabled = .F.
THISFORM.command1.Caption = "Click Me to Begin Task"
WAIT WINDOW "Task Completed"
THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodPercent = 0
PROCEDURE command1.Click
IF THIS.Caption = "Click Me to Begin Task"
THIS.Caption = "Click Me to Stop Task"
THISFORM.timer1.Enabled = .T.
THIS.Caption = "Click Me to Begin Task"
THISFORM.timer1.Enabled = .F.
PROCEDURE command2.Click
THISFORM.Timer1.Enabled = .F.
THISFORM.sspanel1.FloodPercent = 0
THISFORM.Command1.Caption = "Click Me to Begin Task"
OLEClass = "Threed.SSPanel"
*-- EndDefine: progress
2. Run the .prg file and click the "Click Me to Begin Task" button, and the
progress/status indicator appears in the Threed panel ActiveX control as
FloodPercent property increases.
Custom Control Reference Help File (Ctrlref.hlp in the Windows\System or
WinNT\System32 folder if using Windows NT). This file may also appear in the
Visual FoxPro folder.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbinterop kbole kbOOP kbvfp500 kbvfp600
Technology : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP500 kbVFP600 kbVFP500a
Issue type : kbhowto
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