Make sure you have a account on Skoda carnet.
username: <username to Skoda carnet>
password: <password to Skoda carnet>
spin: <S-PIN to Skoda carnet>
minutes: 2
wvw1234567812356: 'Skoda Superb'
- combustion_engine_heating
- position
- distance
- service_inspection
- oil_inspection
- door_locked
- trunk_locked
- request_in_progress
spin: (optional) required for supporting combustion engine heating start/stop.
scan_interval: (optional) specify in minutes how often to fetch status data from carnet. (default 5 min, minimum 1 min)
name: (optional) set a friendly name of your car you can use the name setting as in confiugration example.
resources: (optional) list of resources that should be enabled. (by default all resources is enabled).
Available resources: