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Lesson 3.1: Collection Views

Ben Gohlke edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 8 revisions

Learning Objectives

  • identify apps or components within apps that may have been implemented with a collection view
  • describe proper use cases for displaying data in collection views
  • provide data to a collection view
  • create prototype cells in Interface Builder
  • use a basic compositional layout
  • describe when to use simple or complex compositional layouts

Guided Project Resources

  • Starter
  • Finished

Lab Instructions

In this lab you will implement an app called Emoji Dictionary using a collection view rather than a table view.

Step 1

Review Starter Project

  • Starter project

This lab has a starter project with the basic navigation and editing features already set up, so you can focus on the collection view elements themselves. Open the starter project and walk through the code so you understand what's already there and how things fit together. Once you've done that and feel comfortable, move on to step 2.

Step 2

Cell Setup

Open Main.storyboard and select the collection view in the Emoji Dictionary Scene. In the Attributes inspector, at the top, change Items from 0 to 1 to add a new item to the collection view. Click on the newly added cell (directly in the scene or via the Document Outline). At the top of the Attributes inspector, under Collection Reusable View, set the Identifier to Item.

Drag a label from the Object library to the new cell and change its text to “😀” and the font to System 24.0. Next, drag another label from the Object library and place it to the right of the first label. Set its text to “Name Label” and the font to Title 3. Drag one more label from the Object library and place it below the second label. Change its text to “Description Label” and the font to Subhead.

Select the Name Label and Description Label and, using the Embed In tool, embed them in a stack view. With the new stack view still selected, Command-click the emoji label to select it as well. Using the Embed In tool, embed the selected views in another stack view.

With the outermost stack view selected, add top and bottom constraints equal to 11. Add a leading constraint equal to 18 and trailing constraint equal to 20. Using the Attributes inspector, make sure Alignment and Distribution are both set to Fill and that the spacing is 8.

Select the vertical stack view inside the horizontal stack view and set the Alignment to Fill, Distribution to Fill Equally, and Spacing to 0.

To keep the emoji label and the vertical stack view from being separated, select the emoji label and, using the Size inspector, change the Horizontal Content Hugging Priority to 252. For storyboard purposes, select the cell and drag its right border so it is 400 points wide (the actual width of the item is calculated by the layout).

With the cell still selected, open the Identity inspector and change the class to EmojiCollectionViewCell. Switch to the Connections inspector and connect the outlets for nameLabel, descriptionLabel, and symbolLabel to their appropriate UI elements in the item.

Finally, using the Connections inspector, drag from the connector next to “selection” to the navigation controller on the storyboard. For the segue type, choose Present Modally.

Step 3

Complete the View Controller

With everything wired up, open EmojiCollectionViewController.swift and locate the definition for viewDidLoad. Under the call to super, define an item size for each cell in the collection view. Each item should be the full size of its container.

let item = NSCollectionLayoutItem(
  layoutSize: NSCollectionLayoutSize(
    widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1),
    heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(1)

As in the BasicCollectionView app, in EmojiDictionary each row in the collection is represented by a group. You'll want the group to be set to a fixed height of 70 and the full width of its container. Each group will contain one item.

let group = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.horizontal(
  layoutSize: NSCollectionLayoutSize(
    widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1),
    heightDimension: .absolute(70)
  subitem: item,
  count: 1

Finally, each group is encapsulated into a section and the section is used to set the final compositional layout.

let section = NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: group)
collectionView.collectionViewLayout =
  UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout(section: section)

Update/Insert Changes

Find the definition for unwindToEmojiTableView. Depending on the state of the data from the collection view and the source view controller of the segue (which will be AddEditEmojiTableViewController), an emoji definition may have changed or been added.

If the indexPathsForSelectedItems property of the collection view has data, this means an item was selected and edited, so the item's definition and the displayed details both need to be updated to reflect the changes.

If there are no selected index paths, a new emoji was created, and its definition needs to be added to your collection of emoji. You'll also need a new row added to the collection view for it.

Try to add this logic yourself, adding any code beneath the guard statement. You can remove the comment. When you're done, check your work against the code below.

if let path = collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems?.first {
  emojis[path.row] = emoji
  collectionView.reloadItems(at: [path])
} else {
  let newIndexPath = IndexPath(row: emojis.count, section: 0)
  collectionView.insertItems(at: [newIndexPath])

Handle Deletes

With a table view, there are built-in mechanisms to handle row deletion. A collection view doesn't have this feature, but it does allow you to attach a context menu to items, which can be used for a similar purpose. These context menus are the same as those used throughout iOS 13, so they should be familiar to your users.

To create a context menu for an item, you must implement the collectionView(_ :contextMenuConfigurationForItemAt:point:) method from UICollectionViewDelegate (which, as noted, is a protocol that a UICollectionViewController already adopts).

Add the following implementation at the bottom of the class definition:

override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
   contextMenuConfigurationForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath,
   point: CGPoint) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration? {
    let config = UIContextMenuConfiguration(identifier: nil,
       previewProvider: nil) { (elements) -> UIMenu? in
        let delete = UIAction(title: "Delete") { (action) in
            self.deleteEmoji(at: indexPath)
        return UIMenu(title: "", image: nil, identifier: nil,
           options: [], children: [delete])
    return config

This defines a UIContextMenuConfiguration that contains a UIMenu with a single action.

To enable deletions, the deleteEmoji method must be defined. Deleting an emoji removes it from the emoji collection and then removes it from the collection view. Put this definition below the delegate method defined above.

func deleteEmoji(at indexPath: IndexPath) {
  emojis.remove(at: indexPath.row)
  collectionView.deleteItems(at: [indexPath])

Build and run your app. Check to make sure everything displays correctly and that adding, editing, and deleting emoji all work properly. Nice work!