- possibility to define SIFactor and datatype when calling spectralindices_from_raster in order to save space
- use GTiff as default raster driver instead of COG
- fix Refl matrix transposition in compute_S2SI_from_Sensor when nb pixels = nb bands
- moved bigRaster as suggestion
- moved wrapperBig_SI_S2perband from bigRaster to spinR
- added function listIndices_spinR describing available spectral indices
- fix spectralindices_from_raster when no mask is provided
- added function spectralindices_from_raster working with bigRaster
- removed multiprocess
- removed Lib_bigRaster (check package bigRaster if needed)
- each spectral index is in an individual function
- added Lib_BigRaster
- corrected computation of CR_SWIR for rasters
- lowcase first letter of functions when possible
- changed function names
- added functions to find optimal combination of spectral bands based on an expression and reflectance data corresponding to a set of spectral bands (multiprocessing enabled for large number of combinations)
- corrected function to compute spectral indices: SpectralIndices instead of spectralindices