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Q96244: SMTP: Err Msg: Socket Error (123) When Starting Gateway |
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Article: Q96244
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For PC Networks
Version(s): MS-DOS:2.1,3.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 28-OCT-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP, versions 2.1, 3.0
Immediately after starting the Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP, this message
appears on the PC that runs the SMTP gateway:
socket error (123)
The gateway reports this error under one of the following conditions:
- TCP/IP is not running when the gateway is started.
- TCP/IP from the appropriate vendor is not running when the gateway is
started. At installation, the gateway is configured specifically for one of
five vendor's TCP/IP (LAN Manager TCP/IP and Novell Lan Workplace for DOS are
the only versions of TCP/IP version 3.0 supports).
For example, if the gateway is configured for FTP pc/TCP, and the gateway PC
runs LAN Manager TCP/IP, the error occurs when the gateway attempts to detect
the FTP software and does not find it.
- SOCKET.EXE is not started when LAN Manager is used. SOCKET is provided with
Microsoft LAN Manager for MS-DOS.
These resolutions correspond to the causes above:
- Start TCP/IP before running the gateway software.
- Reconfigure the gateway to match the TCP/IP stack actually in use. Copy the
appropriate executable file from the Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP disk to
the directory that contains Microsoft Mail. Change the name of the gateway
file to SMTPGATE.EXE. The table below lists the appropriate files:
Executable TCP/IP Software Vendor
SMTPLMN.EXE Microsoft LAN Manager for MS-DOS
SMTPFTP.EXE PC/TCP Kernel from FTP Software, Inc.
SMTPNVL.EXE Novell LAN WorkPlace for DOS (version 4.0)
SMTPWIN.EXE Excelan EXOS 205T Intelligent Ethernet Controller with
LAN WorkPlace Network Software (version 3.4)
SMTPXLN.EXE WIN/TCP for DOS RunTime (version 4.1) from The
Wollongong Group, Inc.
For example, if you are using Microsoft LAN Manager, use a command like the
following to copy the SMTPLMN.EXE file into the directory that contains the
Microsoft Mail file as SMTPGATE.EXE:
" copy a:\smtplmn.exe n:\mailexe\smtpgate.exe " (without the quotation marks)
- The LAN Manager TCP/IP stack does not automatically load all sockets with the
LOAD TCPIP command. The SOCKETS command runs SOCKTSR.EXE to load the SMTP
socket required by the gateway. When you use LAN Manager TCP/IP, execute the
LOAD TCPIP and SOCKETS commands before starting the gateway.
Additional query words: 2.10 3.00 Lan Error
Keywords :
Technology : kbMailSearch kbMailGateSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailGateSMTP300 kbMailGateSMTP210
Version : MS-DOS:2.1,3.0
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