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Here we give an introduction to the package Permutation-based Multiple Testing in R! We follow the methods described in:

Cort'es, J., Mahecha, M., Reichstein, M. et al. Accounting for multiple testing in the analysis of spatio-temporal environmental data. Environ Ecol Stat 27, 293–318 (2020).

Please cite both the software (Zenodo DOI) and the above paper when using the code provided in this R package.

We do a sample analysis and look at trends in gridded temperature data, provided by NASA here:

The data in the package has been preprocessed so that we have yearly averages in a 3d array with dimensions (lon, lat, t), where t is time. We start by taking a quick look:

# install.packages(devtools)
# library(devtools)
# devtools::install_github("jcortesr/PerMuTe")

#>  num [1:180, 1:90, 1:68] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ...
#>  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
#>   ..$ lon: chr [1:180] "-179" "-177" "-175" "-173" ...
#>   ..$ lat: chr [1:90] "-89" "-87" "-85" "-83" ...
#>   ..$ t  : chr [1:68] "1951" "1952" "1953" "1954" ...

Our objective is to determine where there are significant increasing or decreasing trends. For this, we perform a trend test at each grid cell. Note when doing this, we are repeating a test thousands of times and the existance of false positives is guaranteed. Ideally, we want to control the probability that our results have false positives. This probability is what we control, at the desired α, when we apply a correction for multiple testing.

The popular Bonferroni correction and related methods are too conservative when performing thousands of tests, so we follow two novel permutation methods which perform better. These methods are described in the manuscript cited above.

Data and Methods

  • Gridded temperature data for the world, averaged yearly from 1951-2018
  • Mann-Kendall trend test at each grid cell, at αlocal = 0.05
  • Permutation correction for multiple testing, at αgloba**l = 0.05:
    • Based on the maximum statistic (maxT)
    • Based on the supra-threshold cluster size (STCS)

Note: there are two α’s above. The αlocal controls the individual test’s significance, while the αgloba**l controls the overall probability of having a false positive. I recommend that these two be equal to avoid any confusion in the interpretation of the results.

The idea is to derive the distribution of maxT and STCS via permutations. With these distributions we can establish thresholds to control the overall false positives.

For each permutation method we do the following:

Permute images Permute images
Calculate test statistic at each grid cell Calculate test statistic at each grid cell
Keep the maximum statistic among all grid cells Keep the size of the largest cluster of significant grid cells
Repeat N times Repeat N times

Where N is typically 1000. Because we are essentially repeating the analysis N times, this can be time consuming. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will set N to be 100.

The above is steps are what is already implemented for you in the package.

R setup

There are several inputs to the main function of the r package: multiple_testing_correction. We go over each of them briefly.

data The input data must be a 3d array, where the dimensions are (lon, lat, t), in that order.

fx This is the desired function to be applied at each grid cell. You need to specify your own function in R. Permutation methods are computationally expensive, so we try to keep the function to its minimum requirements. The function must return only the test statitsic. A sample function to perform the MK trend test with an adjustment for serial autocorrelation is included:

#> function(x){
#>   x <- x[is.finite(x)]
#>   xn <- (x[-1] - (x[-length(x)] * rk_fn(x)))
#>   z<- mk_z_stat(xn)
#>   return(z)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x981b358>
#> <environment: namespace:PerMuTe>

method Which correction for multiple testing should be applied. Defaults to all. Options are: c(“maxT”, “stcs”, “bonferroni”, “bh”, “by”, “holmes”, “hochberg”). Specifying only some methods currently not available.

nperm number of permutations to perform. Default to 1000, which is a typical value. For testing the function a lower value is better, e.g., 10.

alpha_local significance level at each grid cell.

alpha_global significance level for the overall study area

null_distribution for bonferroni and related methods, a distribution is needed to derive the p-values of the test statistics. Supported options are “normal” and “t”. For example, the Mann-Kendall’s S can be converted to a Z score, and so the distribution is “normal”.

seed set a seed to get same results every time.

block_size length of block for performing block permutations.

verbose a counter that prints when it is done with every 10 permutations. Defaults to TRUE

Running the analysis

Now that we have explained everything, lets run the analysis in R!

results<- multiple_testing_correction(data = temp_gistemp, 
                                      fx = sample_mk_function, 
                                      method = "all", 
                                      nperm = 10, 
                                      alpha_local = 0.10, 
                                      alpha_global = 0.10, 
                                      null_distribution = "normal")
#> starting permutations:
#> 10 
#> finished!
#> Summary of test statistic and p-values:
#>                   Min. 1st Qu. Median   Mean 3rd Qu.   Max. NA's
#> test_statistic -2.4677  1.8233 2.5109 2.3082  2.9330 4.8054   26
#> pval            0.0000  0.0034 0.0120 0.0931  0.0683 1.0000   26
#> Number of significant grid cells by multiple testing correction:
#>       method significant not significant
#>  uncorrected       13184            2990
#>         stcs       13167            3033
#>           bh       12812            3362
#>           by        2354           13820
#>         maxT         139           16035
#>       walker          31           16143
#>   bonferroni          30           16144
#>     hochberg          30           16144
#>         holm          30           16144

When verbose=TRUE, the function prints when it has completed multiples of 10 permutations

In the results we have a named list of 2d matrices matching the lon, lat dimensions of the input data. Each matrix corresponds to each specified method, where each entry is TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not it is significant. The first two matrices are the test statistic at each grid cell and their corresponding p-values.

The End!

Plotting results

To look at our data results we can do


In the image above, darker shades of red indicated a more extreme test statistic. In the images below, grid cells where significance is found are shown in red.



Note that Bonferroni and other methods detect much less, for example:


Now, we could continue the analysis with the selected grid cells, for example, by estimating the slope at each of the selected grid cells and summarizing by continent.

We end this intro with a nicer map:

#> Linking to GEOS 3.7.2, GDAL 2.4.2, PROJ 5.2.0
temperature_results_stcs<- melt(results$test_statistic)
spPoints<- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = data.frame(temperature_results_stcs[,1:2]),
                                  data = data.frame(mk_z=temperature_results_stcs$value),
                                  proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
polys<- as(SpatialPixelsDataFrame(spPoints,spPoints@data, tolerance = 0.149842),"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
polys_sf = as(polys, "sf")

#> Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
borders  <- map("world", fill = T, plot = F)
IDs      <- seq(1,1627,1)
borders  <- map2SpatialPolygons(borders, IDs=borders$names, 
                               proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")) %>% 
my_theme <- theme_bw() + theme(panel.ontop=TRUE, panel.background=element_blank())

ggplot(polys_sf) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = mk_z), color = "transparent") + 
  geom_sf(data = borders, fill = "transparent", color = "black") +
  scale_fill_distiller(palette='Spectral') +
  ggtitle("Mann-Kendall's Z statistic") +
  #borders('world', colour='black')+
  coord_sf(crs = st_crs(4326), xlim = c(-180, 180), ylim = c(-90, 90))+

The above map was generated following

The End!