BEGIN { OFS = "," HOUR = 0 log_date = 0 datehour = "" new_datehour = "" errors = 0 warnings = 0 info = 0 debug = 0 server_start =0 worker_start =0 workers_killed = 0 has_not_responded = 0 full_vc_refreshes_started = 0 full_vc_refreshes_ended = 0 max_VC_refresh_time = 0 ems_refresh = 0 db_errors = 0 refresh_timeouts = 0 workermonitor_starts = 0 vm_collections = 0 gt_600 = 0 events_caught = 0 events_queued = 0 VC_ID = "" vcid_last_refresh_started = "" print "datehour,errors,warnings,info,debug,server stats,worker monitor starts,worker starts,workers killed,has not responded count,ems refresh completed,full VC refresh started,full VC refresh completed,max VC refresh duration,VC id,db errors,refresh timeouts,vmid of last VC refresh started,C&U VM collection count,C&U Wait > 600 seconds,events caught,events queued" } $1 !~ /\[\-\-\-\-\]/ {next} $2 ~ /E,/ {errors++ } $2 ~ /W,/ {warnings++} $2 ~ /I,/ {info++ } $2 ~ /D,/ {debug++} $3 ~ /(.*?)T(.*)/ { #print $0 datehour_array_count = split($3,date_array,":") # print date_array[1] new_datehour = date_array[1] if (new_datehour != datehour) { #print "new datehour value is '" datehour "'" old_datehour = datehour datehour = new_datehour datehour_display = substr(old_datehour,7,2) "/" substr(old_datehour,10,2) "/" substr(old_datehour,2,4) " " substr(old_datehour,13,3) ":00:00" ; # print datehour_display if ( length(datehour_display) > 12) { # don't print the initial value since it is malformed and does not represent anything anyway print datehour_display, errors, warnings,info, debug, server_start,workermonitor_starts,worker_start,workers_killed,has_not_responded,ems_refresh,full_vc_refreshes_started,full_vc_refreshes_ended,max_VC_refresh_time,VC_id,db errors,refresh_timeouts,vcid_last_refresh_started,vm_collections,gt_600,events_caught,events_queued datehour = new_datehour errors = 0 warnings = 0 info = 0 debug = 0 server_start =0 worker_start =0 workers_killed = 0 has_not_responded = 0 full_vc_refreshes_started = 0 full_vc_refreshes_ended = 0 ems_refresh = 0 max_VC_refresh_time = 0 db_errors = 0 refresh_timeouts = 0 workermonitor_starts = 0 vm_collections = 0 gt_600 = 0 VC_id = "" events_caught = 0 events_queued = 0 vcid_last_refresh_started = "" #print new_datehour } } } /Caught event/ {events_caught++} /Queueing event/ {events_queued++} /\[VMDB\]/ {server_start++} /abstract_adapter/ {db_errors++} /execution expired Method\:\[refresh\]/ {refresh_timeouts++ } /started\./ {worker_start++} /being killed/ {workers_killed++} /has not responded/ {has_not_responded++} /Refreshing targets for EMS: (.*?)\.\.\.Complete/ {ems_refresh++} /MIQ\(VcRefresher\.refresh\) EMS\:(.*?)ExtManagementSystem(.*?)\.\.\.$/ {full_vc_refreshes_started++ _temp = split($(NF),vcid_array,".") vcid_last_refresh_started = vcid_array[1] #add code to delete entire array vcid_array[1] = "" } /Refreshing target ExtManagementSystem (.*?)\.\.\.Completed/ {full_vc_refreshes_ended++ refresh_time = $(NF-1) # GET REFRESH TIME IN SECONDS if (max_VC_refresh_time < refresh_time) { max_VC_refresh_time = refresh_time _count = split($(NF-3),vcid_array,".") # split out the vc id by getting first part isolated VC_id = vcid_array[1] #add code to delete entire array vcid_array[1] = "" } refresh_time = 0 } /WorkerMonitor started\./ {workermonitor_starts++} /\[Vm\.perf_capture\]/ { if ($8 == "MIQ(MiqQueue.get)") { vm_collections++ wait_time = int(substr($(NF-1),2,length($(NF-1))-2)) if (wait_time > 600) {gt_600++; # print $3,wait_time # suspent printing this for now } } } END {OFS = "," print datehour_display, errors, warnings,info, debug, server_start,workermonitor_starts,worker_start,workers_killed,has_not_responded,ems_refresh,full_vc_refreshes_started,full_vc_refreshes_ended,max_VC_refresh_time,VC_id,db errors,refresh_timeouts,vcid_last_refresh_started,vm_collections,gt_600,events_caught,events_queued }