Toop stands for Text Objects OPerations. It allows you to send text objects to functions or to the shell using Vim's native lingo.
Toop allows to add behavior equivalent to the native d
part in dap
or dis
(delete a paragraph or inside a sentence).
Actually let's build that:
call toop#mapShell('return', '<leader>d')
Done! It works like the native d
mapShell sends the text object directly to the shell stdin
"make json objects beautiful
call toop#mapShell('jq .', '<leader>jq')
"make cool graphs
call toop#mapShell('graph-easy', 'mg')
"translate german to english
call toop#mapShell('trans -b -no-theme -no-auto -no-ansi de:en', '<leader>ge')
"make markdown numbered list
call toop#mapShell("awk 'BEGIN { c=1 } // { print c\". \"$0; c = c+1 }'", '<leader>nl')
"base 64 encode
call toop#mapShell('base64', '64e')
mapFunction sends the text object as the only argument to the function you defined.
"using vim functions
function! Duplicate(string)
return a:string.a:string
call toop#mapFunction('Duplicate', "<leader>2x")
fun! FoldSomething(str)
let comment=split(&commentstring, '%s')
if len(l:comment)==1
call add(comment, l:comment[0])
return l:comment[0]." {{{\n".a:str."\n".l:comment[1]."}}}"
call toop#mapFunction('FoldSomething', '<leader>fo')
fun! GoogleIt(str)
execute 'AsyncRun $BROWSER "'.a:str.'"'
call toop#mapFunction('GoogleIt', '<leader>gi')
After having mapped some behaviour you can use it in the following ways:
- with a text object
- repeat the operations over text objects with the
(dot) - with the current line by repeat the last key of the stroke
- After a visual selection
Want more? Check the ideas in the wiki.
Use your favourite package manager:
Plug 'jeanCarloMachado/vim-toop'
By adding a new operation with toop you get it for all text objects. And when you add new text objects you get all operations for free. This is the most native way of extending your Vim.
These plugins complement toop nicely by allowing you to create new text objects:
- kana/vim-textobj-user: easily create your own text objects
- kana/vim-textobj-function: treats a function as a text object
- michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object: uses the lines at the current indentation as a text object
- vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim: uses a function argument as an text object
Another meaning for this project name is Tim pOpe Original Project.
The original code snippet came from one of his projects where it was used as auxiliary functionality. Since there's only a code snippet hanging around the internet I decided to create a proper project and work on the idea.
And here is the result! Let me know your thoughts.
Im actually not maintaining this project anymore, reach me out if you would like to own it :)
What is a text-object?
Instead of editing character by is much more efficient to edit by word, sentence, and paragraph. In Vim, these higher-level concepts are called text objects. But in the end just a block of text. If you want to go deeper take a look at this post and also the official documentation :h text-object
More questions? Checkout the Q&A.