@page changelog Changelog @parent index
- Removed placeholder plugin. Use HTML 5 placeholders or the jQuery placeholder plugin
- Updated documentation engine to DocumentJS and build system to StealJS
- Merged pull request #19 and #20, support to set up a validate options for validate() in "form" type
- Added simple getting started example
- Created some public JSFiddles for trying the plugin
- Created jQuery.dForm Google Group
- Added type, unified usage
- Fixed issue #14, setting type attribute properly in IE
- Added
- Added support using the jQuery globalize plugin
- Fixed minor bugs in dform plugins
- Added to add HTML attributes to elements
- Moved into a separate plugin
- Added button type
- Added dynamic form definition loading by passing a URL to the plugin function
- Added subscriber using the <jQuery form plugin at http://jquery.malsup.com/form>
- Added the method to create any HTML element without having to register a type
- Improved build process
- Separated type and subscriber functions
- Added types , , , , and
- Added auto class generation based on element type
- Finished jQuery UI and unified with usage
- Switched documentation to <Natualdocs at http://naturaldocs.org>
- Added build.xml for generating documentation and minifying JavaScript
- Initial release